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Adam Pryor

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Posts posted by Adam Pryor

  1. In my case NVC sent me an email called " NVCCASE# - appointment cvr letter " which I received on the 13th of April my SIF was April 2 & Case Complete on Apr 3. You'll need to print it out for the medical and interview "2 copies each to be safe". Also our Interview date/time was in this cover letter.

    Also the cover letter has a little helpful section called " NOTICE TO VISA APPLICANTS " which has a grade for differnt forms/certificates. Different letters represent what you're missing, for example

    Birth Certificate D

    "D = Certified document received"

    I wouldn't trust going by this though, always bring those backups just incase. It's just nice to see what you may or may not have problems with.

    I Wish you all the luck in the world.


    I notice here What day did you two get married.

    what does it mean?

    Are you both married before? before she marry you? or you marry her?

    Is she married before thats why the consul asked her why...

    OR she knows when your visa approved is she known the date to marry you within a 90 days of arrival there to be with you?

    What kind of visa did you applied..

    Pls help me.


    Sorry I'll try to explain that better.

    I applied for CR1 Visa...We got married in April 09.

    He just asked what day was our marriage on, and she basically just said the date.

  3. ---

    Hi Good day

    I want to ask about those questioned had happened to her..

    She said he was a moody person and didn't talk to much. I was shocked at the questions he asked and how long it took. He basically asked...

    I want to know what she has said or what's the answer she said ? on this questioned;What day did you two get married.???

    Can you give me clarity about this?


    She just said his tone of voice and actions made him seem like a moody person...maybe we got his good side LOL?

    She basically just replied...

    Her Name

    My Name

    Our Marriage Date

    And than he asked for Marriage proof...

    She first handed the 50+ emails to him "was a male" and 3 years of bank statements.

    She said he browsed through it quickly, and than he looked at his PC and said " you're Approved move on to the counter". We had 100+ Pictures of us together, Wedding & Honeymoon included which he never looked at. She had double copies prepared of everything we sent to NVC+USCIS just incase and none of it was ever looked at. I was so worried coz my wife is a very sensative person that gets hurt by rude ppl easily. At her Medical she had a very rude doctor that treated her like a ignorant person, now that was a bad experience.

  4. As of May 24 9:00 AM "Manila Time" my wife's interview was Approved in Manila. I want to thank everyone that has assisted me on here especially " canadian_wife, Dakine, and Darnell. If it wasn't for you I would've wasted more time and I had already wasted 3 months before your help. It all worked out in the end and those 3 months I wasted let my wife achieve her bachelor's in Nursing & Science this April.

    I'de like to share her Interview experience which may help someone. I was shocked when she told me how the interview went down.

    She was fortunate to have a Nice Filipino at the first preliminary interview. It turned out she forgot a few papers and he was very linient about it. She forgot her legal capacity of marriage and they asked for her baptism certificate which we never knew she needed. They forwarded her to the consulate officer to be interviewed.

    She said he was a moody person and didn't talk to much. I was shocked at the questions he asked and how long it took. He basically asked...

    What is your name.

    What is the petitioner's name.

    What day did you two get married.

    He looked over the 50+ emails

    Looks at his pc...ok you're approved plz move on to the counter for further instructions. It took 2 minutes! Is that normal???

    Anyways I'm just happy the process is over. Soon as she gets her visa hopefully in the next 10 days like it's suppose to be. I will finally be reunited with my wife in June.

    Again thanks to everyone that assisted me, I am beyond grateful. I want to wish everyone else luck in this whole proccess. Just be strong and know it will be over with sooner than you think.

  5. Hello all... I'm wondering if anyone can assist me with an answer to this question? I'll explain this odd situation im in first.

    I'm filing a CR1 for my wife

    My w2's has my old address on them, which is my father's house and still is "I stated it was a previous address". I moved out a few years ago before I filed my petition, I might add. I never changed my address at work, I never really cared to because it wasn't ever a problem. I would just ask my father when/if the w2's ever arrived. Now im worried this might cause an rfe or my cr1 denied bcause of the difference in my address on the w2's. I'm hoping this won't be a problem but I've heard how much these visa checks are under the microscope.

    I'de really appreciate any assistance anyone can give me.

  6. You are in a FANTASTIC situation if you ask me. The I-130 route takes you to the Cr-1 visa which is a superior, cheaper, faster visa than the K-3.

    You're too late for the K-3 since your I-129F has already been approved, but count youself lucky, follow the guides and Ling Che's short cuts to get through NVC quickly.

    What country is your wife from?

    Good luck

    Thany you and everyone else that replied, I'll have to look into that CR-1. I really have no clue now lol...well I'll surely research this as much as I can. My lovely wife is from Cebu , Philippines. She's currently about to graduate college this March and receive a bachelor's degree in nursing & science. She's about to turn 23 this Feb. and me 25 this Jan and are both dying to get our lives started. Again thank you canadian_wife and everyone else that replied. Also thank you Darnell for the link you provided, you don't know how much I appreciate everyone's advice and help... thank you ALL very much.

  7. Hello everyone and anyone willing to help me out here. Im seeking help and would very much appreciate anyones help. I'm not sure if im in a good or bad situation. Anyways I met my wife almost 3 years ago and we got married last year in her country on 4/6/09. I petitioned my wife in Sept. 09 and I really had no clue what I was doing. I had a friend who married to my wife's cousin back in 2002. They actually assisted me in this whole petition proccess. I followed their advice and they did help me out quite a bit. My petition got messed up somewhat because of a few things. They told me to send the I 130 & the I 129F together. So I did that and I was very anxious to get this process going. I received my "I 130" NOA 1 after 3 weeks but no I 129F. So I waited about a month and nothing, so started getting worried.

    I started to do some research and I seen "I was suppose to send the I 129F after you get the I 130 recept". So I called USCIS and talked to some lady and she said what I did was fine "even though I doubted her". I did what she said and even waited an extra 3 weeks and still no NOA 1 for the I 129F. So I called USCIS back and this new lady said what I had feared, that I should have sent the I 129F after with the I 130 receipt. She said to just resubmit the I 129F with the I 130 receipt. To my surprise I checked my online case status and my status had changed. My case status went from "Initial Review" - to -"Post-Decision Activity" and below it says "On January 11, 2010, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN."

    I'm just wondering if im in a bad situation that I haven't even sent the I 129 in yet or what? Please tell me it's not too late to send the I 129F ? I knew this proccess would take patience and I'm giving it everything I have. I stumbled upon this site and I am seeking anyone's suggestions or advice. I would appreciate it very much if anyone can help me out.

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