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Posts posted by saritamackita

  1. So I guess I'm a little confused about what I should do. My husband and I are now separated, but we have a child together. We separated in May of last year and he got the green card in January of that year. So i guess it was kind of close together. However, we have been on again off again (but I honestly want it to be off) some since then and I drive an hour and a half every week or every other week over to where he lives so that he can be with our kid. So I could easily come up with photos of us, it would just be harder to prove that we reside together. Any advice? Thank you. I'd like for him to still be able to stay for the sake of our child.

  2. So my husband and I got married May 2010 and have a child together born in January 2010. He had his interview in January and got accepted for the green card. Things really had not been going well between us and so we just separated about a month ago, but not legally. I am afraid if I do it legally then he will essentially have to leave the country or not be able to remove his residency conditions in another year or so. Is this true? It would be really nice to separate legally so that I could assure some childcare accountability on his part, but don't want to do that if it will essentially be kicking him out of the country. How is the best way to go about this situation?

  3. So we have the interview scheduled next month and there is this huge long list of things to bring that we already turned in Like all the tax stuff, the I-864, travel documents, birth certificate, etc. etc. etc. Why are they doing this???? Is it really necessary to turn this stuff in again when they already have it? It's really embarassing to have to ask my dad AGAIN to sign the affidavit of support. Really would rather not go there. help!

  4. thanks for the replies. I've done more research and it looks like ones obligations under the affidavit of support are much more extensive than what the form leads us to believe. Say we get divorced, he could sue me and/or my parents for the amount of money that would put him at 125% the poverty line for a family size of ONE (strange considering that that accounts for MORE money than one would have to prove to be able to provide on the affidavit of support). And say your spouse decides never to work or get naturalized, the obligation towards this person lasts for forever...

    Anyhow, I'm not planning on getting divorced so I'm just going to have to be positive and hope for the best. This thing has to be signed in order for him to be over here. I also talked to my parents and it looks like as long as I promise to get him on at least catastrophic insurance (which I looked up would be like $80 a month) then they'd still sign it. ok, so here we go...

  5. So i need a joint sponsor with my fiance because I don't make quite enough money to support 3 people under my income. Anyway, my parents don't want to sign the affidavit if they would be responsible for medical bills for him in the case of an accident or the like. Does anyone know about that? Would they be responsible for that because they could be thousands of dollars... help! I really hope the answer is no because otherwise he really wouldn't be able to come. that would just be tragic...

  6. So my fiance has kind of an interesting situation. He is Colombian, but we met and he has been living for many years in Ecuador without any papers. Obviously one of the criteria for the K-1 visa proces is a police report from all countries where he was lived for more than 6 months over the age of 16. Ecuador obviously fits this criteria for him (not to mention we are doing the visa process in Ecuador) and so he needs a police report from Ecuador. He claims, however, that he won't be able to get a police report there because those are only available for people living legally in the country. Is this true? Does anyone know of anyway around this? thanks!

  7. So my fiance has kind of an interesting situation. He is Colombian, but we met and he has been living for many years in Ecuador without any papers. Obviously one of the criteria for the K-1 visa proces is a police report from all countries where he was lived for more than 6 months over the age of 16. Ecuador obviously fits this criteria for him (not to mention we are doing the visa process in Ecuador) and so he needs a police report from Ecuador. He claims, however, that he won't be able to get a police report there because those are only available for people living legally in the country. Is this true? Does anyone know of anyway around this? thanks!

  8. This post has been really helpful, especially the information put by JimVaPhuong. Thank you so much! I have been wondering pretty much the same thing. I started working July 2009 and if I had worked the full year then I would have an income sufficient to be over the poverty level for a family of 3, which is what I will need. I am NOT over the 125% the poverty level though. So how can I find out what the requirements for my particular embassy are? (I am going through Guayaquil, Ecuador). Do I just ask them in an email or is there a better way?

    Thanks for your help. I was also wondering, since I am a newbie...what some of the following acronyms mean that I have seen in these posts...






  9. So I see in the packet 4 for the k-1 visa that to provide evidence of support for my fiance I have to fill out the I-134 affidavit of support for him. I don't see anywhere though what the actual income guidelines that prove I can support him are on that particular affidavit. On I-864 I see some explanation guidelines (125% the poverty level and if we don't make it to 125% the poverty level then whatever difference there is I need 5 times that in assets). My question is, is these the actual guidelines for the K-1 visa or are the guidelines for the k-1 visa different? I would LOVE to find out that I only need to make 100% the poverty level for our family and that's it. It's really frustrating to me that the poverty line for a family 3 is 18,310, I make 19,465. yet 125% that poverty line is 22,887 which would mean that I would need over $17,000 in assets to make up for that (going by the I-864 that is). I really don't see how I could suddenly come up with over $17,000 in assets. I could get my parents to sign an affidavit of support but if at all possible I'd like to avoid it. Or if they do end up having to sign it because there's just no other way, does anyone know if I could sign documents later making me $100 liable for him as soon as I have the sufficient finances to show that I can fully support him?

    Sorry for so many questions, I have just been so confused by all of this. ANY help would be greatly appreciated. It's so great talking to others that are or have gone through all of this mess!

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