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Posts posted by ADAMandKAREN

  1. My fiance is currently going to school in Malaysia, but was born in Nigeria. He does not have residency there in Malaysia. We were approved for I29F petition and has been sent to NVC and now on its way to his Embassy there in Malaysia...Will they make him go back to Nigeria for interview or will they do it there? Could they deny him because he was born from another country? This embassy does not have the reputation for being difficult, and we do have lots of evidence of a good solid relationship...just worried about the interview process with him being from NIgeria instead of Malaysia. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

    My fiancee is filipina but lives and works in Singapore. She is not a permanent resident of singapore, only has work permit. She had her interview at the embassy in Singapore and did not have to go back to her home country. This would mean to me that your fiance is free to interview in Malaysia.

  2. Hi ADAMandKAREN ,thank you very much for your help .I've rec'd NVC interview letter on 29th Mar 2011 which telling me that my interview date is 19th May 2011 and the letter listed down what documents NVC have rec'd and under Singapore Police Certificate they marked as Unavailable (as i sent the print out notification of Singapore Police stop issuing of such documents to foreigner)from Singapore Police website .And i emailed Singapore US Embassy regarding whether i need to bring CNCC when go for interview and they said yes i need.

    No documents packet received from Singapore US Embassy yet.Will Singapore US Embassy send me a packet later since NVC have already send me the letter i think it's consider P4 ?

    Well i guess the difference in packets and stuff is the fact that you are applying for spouse visa whereas Karen applied for fiancee visa. I think you should just take the info you got from the NVC.

  3. Good day ADAMandKAREN,thank you so much for sharing this information and im wondering what letter is that from Embassy and i have not received any packet from Singapore US Embassy yet and what i have is all from NVC. Any suggestion which letter i can bring to get CNCC? I want to get CNCC before my interview which is on 19th May .

    Thank you so much in advance.


    Hi Faye,

    Well sometime soon the embassy will receive the petition from the NVC and will send you a packet of instructions/forms. The instructions portion of that packet is what i'm referring to when i say letter. The singapore police say they need evidence of your need for a clearance and that letter provides this evidence. You may try to get the clearance before the packet you get the packet but i don't know if it will work or not since my fiancee did not try until she already had the packet. to get the clearance just read this webpage http://www.spf.gov.sg/epc/cert_issued.htm

    You will have to appeal to be able to apply for teh clearance because the clearance is only given to singaporean citizens unless an appeal is made. This adds an extra week to the process. In total it takes a good 3 weeks to get the clearance.

    PS how do you know when your interview is if you haven't gotten your packet yet?

  4. these are the requirements:

    PRISM at taft manila; bring the ff:

    photocopy of fiancé passport

    - photocopy of the bio page passport;

    - photocopy of birth cert if you do not have 2 valid ID's;

    -pics of you and your fiance/spouse;

    -if he has been previously divorced, a photocopy of the divorce decree;

    - Php 250 for counselling fee;

    - Php 150 for the handouts ( the price is too much for a 13 page material) and

    - Ballpen

    after you got your guidance and counselling cert. from PRISM, go to the CFO Main office in QUirino cor. Osmeña Highway to get your green cert and your sticker.

    Also have your visa photocopied as well as the guidance and counselling cert, and pay another Php 400 to get the aforesaid docs.

    And your fiancee has to know the petitioner's mothers full name(include maiden name)

    Hey thanks, I think i was looking at the wrong page earlier. Now i found the one for fiancees. its here: http://www.cfo.gov.ph/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=329&Itemid=78#ThirdA

    the schedule has a lot more time slots. Its mon-fri at 10, 1:30, and 3:30.

    Thanks for the list of stuff to bring, i showed it to Karen and she'll be sure to bring it. I also showed her the CFO site. She did something like this before when she went to work in singapore 3 years ago, so she has a better idea of whats going on than i have.

  5. YES, she needs the CFO Seminar and CFO Sticker.

    Its PDOS(Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar) It is required by CFO(Commision on FIlipino Overseas)..Your fiance needs to have this or she wont be alowed to board on plane without the CFO sticker.She can have the sticker after shes done with the seminar..She can either go to PRISM or ST marys...If you want the adresses and the requirements for the said seminar,just let me know..

    Thanks to both of you, I think I've got it figured out except for one thing. Apparently there is something called the Immigrant Data Summary. I'll have to ask my fiancee if the embassy in singapore gave this to her or not but she never mentioned anything about it. Any idea what this is?

    Manganda am i correct? ---I think she just shows up at the manila CFO office on Mon, wed, or thurs at 10, or on Tues or friday at 2.

    I found this schedule at this link http://www.cfo.gov.ph/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=297&Itemid=77

    she needs to bring with her the items on this page


    Ok i found this


    it says that K-1 visa holders don't need the Immigrant Data Summary. Is there anything else i'm missing from this post?

  6. My fiancee got her visa at the embassy in singapore, however, before she comes to the US she will spend about 2 weeks in the Philippines. Since she is leaving from the Philippines do we have to worry about this or does it only apply for visas issued at a consulate in Philippines (In other words what matters--->does visa issued in singapore exempt her from CFO even if she has philippine passport and is leaving from Manila airport)

  7. Well here is the answer to the first question...It's ok to live in a place where you aren't a citizen. My fiancee is a filipina living in Singapore and we went through the whole process and she got her visa yesterday. It did not cause any problems.

    Secondly all the embassy's are a bit different so the main forms in the packet 3 should be the same but there might be some different instructions. If i had to venture a guess though, the embassy in Paris might be easier than the embassy or a consulate in Brazil.

  8. I agree Clinton about Clinton.. I wanted Hilary..........

    If Clinton was in office we wouldn't be waiting 8-10 months for our spouses.

    Partisan politics started around Clinton and Monica Lewinsky..I believe

    Really? I always thought partisan politics in the US started with Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. However, I could be wrong about that.

  9. LOL Democrats and Republicans, pre Bush always compromised...

    The deficit started way before Obama

    Are you talking about Bush Sr or W? GW Bush never had a shutdown. Clinton had 2 shutdowns (i'm not blaming Clinton for them i'm just stating the facts, IMHO he was a better president than GWbush and Obama....which doesn't say much).

    <sarcsam>really? i thought Obama started the deficit</sarcasm>

    I never claimed Obama invented the deficit (and i never claimed to sing praises to Bush) But Obama sure has hit some new records.

  10. Hi Adam!

    I'm afraid I'll have to agree with what the "lastpetioner" said: Sometimes Embassies do act irresponsibly.

    For instance, my fiance filed a I-129F petition and after several months we finally received the NOA2 and I was contacted by the embassy saying that they would send me the package with instructions and forms.

    Everything looking good so far and they did send the package but the wrong one! They sent me the K2 package instead of the K1. Fortunately we noticed this before the interview and emailed them to confirm the date, subject and documents for the interview. They admitted their mistake and replied us fairly quick. The interview went well and my Visa approved but not given to me right away.

    We were not sure if the American consulate in Lisbon would issue the visa after the interview but I had prepared everything at work for either situation.

    Done with the interview they told me that I had to wait for my visa to arrive and I asked them how long will that take but they couldn't give me an answer. They said that the immigrant visa time lines are quite unpredictable and they depend on how well the "computer system" is working.

    Well, as you might imagine that was not the clearest answer ever and I felt sad, not so much because of waiting but just for the fact that they never give you any date or any sort of guarantees.

    My interview was on the 24th March and based on other VJ's time lines, I suppose the visa will arrive soon.

    Still on the bright side, the visa was approved and this process is almost finished and soon I'll be in the US with my fiancee, Matt!

    Hang on there and I hope both of us will receive good news soon.


    Obrigado por contar isso. Voce e de qual parte de Portugal? Eu passei um ano em Portugal. eu morava em Amadora, Amora, e Evora, mas ja faz algums anos e sinto que estou esquecendo falar Portugues.

    Parabems pelo visto e espero que voce recebe ele logo. Estas embaixadas dos EUA sao dificeis. O embaixado no Singapore nao responde muito bem para os emails que eu mando. Ja decidimos que iremos esperar ate o visto esta na mao dela para ela dimiter-se.

    Hey wow, small world. My wife knows your fiancée from the Church in Singapore. I served my mission there and met my wife there. Congrats on the news, It sounds good. I wouldn't worry too much. Take care


    Hey Nick,

    Yeah i know who you and Conchita are. I don't know you were on this site though. Hope you get her visa soon. This process is too long (especially for people like you who are already married).

  11. I am just wondering why she will pick up her passport... most of us receive our passport via express mail... did she specifically ask for this?

    As for the resigning... if you are not in a hurry yet to get her on a plane and leave.. then I suggest you wait until the visa is received.

    I guess in Singapore they have you pick it up VS in Manila where they send it to you. Yeah we pretty much decided to wait until the visa is received. She was just hoping to go home to Philippines in late April for the festival in her home town but it looks like she won't be able to go until early May since she won't have the visa in hand until next week.

  12. I would suggest to let her resign for it usually takes several weeks to receive the visa via mail. And as a sign of courtesy to the employer I would let them know I'm going to resign to let them prepare for a lost employee...

    Well she is going to put in a resignation. the deal is she has to put a 1 month resignation or they keep her last paycheck. So we are trying to decide if its okay to go ahead and put in the resignation now (one week before she has the visa in hand) or wait until the visa is in hand. Either way, her resignation will be effective 1 month after she submits a resignation letter.

    The reason she kind of wants to do it now instead of waiting a week is because there is a festival in her home town in the philippines (she's in singapore right now) that is about a month from now, so if she is going to attend that she needs to put in her resignation asap instead of waiting a week to put in her resignation.

  13. She had her interview yesterday and this is what happened....

    They took her fingerprints, had her raise her hand and swear an oath, gave her a brown envelope and kept her passport..

    they told her to come back in a week to pick up her passport...

    However, they didn't use the word approved.

    Now i'm not stupid, i know this means approval but the question i have is this. How definite is this? She has to give a 1 month resignation notice at work. Is she safe to go ahead and give that notice tomorrow or should she wait another week (until she has the visa in hand). I know anything is possible, but how possible is it that she won't get a visa at this point?

  14. Hum,

    On a related note, how does one apply for a police certificate in Singapore? The instructions on the application form states

    Will a photocopy of the NOA2 notice of approval sufficiently meet this requirement? If not, what have you successfully used to apply for the police certificate of clearance?


    It might work. My fiancee brought in the letter from the packet that the embassy gave her and they allowed it with that. I don't know if NOA2 will do it though becuase it doesn't specifically ask for a police clearance like the packet letter does. You could try though. It might work.

  15. Hi Adam,

    I dont think Singapore Gov. still issue a police clearance to a non singaporean.

    They only issue it to Singapore Citizen.




    They will let you appeal if you are a non singaporean citizen but i believe that you have to have the letter from the embassy first. Trust me. My fiancee and I are going through it now. We went through the appeal process and everything.

  16. My fiancee is a filipina living in Singapore. Your fiancee will need her birth certificate, NBI Clearance, and a CENOMAR. The CENOMAR needs to go straight from the NSO office to the embassy in Singapore. You must order the CENOMAR online here. https://www.ecensus.com.ph/Secure/frmIndex.asp Just go down to where it says "i want to apply" and click on "Request for copies of Birth / Marriage / Death Certificate / CENOMAR (Singleness)"

    I think that's all she will need from philippines. If i can think of anything else i'll let you know.

  17. Actually the ground rules are the same for every consulate as those are the rules the Department of State provides. Some consulates get additional instructions though, which come from, like Harsh_77 also wrote, the various variables per country but the rules don't change per country.

    Well if you don't follow the "additional instructions" then you don't get a visa. Sounds like you are arguing what the definition of a rule is.

    Also, by definition, "ground rules" vary from place to place.

  18. Rules are same, does not matter what consulate you apply from.

    At same time it depends on lot of variables in every case, mainly a consulate would look into few things like what is the fraud rate, are ppl from that country tend to apply for tourist visa gain entry into USA and never return back etc.

    Local economy also plays into factor when there are not enough jobs and ppl are trying to get to US in hopes for finding jobs – they apply for tourist visa and then stay here illegally and working illegally (specially the low skilled jobs).

    They also look at the past trends where they see lot of youths coming to US on tourist visa and then get married in US and apply for AOS they deny the tourist visa to ppl who fall between age bracket of say 20s-30s and so on.

    Good example is India, until few years back it was really difficult to get a tourist visa, but changing trend in local economy, now days majority of the applicants who come on tourist visa complete their stay in US and return back etc has made it really simple to apply for tourist visa from India.

    No, the rules are not the same from consulate to consulate. It's funny how you make the claim that rules are the same and then you list things that could cause the rules to differ.

  19. I have done some research on completing a K1 Visa but I have yet to find a case similiar to mine. I am a twenty year old woman who was born in the US and currently lives here. I met my fiance in 2005 when I first traveled to Colombia to visit my family and while traveling with my parents. I made another visit in 2007, but it wasnt until 2008 that me and my fiancee made our relationship offical. I went back in May and Decemeber of 2009, where my fiancee proposed. This is where my situation becomes a bit complicated. I am currently a junior in college and I plan to send the I-129F petiton by the end of this month so that hopefully the time of his interview will be in the summer so that it does not affect my schooling. As I was looking up on the evidence that proves that we have a valid relationship, I noticed that it asked for proof of ticket purachases,money transfer receipts,and hotel recepits,etc. But the thing is that i am not financially independent, everytime that I made a trip to Colombia it was done with my parents, I never paid for anything, therefore how could i prove these things? Will be young and dependent effect my fiancees vias process? I also do not have paper copies of my boarding passes, does anyone know where I could retreive these from? Does any one have any suggestions?

    Just a small piece of advice. Double check with the embassy to ensure that they accept co-sponsors for K-1 visas. Some do not. They probably do, but it's important to find out now before you started the process. If they don't accept cosponsors for K-1 visas then you may need to get married in Colombia and do a spouse visa.

  20. Maybe someone can give you a clearer answer but this is how i understand it.

    You cannot get a US passport until you are a US citizen so you must use your Philippine passport.

    It's ok to have your maiden name on your passport and your married name on your green card. However your ticket should match your passport so you probably need to call the airline to clear this up.

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