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Posts posted by IndianVisa

  1. I was warned about robberies before my first trip to Nigeria. Let me tell you honey, we had some close calls when I was there. Well, anyway let me tell you my story and I will make it short.

    I was walking down the street not to far from where my husband and I were enjoying our honeymoon. The place we were at was suppose to be one of the nicer areas. Okay, it was about time for me to return home. I took a brisk walk down the street to get some pastries. I was walking by myself. All these different men in these fancy cars was slowing down trying to talk to me, very assertively. I dismissed all of them anyway. Later on, two guys walked passed me. I paused for a second and grab some dirt in both of my hands or rather sand. I turned down a street. Next thing I knew, these guys turned back around and started following very quickly.

    After that I immediately, signaled for one of the guys that drive the motor bikes around town. I hopped on his motor. The driver on the motor bike turned around and gave the guys a kind of low eye look because he knew what they were up to. Honey he saved my life. I will never do that ever again.

    I am not trying to scare anyone about going to Nigeria, but you got to use some street smart, these people move very quickly. You just got to keep your eyes and ears open. And it did not help me at all looking like a black american because everyone knew I was not from there by looking at me.

    Enjoy your trip

  2. First, I would like to say, there beauty in every race. From my experience, I hope I provide the answer that will help you to better understand what is going on.

    I have had some white men tell me that they like long hair, and I have had some white men tell me they like short hair on women, and some just don't care as long as you look presentable.. There are some black men who like light completion women and there are some black me who like darker completion women and some just don't care, as long as you look nice and presentable.

    I am a black american woman. I have been married to a white man before, am divorced from him now. Now, I am married to a Nigerian.

    Now, I did not read all of your post on the one that I am replying too. Now, listen if he knows that it makes you upset that he wants you to wear wigs---he is playing mind games. And it is kind of hard for me to express my words clearly while I type because if I was talking to you face to face are over the phone, I could use a little more explanation as to what I am saying.

    I would personally wear the wigs myself if that what he wants only because I like them. However, I don't like the fact that he wants you to wear them because he has some issues with your hair.

    Now, listen very carefully to what I am about to say, okay. Just because he wants you to wear wigs, does not mean that he loves you less, okay. He only wants you to look a certain way. Do you understand what I am trying to say.

    I don't know to much about African Society in regards to what looks better on a woman. I personally think, that he thinks a wig makes you look better. And if he know that wearing a wig bothers you, he is going to ask you to not to wear it all or he is going to request that you wear it all of the time.

    Personally, I think the black race in a whole is one of the most beautifuliest races in the world. We have nice curves, back sides and waiste and some of the most beautifuliest skin completions,,from maghogany to coffee to carmel. We don't have to sit out in the sun to get a tan. We don't have to get breast implants, or lip injections. We all may not have that flowing beautiful hair. But we are beautiful honey. We are loved by all races of men in general. Some other races will only date black women. Please...If he can't appreciate natural beauty. Maybe he needs to get a one of those plastic women...or maybe he just being right down selfish,,,thinking about what he wants you to be.

  3. Is that for a land line phone or cell phone?

    Hey everybody,

    I just wanted to drop in to share a great prepaid calling service that I just began using.

    The calls rates are unbelievable and they offer a detailed call record history (great for presenting proof to the consular at the interview ;). Basically, the calling works two different ways. First you enter your direct callback #(Beginning with '00' + your home or cell phone number), then you enter the number you want to dial, once again beginning with '00'+234+802+1+726-5893. Next, you click on the outgoing number. Then you will receive a call to the direct callback number you entered. Upon answering the phone, your destination number will be dialed. Voila, your friends and loved ones are on the other end.

    Option 2, works the same way, except you actually place the calls over the computer (Like, yahoo voice. So if you have a microphone & speakers, you are good to go.)

    The sound quality/clarity is just like you are talking to your next door neighbor (and you know that is fabulous, especially when you call Nigeria! :unsure: ) There are no dropped calls (at least I didn't experience any)

    Best of all I talked for 30 mins and the call only cost $0.93!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 20min call=$0.63

    Basically ALL calls are $0.03/min with a $0.03 connection fee... No hidden charges.

    Don't take my word for it...Check it out for yourself! :thumbs:


  4. Could someone please tell me how far back are Lagos Interview Dates? Why is there a delay? Any information is appreciated. I am trying to find out what is going on for someone else. There case was completed with NVC as of March 2006. Now it is July 2006. NVC Customer Service is giving the same generic answer,,"We are waiting on Lagos." There has got to be someone out there at NVC that knows about the hold up and were are they at scheduling interviews. This makes no sense. Its not fair for people to have to wait to be reunited with their love one. When other Embassies are scheduling interview within a month after completion dates with NVC. I feel sympathy for those who are out there waiting. There's so much feelings of uncertainty during the visa process. Not knowing if the visa will get approved. Waiting and Waiting and Waiting.

    I wish you all the best during this stressful process. At this point, I can't say I fully understand how everyone feels out here because my process went through very quickly. But I will say this it was extremely ruff, and I can only imagine how those who have been waiting months just to get scheduled an interview and are still waiting feel. This makes me very upset and I don't think it is fair. :(

  5. Does anyone on this forum know why there is a delay in the scheduling of Interview with Lagos, Nigeria? Does anyone know what month they are working on as far as scheduling interviews for immigrant visa? Please I need your insight!! I am posting on behalf of someone else. Her case was completed in March with NVC and four months has already passed. Thank you in advance for any information, you provide.

  6. They will ask you to file your current three past years. ---2003. 2004, 2005--- If you don't have it by the time the pkg reaches the US Embassy abroad, I have heard of cases were they tell the beneficiary that the petitioner needs to go back and file current years and causes delay with visa issuance. Even if the I-864 has passed approval by the NVC. I have one question to ask you? If I am understanding you correctly your I-864 has already been approved, reviewed by the NVC? If this is the case, make sure that you send your up to date filed information to the beneficiary, and when they ask (the Embassy) he/she can pull them out. You should have time to file them before your cases reaches Embassy. It would not hurt to do another updated I-864 form and have it notarized with the updated information and give it to your beneficiary. Good Luck

  7. Numbers to Call

    You can call U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) toll-free for automated information and live assistance concerning immigration services and benefits within the U.S., including Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

    1 (800) 375-5283

    If you are outside the United States and have filed an application or petition with a USCIS Service Center, you can call 785-330-1048 to check the status of your case. This number provides automated information only. There is no live assistance available at this number.

    If you are outside the United States and need more information concerning United States immigration, please contact the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

    Hours of Operation

    Customers can access automated information through a menu of automated options 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During regular business hours, customers who need more information or assistance can be transferred to a customer service representative.

    Live assistance is available Monday through Friday as follows:

    Customers calling from Alaska: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM local time;

    Customers calling from Hawaii: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM local time;

    Customers calling from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM local time;

    Customers calling from anywhere else in the United States: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM local time.

    In Guam, live assistance is available Tuesday through Saturday, 6:00 AM to 11:00 AM local time.

    The best times to call the NCSC for personal assistance are Tuesday through Friday.

  8. Hi Girl,

    I was thinking about you. You definitely disappeared off the face of the earth, but I don't blame you---I did to when my husband arrived here. Now, I must say your husband is pretty cool to go snow skiing and being in the cold weather. Well, unfortunately my hubby has been complaining about the weather. He constantly keeps this heat on in the house and it is just about hot as Nigeria. He will turn it up an 10 extra degrees behind my back or when I am sleeping or when I am away from home. Anyway, your husband needs to convience my husband that hanging out in the cold weather is not that bad, especially when you snuggle up! :P I feel your joy all the way over here. I am so happy for you!!!! :dance:

    Hello fellow VJer's,

    Some of my close buddies here laughed (But probably didn't take me seriously :no: ) when I mentioned the fact that I would be MIA after my hubby & I finally permanently reunited. Interesting, my sole reason for stopping by VJ today was infact to share a couple of web links regarding a breaking news story out of Naija, when I noticed this topic, which of course, pertains to myself... :lol:

    Wow! Let me tell you, we are purely & simply enjoying our married life!!! :dance: (Praying to God that the marital bliss we share never fades away :innocent: ). As a select few of you already know, hubby had two job prospects lined up, one at the our local health sciences university and another at a research lab. Well, he received an interview date with the first, later this month!!! :dance::dance:

    Thats probably the most exciting and encouraging news thus far. Other than that, we have been taking weekend excursions to hot get away spots. The most exciting trip was when we hit the slopes at Mt. Hood ski lodge. Neither of us know how to ski, however I wanted him to experience SNOW :P , so we purchased an afternoon ski lesson (which was another funny story within itself :wacko: ) and just went for it! When my honey's legs did a 180 degree split, we both burst into deep belly laughter!!!! It was a very nice experience because we had our little cabin w/fireplace (I won't go any further, you all are smart enough to figure out the rest! :devil::thumbs: ).

    On his arrival date, we made it to the casino (Another new experience for hubby). I don't know what I enjoyed more, the sounds & sights the atmosphere offered, or the shiny, wide eyed expression on hubby's face as his eyes perused the casino in utter amazement :blink: We didn't have any winnings worth mentioning, but the fun that we had was priceless! :D

    The day following his arrival we had scenic carriage ride, which toured the historical downtown vicinity as well as the shopping district. It was cold and sunny, but we were bundled up and snuggled together, so it wasn't so bad. After the ride, we visited the major department stores, and a candy store (talk about a kid in the candy store, hubby was the biggest kid of them all)! We grabbed a couple of corn dogs along the way and a Starbucks caffine treat (that had my honey so energized that he didn't want to retire for the day!)

    Everything on the homefront is going well-NO ARGUMENTS TO DATE! :thumbs: (Not to say they are not going to surface, because they will, but for now it's all good. Besides, I think we can leave the arguing in the cooler for now, because I tell you I have done enough screaming, yelling, ranting & raving with him over the past 3 years to last a lifetime.

    I've been taking on the role of chef Emeril Lagasse these days and I LOVE IT! Basically, just teaching hubby how to prepare breakfast. He really enjoys using the juicer to make my fruit/veggie elixir. He brought me breakfast in bed this morning! My favorite whole wheat bagel, yogurt, pear, topped off with a freshly made glass of juice (I guess he was feeling pretty brave & creative because he informed me that he decided to add an additional 'surprise' veggie this morning. Rhubarb perhaps?:huh: Top secret info that I'm not privy to...LOL Whewwww!! I could only smile and laugh at all the prep and cook time involved to fix my meal :lol: Ahhhh shucks, I gotta :luv: him!)

    This morning we are on our way to the gym to work out. He really looks forward to going every morning and he really is great work out partner. I thought he would be overwhelmed and/or intimidated by the 24 hour fitness center, but to my surprise he transitioned well.

    Now, that the 16th annual Cascade Festival of African Films is upon us, we have decided to see all 30. Last Friday, we viewed HERITAGE, in which hubby enjoyed since it is was based out of Nigeria. So, we basically our engaging in free movie dates on Thurs-Sat. (A nice way to spend time together on rainy afternoons/evenings.

    We have been kicking around the idea of having a private wedding ceremony, but for now, thats just an idea-only a brainstorm. At this point, we have decided that neither of us want to plan & tackle the third ceremony. Instead, we desire to continue our trend of living our moments together to the fullest! NO HOLDS BARRED!!!

    It seems like my life is just beginning. We can now breathe a deep breath of fresh air now that the immigration process is long behind us.

    No promises, but periodically I will try to make it a point to stop by, but I pretty much converse via phone w/my buddies. Life is just changing so rapidly for us. Now, I have to factor my hubby and our social/personal life into the equation of school and work (which is pretty time consuming). There just isn't much time left for anything else with all that we have on my plate.

    I can honestly say that I managed to take advantage of sharing in the camaraderie here at VJ for well over 7 months(seemed like eternity). I always looked forward to the day in which I could refrain from spending so much time here, and return to the board to give an informative update, after life as I know it was restored to a state of normalcy. These days, my efforts & attention are spent focusing on what I deem paramount, finishing school & building a strong married/family life. In the future, after the smoke clears, my sincere intentions are to come on board and offer my assistance to others. But for now, first things first.

    Much thanks and hugs & smooches to everyone for your support in such trying times. My best wishes to those of you that have been victoriously reunited and best of luck to those of you whom are yet on your visa journey! ( (F)

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