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Posts posted by hallett

  1. You have the two best guys in your corner. I hired Ellis too and was very pleased with there services. I assume Mr. Nam and his office girls prepared your fiancee for interview as they did my fiancee . Make sure she looks them in the eye and smiles from time to time, if your an American they will conduct at least part of the interview in English,(they switched it up with my lady, her English wasn't good and her Vietnamese was fair to partly cloudy.) Have her answer with confidence, being that you have Nam on your side, I'm sure she is ready. He was very blunt and to the point with my fiancee and told her how important it was to know everything about me and my family. I did not go back to Vietnam for interview. Mr. Nam will will also book your flights for her.

    All the best. Rich

    Well guys I wanted to thank all of you Thuy & I had are interview on the nov 22 we passed. we had are interview early in the morning we were both a little nerves but we had a great case thanks to Mr. Ellis & Mr. Nam there service was extant

    We could have not picked a better lawyer to represent are case. The interview took a total of about 10 min at the most. we were asked about four questions like were we met & when?. How many trips did I make & when. Asked when we would be getting married & where. Then he said everything looked very well & said congratulations have a nice life. That was it we are both so happy Thuy will be here on Dec 26th . I just wanted to say thank you & if anyone is looking for some good representation I would not hesitate in call in calling Mr. Nam. & Mr Ellis.

  2. Thuy & I will have are interview on Nov 22 I think we are all ready.

    Mr. Ellis & Mr. Nam have done a extant job so far with are case are file

    Is very organized & looks to prepared very well. I will be flying back

    To Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam on the 16th any last departing words? or advice

    Thuy & I have been together over six years. I can't wait for her to be here.

    I just wanted to say thanks guys I don't post much but sure appreciate

    The advice & reading . Thanks again :thumbs:

  3. I'd hire Marc Ellis and Mr Nam. They are best Immigration Lawyers in Vietnam. They are great handling Red Flags and will not leave any stone unturned. My wifes journeys was 10 months after filing. the preparation alone 3 weeks before interview alone was worth every penny. She was prepared for any question the Co threw at her. Answered in English and later in Vietnamese, neither her English or Vietnamese was good she needed all the prepping she could get.

    best of luck. Rich.

    Some good advise I also hired Mr. Ellis & Mr. Nam they have done a great job for

    for us. they are very thrall in there preparation . I would hire them again. :thumbs:

  4. Hi guys I am new here I have been lurking for quite some time but haven't posted much.

    I was wondering what the prose's is I sent are file in last week it looks like the received it on the first

    of may. how long does it take to get a interview whets the prose's thanks in advance

    you guys are so helpful. :thumbs the interview will be in

    Ho chi minh city. vietnam .

  5. Stalling. They know if you are going to get a pink or blue before the interview in most cases. Most CO's are junior and can't even make the choice themselves and have to go to a more senior person and let them know how the interview went and what is to be done. With the blue for whatever reasons it gives them time to make a decision.

    Hi guys i am new here & have a question is it best to pre load the file with the timeline?

    or just have it ready at the interview? we will be sending are file in soon .

    thanks for all your help. this forum has realy helped.

  6. Good luck on the interview! :thumbs:

    Leave the Flip plugged into the USB port on your laptop overnight (laptop must be turned on). That should recharge it.

    I wish you the best of luck keep us posted please.

    my first post :thumbs:

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