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Posts posted by chrisNmanda

  1. Ok so i have another question. I might sound stupid but i just want to be sure. On the form DS-156k it says "the following documents must be attached in order to apply for a fiance nonimmigrant visa" then it lists birth certificate, birth certificate of children listed in number five, police certificates evidence of engagement to your fiance and evidence of financial support. I was just wondering if we have to send in all that stuff right now or do we just bring it to the interview? or do we send in copies and bring the originals to the interview. I dont have a police certificate yet..... Also with the police clearance do i have to go get one from Sarina and Windsor sense i lived in both cities from the age of 16 or does it cover all of canada??

  2. we were worried about not remembering all the times I have visited the U.S. It is hard to remember all the dates from 2006 - 2008, I didnt visit at all in 2009 because our lawyer told us I couldnt cross after we sent in our K-1 petition. So the only date we have on it is this visit Feb. 27th to March. 27th 2010. i know the one before this visit was Dec. 13th 2008 - Jan 2 2009. before that I have no idea when I was in the U.S. I know it wasnt much because I was preggo in 2007 - Feb. 29th 2008 and then it was much harder to cross the boarder after having our son, plus i couldnt visit for a few months after he was born because I had to get his birth certificate, health card etc. So yeah I dont remember dates of visits. I hope they dont have a huge problem with that. ahh this stuff is stressful!!!!! :wacko:

  3. I was wondering the same thing. So thank you for posting this question. I'm only going to put high schools. grade schools seem so long ago it really shouldnt matter

  4. Hello all, I got this in a email from my mom the other day. thought some people from Windsor would enjoy it. was going to start a new topic but then I seen this one and thought it would be a good spot for it, instead of posting a new one. Hope you dont mind. I think i'm a little too young to know some of these things but I do remember some.

    You know you have lived in Windsor when...

    - you remember the Riv and the Sandhill

    - your grade school field trips were to Colasanti's, Jack Miner and the Detroit Zoo

    - you remember "Stop and Go" at the Devonshire Mall

    - a night on the town was McDonalds and Fast Eddies

    - you ever caught yourself humming the jingle to Here Dog, come on dog, me and dog want you to go to Telegraph Road, right now, get a good deal

    - you find nothing strange about pronouncing the street " Pierre " as "Peerie"

    - Boblo was heaven on earth

    - Le Chateau was the coolest, hippest store in town

    - you attended a dance at the Croatian Centre

    - working on a school project meant spending an entire Sunday at the main downtown Library

    - you bought a pack of smokes for your dad

    - you refer to all corner stores as Mac's Milk or Beckers

    - Belle Isle is a beautiful place in your memory

    - you bit your tongue tobaganning down suicide hill

    - you took your driver's exam in old Walkerville

    - two words--- Dr. Disc

    - playing on the seal at Sandpoint used to be fun

    - you know how Rendezvous Estates got their name

    - you made fun of someone for going to Shawnee

    - your parents took you to Captain Carnival for your birthday

    - you referred to Tecumseh Mall as Welly Mall

    - Bo RIc's was a top notch hair salon

    - your grade 8 grad dress came from Woolco

    - you remember stubby beer bottles and The Pop Shoppe

    - you skated backwards at Wheels

    - you were a social butterfly at bush parties

    - you remember Mother's restaurant on Ouellette

    - you were convinced that any kid from Herman or Forster could kick your butt

    - you ate lunch at Zeller's, Woolco, Woolworth or Kresge

    - you used to hang out at Windsor arena

    - the Peace Fountain was the first sign of spring

    - you remember watching Channel 9 and Samantha Taylor

    - you shunned anyone who lived on Drouillard Rd.

    - you remember when The Beach was Peachy's restaurant

    - you once dreamed of owning a Calvacade of Magic

    - you remember when the Mall's new addition entailed a food court, skylights and creepy mannequins

    - Biway was referred to as the B and W Boutique....or if you've been there long enough....Bargain Harold's

    - you never had to deal with the gruelling challenge of biking uphill

    - you knew of RIta Bell, Bozo the Clown and Sonny Eliott

    - the tomatoes, corn were the best in the world

    - you were treated to the best pizza in Canada at any Italian restaurant

    - you remember when Shopper's Drug marts were Big V's

    - you'd keep reading material handy in your car in case you got stuck at a railway crossing

    - you could have your eyes closed and know when you getting close to the Nut House on Ouellette

    - you had wedding pictures done at Jackson Park

    - you knew you were home when you came off the train to smell the hops and yeast of Hiram Walkers

    - you had your birthday at The Calliope and ate the PigStye

    - you remember Sentry on Dougall Road

    - you remember when Dougal was called Fast Food Alley

    - you remember Arthur Treacher's fish and chips

    - you remember where the section of Dominion Blvd./Campbell Ave. was called 'Tin Can Alley'

    - you have a relative that worked at "Fords" not the Ford Motor Company.

    - you referrd to Ojibway Nature Reserve as "Yawky Bush"

  5. hey, We have applied for the K-1 and have gotten our NOA2 in Feb. I left canada on Feb. 27th at midnight and plan on staying till march 27th. the boarder asked if we had return tickets, which we handed her, then she asked the usual questions, asked if we had proof of my K-1 process (had our NOA2 notice on my lap) we said yes and she said ok good you will need that and then she checked in the trunk of the car and the back seat, at which point our son woke up and she tried talking to him and said how cute he is. she closed the door and said to have a nice visit we were free to go :). Keep in mind tho when she asked when the last time i was in the U.S. I answered over a year ago, so i think that and the return ticket helped get us through without a problem

  6. Yeah 30 days from NOA2 to packet 3 ... so the 2-4 weeks means nothing, but then again timelines in this process seem to all be exaggerated to get our hope up lol

    30 days? WHAT are they like! You really need nerves of steel to go through this K1 thing. Keep us posted about the interview....and how long you have to wait for a date! x

    alot of the stuff you dont have to have to send the packet 3 back .... from what we understand all you have to send in is the forms, the other stuff just has to be done before your interview, i could be wrong tho we will see. I'm glad to hear your case is finally in motion again.

    i had less trouble bringing her and my son here than any other crossing since we had our son, we didnt even get pulled into secondary customs. tho we did have our sons american passport, our entire immigration case with us, she hasnt been to the states in 14 months, we had plane tickets to validate her return, and i have ran into this particular boarder guard several times

    So it's been a month since we received packet 3 and still don't have everything that's needed to send it off. We had to move the wedding date back because there was no way that he could make it here in time. And...on top of that we're having to miss the concert since we don't want to risk him coming for a visit when he might not be able to come into the states while we're so close to having the visa. :P
  7. Thank you. We'll be totally screwed if they ask for proof of support because my husband has been a student the past year, and as a result we needed a co-sponsor for my immigrant VISA (which was approved at the NVC stage, at least). Ugh. I can't believe how complicated everything has to be....and the rules seem to change on a whim!

    Oh! One other question, but did you provide your Canadian Immigration Record, which shows your original date of entry into Canada? I see that's #9 on the list of what they require, and I hope a copy of my husband's work permit will be sufficient.

    not quiet sure i understand what you mean on the Canadian Immigration record. I dont recall having to have any thing like that. However i do have all the receipts from every boarder crossings since Amanda and I decided she would be immigrating here. I brought them, but they just thumbed through them and didnt make copies.

  8. ChrisNmanda - you needed to have paternity tests? Oh goodness, we certainly don't have that, but isn't his name on the birth cert/reg of live birth enough?

    And what if my husband has lived in Canada for 10 years up until last year? We can provide his high school and college transcripts, to show that he was indeed domicile, but we don't have W2s.

    Also, you have to provide proof of evidence of financial support for the CRBA? I didn't think that was necessary.


    Thank you so much! I will go read your message now.

    If you guys are married the paternity test isnt necessary. Me and Amanda waited to get married for the fiance visa so they required proof that he was mine. If your married you will need to bring your marriage license. As far as your situation with domicile i would just show what you have in the states. I also didnt think financial support would be an issue but i had 7 years worth of w2's, I have only been out of college for 5 years, and the officer actually questioned and gave me a hard time because 6 years ago my gross income was only 15k for the year. I was completely shocked about that but they did want evidence of support. Keep in mind this was our experience, from reading threads on this site, it doesnt seem that there are too many set things to bring, it all depends on the officer you get. thats why you have to bring EVERYTHING. Good luck with everything and congrats on your new baby boy.

  9. i wouldnt worry too much, it only took us 2 weeks to get our sons CRBA, now getting the appt. is another thing, but we booked our appt. about 2 weeks before just for traveling arrangements. we didnt have to have anything for his SSN, matter of fact we didnt apply for that until about 4 months after we got the CRBA. It all went very smoothly for us, only problem we had was waiting cuz we got there two hours b4 they opened. Only things we needed to bring was myself, my birth cert., paternity tests, passport, proof of domicile and last 5 years worth of w2's for evidence of support, 150 US dollars, and of course all the requested documents for our son.

    .... I just checked Torontos consulate and they have appt. openings on the 26th of this month so you shouldnt have to wait too long for an appt date ( not sure what consulate you are using tho )

  10. My fiance and I had our son in Canada (I the canadian was still living in canada). It was very easy and not really expensive to get his birth abroad papers filled out. We got his american passport and birth abroad certificate really quickly. i dont remember exactly how long it took but the info is on our page i think. You dont have to apply for his passport at the same time of his birth abroad but we figured it was easiest.

  11. I wondered how accurate the "individual" timelines are that appear on people's profiles. I know it's showing November for VSC, and I know that is pretty far off the mark. But when you go into your personal time line and it shows when it is estimated that your case will be adjucated.... how accurate are those?

    How did you get the info regarding the NVC receiving and sending your info?thanks

  12. I was thinking we wouldnt list him except that it says "all children, date and place they were born" wasnt sure if they were meaning any children we had or just children that would need a visa too. I would hate to not put him on the forms and then they say we werent being honest as to the children we have. Maybe I am just over thinking this stuff. So stressful worrying about putting something wrong on the forms and it cost us our visa :wacko:

  13. Our son has Dual citizenship. He has a US birth abroad birth certificate and an American passport. We have applied for his Canadian passport as well. Looking over some of the forms that will be coming soon, I am at a loss as to how to list him.

    When filling the I-134 and I-156k it asks about children accompanying or following. Well our son isn't going thru the immigration process so i'm assuming we should file him on her forms as if he is already living in the states, but we are concerned that we shouldn't put that since he is still living in Canada. How should he be listed in those forms or do we list him at all? Do we check accompanying or following? thanks for any help here

  14. That sounds like a fun idea. If you all didnt mind us newbies joining you and you guys meet in ontario in the toronto/niagara falls area i would like to join in the fun. It would all depend on if you meet up before I move to Georgia lol. After that happens i'm not sure when the next time i'll be in Canada. :D

  15. Hey there. My fiance and I are currently going through the K-1 process. I (Amanda) am from Windsor Ont. We used a lawyer too. She wasnt very helpful and we waited for a long time to get our case number but it never showed up in our mail box. We had to call, email and go for a visit to the lawyer to find out that she had the paper for a few weeks and didnt bother informing us of it. So if you havent gotten your NOA1 with your case number on it to keep track of your process i suggest you call your lawyer and see if she/he has gotten it. We just recently got our NOA2 last week and we filed in Oct. so i think yours should be soon. I am planning a trip to go visit Chris (in Georgia) on Feb. 26th and plan on coming back to Canada on March 26th..... hopefully if the boarder guard lets me through *fingers crossed*. Hang in there. its hard and fustrating and you just want it to be over with but in the long run this is a very short time we have to wait in order to be with the one we love forever. Good luck and the people here are very nice, so if you have any more questions they will help you out. this is a wonderful site and i am very happy and thankful that Chris found it. Keep us posted on how your doing. I hope your lawyer is better then ours ;) lol good luck to you guys

  16. Thanks, My thoughts are with everyone still waiting. This has been one of the most anxious times of my whole life and its horrible. I miss my fiancee and my boy a lot and I getting tired of those 3-4 day visits

    Relieved and happy for you!

    ......Just had to share with everyone here, I think my eyesight is going. When I was reading your signature, I thought it said "met in prison June 2006" and I thought, well that's something, ain't never seen that before, where do they have mixed gender prisons?...of course it said met in PERSON. I better increase my font size!

    Would like to see stet get theirs this week. October 15th and still waiting - that's not funny.

    I am supposed to be on holiday and keeping off this site this week....OK, OK...going back in my kennel now! x

    lol thats funny

  17. Yeah it seems me and you are keeping the average days leveled out for all those 30-40 day people. I have been getting annoyed seeing people who got their NOA1 2 weeks before us and already have their interviews scheduled. I just checked USCIS and nope, still no update for us. Sorry to hear about the snow storm.

    Congrats Gela!

    But they've been at the December pile again. A 15th Dec filer. Good for them. 39 days from NOA1 to NOA2.

    And to top it all for me, Mr Doghandler was coming over to Scotland today, we've not seen each other for 4 months (cos we have those baggage items, he's got kids (total single parent dad) and dog and I've got dogs so we can't just pop over as regularly as we'd like so every trip has to be planned with military precision for child and dog care for both of us), but as I'm clearly cursed, there just had to be a 48 hour ice storm in the Carolina's today of all days and he just got a call from the ariline - flight cancelled! A total awesome week my end! Let the good times roll I say! Hope you're all having a better weekend than I am! x

  18. Thanks everyone. I'm just a worry wort i guess lol Thank you for the links. They are most helpful. I will be having my medical done in Toronto. I'll stay with family for a couple of days, hopefully we can pick up my medical after they are done with it. My fiance (Chris) will be coming to the medical with me. He will also be coming with me to the interview in montreal when we get that..... i know sooo long from now, shouldnt even think about it. I love this website. its very reassuring. I hope once we get farther into our own immigration we can help others too.

  19. Hello everyone! this is Amanda (the Canadian, Windsor Ont. here)

    I was just wondering if anyone knows or has had some of these same issues when it comes to passing the medical. I am 26 years old, I have a muscle problem where i have very weak muscles. they have done a biospy on them but still dont know exactly what i have. I also have sleep apenia where i breathe very shallowly and sometimes even stop breathing altogether, so i am on a Bipap machine at night. I have scholiosis (sorry not sure how to spell it) had my spine fused and bars put in/removed. I am animic and am on iron pills to help with that. lol i know its a long list of medical problems. I was just wondering if any of these things will be reason for me to fail my medical exam. this is the only part i am really nervous about and its making sleep at night aweful. well i am nervous about the blood test cause i am scared of needles and have very tiny veins. I have almost passed out a couple times when having to have blood tests. Any info or thoughts on this concern would be really helpful for me.

    ohh yeah and does anyone know if you have to have the flu and h1n1 shots for the immuization part?? sorry i worry alot and i know my medical wont be for a while but i'd like to know now if i should really worry or not. this stress is horrible!! lol i'm sure you all know how i feel tho

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