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Posts posted by JuarezJeff

  1. Ok here is my question if anyone could help.

    I am trying to start the K1 process and I have a fiance, stepson, 2 children, and 1 on the way (I know, alot of children lol), I have been living and working in Juarez Mexico with them, but now am in the process of trying to get them all into the US. With that being said, I know that my income from mexico can not be claimed. I read through the guides, wiki, and the I864 requirements, and am confused. It says that a co-sponsor must live in the same household? I have both a mother and sister who are more than willing to co sponsor, and together make around 90k a year combined income, but do not live in the same household. So, what can we do? Do we have any chance at all of being approved? I just moved back to SC, and am trying to build a household here so that my fiance and children will have a decent life here. I am not rich, but dearly love my fiance and kids, so any help here would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  2. Thanks everyone for the good information. Also I do not understand the comment that someone left about the K2 visa for the children. The immigration office here in SC told me that the children would be allowed to come over with her under the K1 fiance visa. I plan on filing the K-1 med feb, I need to make a trip to Juarez first because of the biographic informaion sheet that she needs to fill out, or am I allowed to fill that out also? It requires her signature so I imagine that she will have to fill that out.

    I really appreciate all of you people who respond, I stumbled on this site while searching for the timelines of the K1 Visa. Also after the 5 month wait period for the interview, about how long of wait are we looking at for her to actually be able to cross over and come up here?


  3. I am starting the K=1 process and have a few questions, and I was hoping someone could help. I have a fiance in Cd. Juarez Mexico, and we have 2 children together and 1 step son. First of all, has anyone been through this lately, and does anyone know about how long it takes start to finish? Second, Due to the fact that my fiance and children are in Cd. Juarez, which is the most dangerous city in Mexico where they are killing 10 -15 pepole daily, would that qualify for an emergency hearing? Could that possibly take less time. I was told that in certain situations where you family is in fear for their life that it could possilbly take less time. Anyone having any suggestions or that has been through this and can offer some insight on my situation I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

    Thank You for your time,


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