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Posts posted by sweden123

  1. Vad skönt att veta! Jag åker en bit för att komma dit och det vore jobbigt om jag var tvungen att lämna mobilen hemma. Sjukt att man numera knappt klarar av 2 dagar utan mobil,haha!

    Tack för svaret!!

    Om inte annat har du ju "bevakade" värdelådor på t-centralen.

  2. I need some help to calm my nerves.

    Me and My wife are soon about to send our AOS forms but i have a question.

    We used to have a sponsor to secure the petition, but now that sponsor pulled out, i now want to know if we still have a chance, she now earns more that enough to cover 125% poverty line, but she hasnt earned enough the last few years. Will this be a problem ?!?!

    Thank you.

  3. Har en liten fråga angående mitt födelsebevis (birthcertificate). Räcker mitt personbevis från skatteverket med alla relationer eller måste jag skicka efter det som jag antar finns hos pastorssambetet (tror det heter så). åsikter? erfarenheter ?, jag förklarade min situation för tjejen i luren på skatteverket och hon sa att detta "borde" räcka till.

  4. As the others have said, you have enough for now, ie for the first stage approval, but you will need more evidence of a bonafide relationship for your interview. You don't have to have lived together, but bring photos of you two together, ideally with friends and family, both from the wedding, before and after. Visit a few times between now and the interview if you can, and keep any plane tickets etc. Keep any letters you send, phone bills, emails, chat logs etc.

    I have heard visiting during the process can cause some major delays because of extra backgroundchecks, anybody know anything about that ?

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