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Posts posted by artfulalex

  1. My wife turned in the requested documents on August 31 that was on our blue sheet. They took everything and went into another room then came out with another blue sheet. It said the case requires additional processing and to wait for them to contact us. Do not need to submit anything else.

    So what does this mean? Is this AP? I though AP was Administrative Processing. Not sure what to do other than sit and wait.

  2. Her having a lot of relatives here is what was worrying me. Especially cause most of them recently came here within the last 3 years because her Uncle had them sponsored. My wife is also eligible to come here with her mother in a couple years also even if I didn't sponsor her. They also live in my area. Our families have been pretty close ever since we came to America as refugees.

  3. Interview was August 3. My wife said everything was going fine and that they even slipped the pink slip in but then took it back after one more question. They asked if she had relatives living in the U.S. She listed all the ones she knew which was a lot. About 7 families total. The interpreter took the pink out and gave her the blue.

    The questions were the usual: how we met, when we met in person, when was the last time, did we have a Dam Hoi, and wedding.

    My wife messed up on questions about where I went to school. She couldn't remember what school and where it was located. The name is really long. Anyways blue sheet requires and updated timeline, list of my past residences for the last 10 years and a list of my spouse's relatives and residences in the U.S.

    Date to submit, August 31.

  4. Hello,

    We just received my Wife's interview appointment letter via e-mail. Now I'm wondering if we should hire a lawyer to help with interview prep such as organizing paperwork, interview questions and such. Our case is a CR1 Visa. The interview is August 3, 2010. If it's a good idea to hire someone, then who do you guys recommend? She said she found someone but he wants $550 and from what I've seen of his track record I think I could probably do his job. The last person he helped took 2 years to get a Visa for Canada. Also worried about the medical exam. My wife's not used to taking on responsibility without help.

    P.S. We haven't been able to get this far without VisaJourney's help. Thanks in advance.

  5. Well it's tax time again and I'm even more confused this year. I am going to be filing as married jointly. I know I will have to apply for a ITIN for my wife using Form W-7. The thing I'm confused about is where to have my wife's proof of ID documents notarized so that they would be accepted by the IRS. She has a passport and I was thinking of having her send it here for me to make a notarized copy and then I'd send the passport back to her. Would that be accepted? If not where could she go? She lives in Tan Hiep, Kien Giang Province. She had the passport made in Rach Gia City.

  6. Hello everyone. I've just filed an I-130 and I am a little worried about something. I've been seeing people mention passport stamps as a form of proof for trips to see their significant others. That is where my problem is. I don't have any stamps in my passport from entering Vietnam on my two trips. I only have stamps in my passport when I came back to the USA. Is that normal or did the people working at the airport in Ho Chi Minh City not stamp mine on purpose because I didn't give them enough "paperwork". Also the copies of my Visas were made before I left for my trips.


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