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Cupcake _boo

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Posts posted by Cupcake _boo

  1. Hi there i have a question regarding my AOS interview. Ok here it is...

    I don't have dvm issued ID card and i don't have the time to wait for it to be issued. My interview is in the end of the mount and in DMV said that they will mail it within 60 days, so it will not b ready by the time of the interview. I don't have driving license also, never had passed a driving test.

    I have my EAD card and my foreign passport oh and my AP. Can i enter the appointment room with any of those documents?

    Thank you in advance. :innocent:

  2. INDEED... I have only a few photos and may b like a phone bill with my cell on but its till on the name of my hubby, i have some hospital docs that he list me like a contact person. I had never open a bank account here (never worked at all ) and i still don't have no health insurance they said they need my ssn which im going to apply for 2morrow, just got my EAD, have never had driving license so the car insurance is all his... the lease are on his name, the utility bills almost everything... (feeling sad now i practically dont have anything :crying: ) What if i don't pass... i can leave my boo alone here :crying::help:

    I mean i can't leave him. Sorry for the language mistakes, its just a little late over here :unsure:

    Oh...this all thing is kind of stressful :bonk:

  3. include whatever you have that can make up for what you don't have. cards, bills, acct statements, joint bank statements, insurance etc (unless these were already submitted in your AOS application.

    as for the K1 medical exam, for as long as it was still w/in the 1 yr period,it's ok. no need to redo it just for the interview. good luck!

    INDEED... I have only a few photos and may b like a phone bill with my cell on but its till on the name of my hubby, i have some hospital docs that he list me like a contact person. I had never open a bank account here (never worked at all ) and i still don't have no health insurance they said they need my ssn which im going to apply for 2morrow, just got my EAD, have never had driving license so the car insurance is all his... the lease are on his name, the utility bills almost everything... (feeling sad now i practically dont have anything :crying: ) What if i don't pass... i can leave my boo alone here :crying::help:

  4. Hey guys


    I have a question about this relationship evidence for AOS interview...

    We didn't have a wedding, all was pretty much privet only me and him... so no pictures.

    well we have some pixs from parties and with his family. Not much documents ether...

    Do you think that it can be a problem?

    What other evidences i can submit, can you give me some ideas?

    PS how i can get this 'green stamped' or whatever certified copy of the marriage certificate?

    And about this medical... i think that we sent it with the hole AOS package, and it than it was almost 1 year after my K1 I used the medical from the K1 exam...and do i need to have another one now or its ok with this that i submitted with the AOS ?

  5. '

    Everyone seems a little hung up on Fee Waiver.. so here's the USCIS info on it: http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=6fbad59ae8a8e010VgnVCM1000000ecd190aRCRD&vgnextchannel=fe529c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1RCRD

    Long story short, you CAN request a waiver of the fees if you can demonstrate an inability to pay etc... obviously the OP has tried this route and has had their application for a fee waiver denied.


    OP - this means that you will need to send your application with the fee.

    You entered on a K1. As long as you married in the 90 days, then you are safe to file AOS with the $1010 fee. You CANNOT leave the US until your Greencard is approved OR you have an approved AP document otherwise you will have to start everything from the start again (only this time a marriage visa because you should be married now)

    If you have been in the US 180 days past your I-94 date, then you will incur a 3 year ban on attempting to leave the US.. if you don't get your greencard. Which means that if you apply for your AP and it's granted AFTER the 180 days have passed you CANNOT use it. So in your situation, I think you should not bother sending off for the AP document unless you desperately need to visit home for a while as you're cutting it awfully close to the 180 day deadline (it will take around 3 months to be approved unless you expedite).

    Best of luck and :guides:


    Lol thank u guys but now I'm like on the half of this 180 days I mean not yet but soon ,so if I apply for it soon I mean as soon as we can cuz we really hoped on the fee waiver:( so in the instructions they talk bout this 180 days and they say that the ap supose 2 b filed b4 this 180 days, but is there anyway to make it faster than 3 mounts. And I don't think that they proceeding the aos now after I reseaved 'almost' everything back... I guess I gatta start all over again, but now if I go back home n apply there they still can cut me off cuz of this 180 days or in ma case around 60, right?

  6. I called the immigration ppl d last nite they told me that i gatta go 2 a CS in any case to validate the vaccinations or something so i'll give him a call 2nite.

    Humm... I was wondering if i need a new medical cuz they saying that after jan 2010 thay will not accept I-683 filled in the old forms. But when i called the immigration guy didn't say nothing about this. They said only the Vaccination passport.

    I don't know if they consider my old medical as submitted or not...

  7. yeah but it will not be a problem if i have a SSN and i over stay a lil bit... because i really don't know when we will receive the marriage certificate so i can apply for my AOS. So u kno when ur in this position is not good to take the attention of the institutions. I really have no idea when the certificate will arrive I'm trying to get all other papers done before i get it so i can mail it imminently after it arrives. We can pay the fee trough the internet right or we can pay in the Local immigration office when we give them the AOS package .

  8. Hi everyone:)

    I have a question about the marriage certificate that i have to send with my AOS package is it have to be an original or photocopy ?

    When me get married the judge in the chapel gave us something called 'customer's copy' can i use this or i have to wait for the original marriage certificate that they will sand by the post? They said that it can take from 4-6 weeks. I guess that it take time for them to register it.

  9. 'If your medical was completed in less than a year, you will be able to take your DS-3025 (vaccination sheet) in to a CS and ask them to transcribe it.'

    My medical was completed 3 mounts ago. The only thing is that i didn't have the full HPV vaccination process cuz all this with the brands and that i want to get pregnant.

    So... I read in the immigration page that since Jan 2010 the HPV vaccinations and the HIV tests are not required any more.

    I have a photocopy of my vaccination page (they gave me this after my medical). Can i use it to apply for the AOS or as u said i gatta ask 4 transcribe? what is CS?

    so in any case i gatta contact an authorized doctor?

  10. When I was taking my medical in my country in the end they gave me a photo copy of the vaccination passport it's like a big page with all the vaccines I got. But... when i was going i had my HPV vaccine (this the most expensive one) but when i came here they didn't have the same brand here another brand is approved for use...and i didn't get the full course. But i read that from Jan this year the HPV vaccines are not required any more. I called my doctor and she told me that is not good to get different brands of the vaccine plus now we traing for a baby and i don't suppose to get it if I'm pregnant. :wacko:

    So now i have to find one of this doctors here and get all again?

    My medical will b like 3 mounts when i post the papers... that's way less than an year.

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