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Posts posted by aydanalberto1

  1. Fresh off the AP wire is that in light of the tragedy in Haiti, President Obama is granting illegal status Haitians immunity to stay in the USA. Obama's view was that it wouldn't be fair to send them back to Haiti because of the devestation that occured there.

    I for one feel the deepest of sympathy for people of Haiti but REALLY???? Immunity from deportation because Haiti suffered an earthquake????

    I personally feel like people from Haiti (and all over the world) are welcome to immigrate LEGALLY to the USA, but since when does an earthquake qualify somone basically for asylum in the USA?

    There are natural disasters all over the world on a regular basis (ie: the tsunami which all but destroyed Indonasia several years ago) that are tragic in their occurance, but victims of THOSE disaters weren't afforded any special immigration status.

    I'm waiting for my fiancee's visa to be LEGALLY processed (as we all are on this forum) and I'm just a little insulted by President Obams's actions.


    Obama granting them immunity from deportation does not affect me in the least. I think there is nothing wrong with it, I think it is the humane thing to do. If something like that happened to my husband's country, I sure wouldn't complain, so i won't complain for anyone else either. I don't think this situation warrants the whole "I had to do it, why don't he" argument.

  2. Hi all,

    After the USPS screwed up and I sent the package again, USCIS received it on 12/31. They cashed the check 01/06. But still no NOA. I feel like a child on Christmas Eve. Every evening I go to my mail box, hoping to find a NOA, but last Thursday... nothing. Last Friday... nothing. And to my surprise, last Saturday... nothing either!

    How do they send it? By mule? Can't take that long from VT to AL?!

    Am I simply doomed? Unlucky? Punished by nature? Everybody else who submitted their stuff around the same time got their NOA already.

    Anything I can do? Besides, when they cashed the check, this means that they accepted my package, right?



    They are very slow I think. I know what you mean about checking the mail everyday. We had our interview 3 weeks ago and they told me 2-3 weeks and I would get a decision notice on the AOS in the mail. Everyday I wait and wait, nothing. But don't worry too much, I wouldn't be suprised if it took a month to hear from them.

  3. We had an attorney, but we only hired her after trying twice to get a copy of his lost passport so we could go ahead with the AOS. I didn't know what else to do so I hired one. You can take your attorney in the room with you. The price is outrageous I think. Ours costed $500 retainer which included the first 4 hours of work then $180 an hour after that. We didn't even spend $3500 throughout the whole process which had many bumps in the road for us. So I would say no, you really don't need an attorney if you have a straight foward case. And if it helps, I'm glad we didn't pay our attorney to go with us because the interview turned out to be the easiest part. It was easy breezy, not saying all of them are, but ours was.

  4. Oh yes, it drove me insane. And turned out to be the easiest part! I got all the paperwork ready too, looked through it, double checking it a thousand times. Counting down the days. Me and my husband had our interview last month, Dec 22nd. It was easy breezy. This little, young, sweet, soft spoken lady was our interviewer. It was a small room. She asked us a few questions about how we met and where we lived. The only paperwork she asked us for was our kids birth certificates. I had all these pictures ready too. We were literally in and out in about 15 minutes. And I hear a lot of people have interview's like this, so don't worry too much. If you're like me, all the worrying is for nothing! Good luck.

  5. Background info: I came to US in August 2006 on an H1B visa with my then employer. I switched employers twice and my original H1B visa expired in April 2008. I applied for an H1B extension and even though my visa stamp is expired, I have an approved petition that has the I-94 in the approval document. Question - will the fact that my H1B stamp on my passport is expired, cause an issue when I file for GC? What I think is that since I have a valid petition approval, I should be fine.

    My fiance is a US citizen, and we are planning to do a legal marriage in US around Feb 2010, so that I can get my Green card (so I don't have to get my visa restamped) before we go to my country (Oct 2010) for a traditional wedding. I heard that it takes around 6-8 months to get a green card and around 3 years to become a citizen, after you've married a US citizen. Is that accurate? So us getting married in Feb will give us ample time to get my green card before I leave the country in Oct?

    I did some research about the forms that need to be filled, and was wondering if I can continue working with my current employer throughout this whole process, since I have a valid H1 petition with them. When I file the I-130, I-485 and the rest of the documents, how long do I need to wait before I can travel out of US?

    Sorry, I'm really new to this, and appreciate any information you can provide. Thanks so much....

    I don't know the answers to all this, but maybe some. I am a US citizen and married my husband back in 2006. His passport had been expired for many years, and that wasn't a problem. You have to have the greencard to travel out of the country, it can't be pending or anything like that. And it took us about 10 months, so you're cutting it pretty close. If there are any complications at all it could set you back. And if you've been married to the US citizen less than 2 years when you apply for the GC, I believe it takes 5 years to get the citizenship. Hope this helps.

  6. We had our interview last month. It sounds sort of like your experience. Our app. was at 8:30 and we were the first in, when we came out of the interview, which lasted about 15 minutes, the waiting room was packed! But we were in and out. We've already been married 3 years before applying and have 2 kids, a ton of evidence our lawyer also had already sent, and we were in and out. They asked us like 10 questions, marriage date, where we met, our kids names, very simple. I was really worried and it turned out to be the easiest part!

  7. We had our interview Dec. 22nd. They told us we were missing one document, and that was an original court document where my husband had gotten into some trouble. The charges were dismissed and we took her the copy our lawyer sent us, but they needed a certified copy. So the lawyer got that to her like 2 days after the interview. How long do we wait for the decision notice. It's been a little over two weeks since the interview. Thanks.

  8. Hi! Happy new year, everyone.

    I just got my I-797 Notice of Action for the initial interview, and I'm going through the list of things to bring.

    They say both a completed medical examination and vaccination supplement in a sealed envelope, and an affidavit of support (I-864) with all required evidence, including the listed... (unless already submitted).

    That's situations like mine, right? I remember submitting both of these during the application for K1 and later, the application for AOS, where I had to send a form filled by the sponsor.

    Just making sure...

    We had already submitted almost everything on the list. Our attorney advised us to take originals and copies of everything we had, whether we had submitted it or not just in case. We did, and the only thing they asked us for was copies of our kids' birth certificates. I would take it all just in case, better safe than sorry.

  9. I was working under H1B Visa, Recently my husband got his citizenship we started applying for my GC through him and my GC interview will be next month. Unfortunately I got laid off recently will this affect the interview? What should I do if the interviewer ask me are you working? Please help! ... will this cause any problem during the interview?

    We had our interview last week. They didn't ask my husband (who is the one needing the GC) about his income at all. They did ask me in an RFE before the interview, but that was because I am his sponser and needed to prove my income. They asked us at the interview who our employer was. I don't think it will be a problem though.

  10. i would like to hear from soneone who actually went to an interview.

    I went to an interview last Tuesday. It was for my husband so it may be a little different. They didn't ask us many question regarding our marriage though. I think the interview, especially the one with you and your mom, will be just so one officer can look over all the paperwork and make a final decision. That's how it seemed to me. They looked over everything, asked us for our kids birth certificates, and we were out. We lost my husbands I-94, luckily they didn't see it as a big problem, us not having it. I, as his petitioner, had to be there. There was a list of the things we needed to bring on the interview notice. It said to bring your petitioner, so I imagine you need to be there. But tell your mom not to sweat it too much, if it's anything like ours it was the easiest part!

  11. All I can say is don't worry so much! I was soooo worried too. I was almost sick in the waiting room while waiting for the interview. It was awful. That was just last Tuesday that we had ours in Cincinnati where we live. It was a BREEZE! It was really the easiest part! I was imagining this big intimidating interview....well, this little soft spoken young lady was the officer that interviewing us. It lasted a whole ten minutes. She flipped through the paperwork, only asked for a copy of the kids birth certificates, ask us maybe 15 easy breezy questions, and we were out of there! So hopefully yours will go smoothly too. I worried myself to death. Spent like 2 hours getting photos and paperwork together of all this proof, we had a lawyer too, and the lady didn't ask for bills, NOTHING but the kids birth certificates! Crazy, huh?

  12. So the interview was the easiest thing in the world. I dreaded it ever since the process started, and it was the easiest part! Hardly no questions. The only problem was we only had a copy of a court document where my husband was charged with posession of marijuana. The charges were dropped, the documents show that, they just need the certified copy. so the lawyer got that to them last week. The interview was last Tuesday morning. She said once they get that document we will hear from them by mail. I asked her if everything looked good, she said she sees no reason not to approve him as soon as she sees that document. Does anyone know how long this could take? I'm hoping we get the approval soon, and does anyone think he could still be denied anyway? I'm so nervous and ready for this to be over with.

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