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Posts posted by Janus007

  1. Hi people,

    I have been a long time member of these boards but I am posting this under a sudernim for reasons that will become obvious soon.

    I married my USC spouse, and have filed to remove the conditions on the permanent residence (currently waiting for the petition to process). However my relationship with my USC spouse could best be described as strained (it has only been like this recently the first 18 months were gloriously happy). I desperately want to keep the marriage together however every time I have an argument with my spouse their favorite thing to do is threaten to "pull my visa" or threaten that unless I give certain guarantees of support if they were to leave. As you can imagine this has me quite worried.

    my question is that my spouse signed the ROC forms willingly and of her own free will and volition, what can my spouse do to "pull my visa" after the paperwork has been filed and received by the USCIS.

    The obvious thing that they could do would be to refuse to attend any interview but there is no guarantee that we will get one of those. They also threaten to call the USCIS and "cancel my visa" petition but I am not sure they can do that? (I filed the patition not only with their knowledge and written signature but a large volume of documentary evidence to prove a joint life it must have been 200 pages or more).

    My question is, I understand that the review that happens at the ROC phase is just to determine that the marriage "was not for the purposes of avoiding immigration" (which it in-fanatically was not). So the only thing that my spouse could claim is that the marriage was a fraud, and since they signed papers that is was not and vouched for me they would get them selves into trouble.

    So what can my USC spouse realistically do to cancel or derail my ROC?



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