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Posts posted by kel0628

  1. Hey everybody! I have been using this forum for information MONTHS now and I decided to create an account today! Now I, too, can contribute my *admittedly limited* knowledge of US immigration! So excited!

    My fiance is from Argentina and we met during a study abroad (my first week there) in may 2009...after that, we were inseparable until I left in July to meet my family in Brazil and then to head back to los estados unidos! Ever since I left, we have talked on skype for hours on end (much like many of you have done as well I'm sure!) and he is coming to visit me for 3 months in less than 3 weeks! He's coming on a tourist visa and then has to go back to Argentina- but it's cool because I will be going to visit him in Argentina (HOPEFULLY!)! I filed for my k-1 in January and so HOPEFULLY we will be getting married (the religious ceremony) in Argentina in July and then LEGALLY in August or so (depending on how fortunate we are with the whole processing time thing! Doesn't matter really- it's just the paperwork part). Anyways- he's the most amazing man I have ever met and I'm extremely blessed to have him! So far, this process has been very tedious, confusing, and costly (they really punish you for loving foreigners don't they???) - but I know that it will be worth it when he's here holding my hand and no longer a floating head on my computer screen! Nice to meet y'all! Look forward to some good discussions!

  2. Hey Jenn, I think that it depends on where you are coming from and who the person who interviews your fiance is. I was really worried about this (like freaking out) and my fiance from Argentina just got approved for his tourist visa today! (btw- he DID list me as his fiance on the forms and he is staying 3 months, the longest time possible for him without an extension) Your fiance being from Pakistan, it may be more difficult- but I know that it can happen! We are waiting for our K-1 Visa to get processed and so he's coming here on a tourist visa to hang out and take care of me for a couple of months, and then he is going back to Argentina until we are approved for the K-1 and he can come as an immigrant. The key is to have substantial proof that he will not stay. THey view you as an immigrant until proven otherwise. Bank records, a stable job, etc. are good.

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