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Posts posted by ThomasL

  1. Thank you to everyone who has replied so far. Like someone said earlier, I have no idea why anyone would go through the slow, expensive, and painful process of sponsoring someone to the U.S. and then cheat on them after they got here. The sad thing is, before he sponsored her, my wife and I both told her that she should reconsider her relationship with him after this happened the first time. The first time he got caught, in an effort to show her that he could be trusted, he GAVE her the password to his e-mail account so she could check on it if she ever wanted to. She never checked it until this week and found the porn subscriptions and escort service emails. I don't know what the law is regarding escort services in NY but I know adultery is a punishable offense in the military, because I've seen it happen myself. One thing is for sure.....this jerk has caused an awful mess and I honestly don't think he cares at all. He makes all Americans look bad.

  2. On the front page of the base website:

    Commanders hot line:


    LOL.....................we Marines need to take care of you swabbies. :rofl:

    Thanks for the info. I actually did see that link earlier, it's just the part where it says "where all chain of command options have been exhausted" that deterred me. I didn't know if it was appropriate to jump right to this option without trying to handle it at the lowest level first, but this is a special case and we would probably see better results using this option anyway......hopefully something will get done about this. Thanks for straightening me out. I respect the USMC, no matter what anyone else says ;)

  3. Thanks so far to those who've replied. I considered having her talk to someone on base before I posted on this forum, but I don't have all the details of their situation. I was formerly on active duty (US Navy) and I know that what he's doing violates regulations, but unfortunately I don't know what unit he's in and therefore I don't know who the Command Sgt. Major is. The worst part is that her dependent ID card expired awhile ago and it wasn't renewed, so she can't just walk on base. I looked at the Fort Drum website and there's so many units attached to that post that I can't find any one phone number to tell her to call. Any other into would be great. Thanks for the help so far.

  4. My sister-in-law came to the U.S. in May of last year. Her husband is a member of the US Army and they have a residence near Fort Drum, NY. Recently, she noticed that he was getting a lot of phone calls and text messages that he wouldn't let her see, and she noticed that he was leaving really really early for work several times a week with no good explanation. When she finally confronted him about the calls and text messages, he denied everything and when he got the next text, she reached for the phone and he almost ripped it out of her hand to prevent her from seeing it. She eventually saw the message and saw that it was from a woman who was planning to meet him somewhere. He again tried to get the phone out of her hand and this time was successful. Before she could get the phone back, he deleted all of his text messages. He eventually ended up admitting to extramarital affairs and she told him she was finished with him (this same thing happened almost two years ago, before she came here, but she agreed to work it out with him). He packed up her things and told her he wasn't going to help her financially with anything. She has a friend who lives in Pennsylvania that she contacted and he came and picked her up. She is now staying in Pennsylvania with him and his wife. She also has 2 children still in the Philippines that were going to immigrate here in June (needless to say, that will not happen now). Today, she remembered that he had an email account that he gave her the password to a long time ago. She checked it and found several subscriptions to porn sites, and also meeting times and billing arrangements with escort services. What can she do? She has no money and is staying with her friends for now. Can the military do anything for her? Any advice at all? I apologize for the length of this post.

  5. My wife got her CR-1 visa approved at her interview on February 3rd. Her visa just arrived at her home today, which was surprisingly fast. She's asking me how she can get her passport out of the packet without opening the wrong thing.....don't want any problems at the POE. How should she open it? Can she open the plastic part? It also says "do not detach stapled immigrant data summary," but it has no staple. Any ideas?

  6. Congratulations. My wife was also there the same time as you were and also got her CR-1 approved. Her interview was scheduled for 6:30 but it didn't actually happen until around 8:00. I asked her if she had seen you there and she said you looked familiar, so she might have been right next to you and didn't even know it. Her interviewer only looked at chat logs, emails, call logs, cards and letters, and Western Union receipts, and didn't even look at the pictures (she had a whole album and it wouldn't fit in the window, which surprised and kind of annoyed me considering how much money and work it took to make it) but trust me, I'm NOT complaining LOL. Overall, it sounds like the whole experience wasn't that bad and I told her not to worry so much even though she wouldn't believe me. Now it's just a matter of getting that plane ticket......

  7. had the same problem with st. lukes about stretch marks, they did lots of poking on me and released me.

    i was never accused of anything though since i never did have any miscarriage or pregnancy.

    did she tell the doctor in st. lukes about the miscarriage? maybe that is why flag her results for untruthful statements.

    i would advice that you get an affidavit from the doctor/hospital who admitted her when she had a miscarriage 3 years ago.

    i don't know if miscarriage is considered pregnancy but it sure doesn't sound the same as giving birth.

    My wife did not tell the doctor that she had a miscarriage because the question asked was "Have you ever given birth?" She did not go to a doctor when she had the miscarriage 3 years ago because she did not know for sure that she was pregnant and did not figure out it was a miscarriage until some time after the fact. She also told me she had a messed up menstrual cycle before when she was much younger and just figured it was another instance of that and therefore did not seek medical attention at the time. She has suffered no ill effects from it. I told her to go and get at least 3 letters from different doctors (after they examine her again) stating that she has never given birth, so that she will have SOMETHING to show the consul if she is asked. My biggest fear is that the consul won't care about those letters because they aren't from "accredited" or "authorized" doctors like at St. Luke's and the time and expenses of getting these additional exams done will be for nothing. My other fear is that if they think she is not telling the truth about this then that will throw our whole case in jeopardy.....like they will think she's lying about other things too. :( Attending the interview with her is not an option because I am here in the US and attending college full time and I just left the Philippines a little more than 2 weeks ago. I'm only 25 and I'm going to be bald from pulling my hair out over this by the time of the interview next month.......

  8. Greetings.....this is my first posting. My wife and I were alerted by the NVC via email last month (while I was in Cavite, Philippines, visiting her and her family over Christmas) that our paperwork has been completed and that all that was left to do was have her report to St. Luke's in Manila for her medical examination and that her final interview would be on February 3rd. So, earlier this week, she went to St. Luke's for her exam and while I waited all day for her to contact me (due to the time difference) with the details of what happened, she managed to send me a message and it was obvious she was upset. We talked later and she told me that the doctor who examined her was extremely mean and asked her if she had ever given birth, to which she replied "No." The doctor then made her read a statement on the form and repeat it to her in Tagalog regarding making untruthful statements to her. My wife told her she had never given birth and the doctor made a big deal out of some stretch marks that she has (because her weight had fluctuated in the past few years, and she now weighs only about 105 pounds) and the doctor didn't believe her and marked a box on the form that she believes my wife is not being truthful. Seeing this, my wife asked "Why did you do that? So what happens now?" and the doctor replied, "It's up to the embassy to decide." My wife then completed the rest of the examination, to which the hospital sealed her results and took her passport to send to the embassy. She was so upset that afterwards, she went to her family physician to be examined by them, and she explained to them that almost 3 years ago she had a pregnancy scare (because she was very late) and a few weeks later had bled profusely, which to me means a miscarriage (she told me about it when it happened back in 2007, a couple weeks after I had visited her). The doctor told her that even though her cervix was deformed only slightly (due to being pregnant a short time), that there was no way she had ever given birth. What are we supposed to do now? I don't want the consular officer to see the form and think my wife is a liar. I've been to the Philippines 5 times since June of 2007 (one of those times for 2 months) and there was no way she was ever pregnant (aside from the time mentioned above, which was only for a couple of weeks). Any recommendations, or are we screwed because of a few stretchmarks and this unprofessional and ornery doctor? I'm sorry for the long length of this posting.

  9. Greetings.....this is my first posting. My wife and I were alerted by the NVC via email last month (while I was in Cavite, Philippines, visiting her and her family over Christmas) that our paperwork has been completed and that all that was left to do was have her report to St. Luke's in Manila for her medical examination and that her final interview would be on February 3rd. So, earlier this week, she went to St. Luke's for her exam and while I waited all day for her to contact me (due to the time difference) with the details of what happened, she managed to send me a message and it was obvious she was upset. We talked later and she told me that the doctor who examined her was extremely mean and asked her if she had ever given birth, to which she replied "No." The doctor then made her read a statement on the form and repeat it to her in Tagalog regarding making untruthful statements to her. My wife told her she had never given birth and the doctor made a big deal out of some stretch marks that she has (because her weight had fluctuated in the past few years, and she now weighs only about 105 pounds) and the doctor didn't believe her and marked a box on the form that she believes my wife is not being truthful. Seeing this, my wife asked "Why did you do that? So what happens now?" and the doctor replied, "It's up to the embassy to decide." My wife then completed the rest of the examination, to which the hospital sealed her results and took her passport to send to the embassy. She was so upset that afterwards, she went to her family physician to be examined by them, and she explained to them that almost 3 years ago she had a pregnancy scare (because she was very late) and a few weeks later had bled profusely, which to me means a miscarriage (she told me about it when it happened back in 2007, a couple weeks after I had visited her). The doctor told her that even though her cervix was deformed only slightly, that there was no way she had ever given birth. What are we supposed to do now? I don't want the consular officer to see the form and think my wife is a liar. I've been to the Philippines 5 times since June of 2007 (one of those times for 2 months) and there was no way she was ever pregnant (aside from the time mentioned above, which was only for a couple of weeks). Any recommendations, or are we screwed because of a few stretchmarks and this unprofessional and ornery doctor? I'm sorry for the long length of this posting. This whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.

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