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Posts posted by Ladman

  1. I've read enough threads like these to know there are two sides to every story. While I'm sorry you are grieving, none of us know her side of the story. Most often in threads like these, the USC claims fraud, but I'm skeptical that she stayed with you for 3 years with the intent to just bolt one day without a word.

    It is true you only know one side. But if you really think you know she also had almost 3 years to plan, make new friends, and learn how to and manipulate the system.. God is my witness that I married her out of love for her and her daughter and I need no other witness. I am not looking for sympathy here.

  2. I am so sorry this happened to you. But, if you knew from the beginning, why did you go ahead with it? Was it one of those things where you didn't want to believe it?

    correct. I married Rosana out of love, I stayed married to her out of love and I am not ashamed that I love her. I spent everything I had on her and her daughter out of love which was not a lot but it was all I had. Again I am not ashamed because I all did for her and her daughter was out of love. Rosana once told me marriage and relationships are not about love but money. I truly believe this is how she feels.

  3. To all those who may of know us. This one did not work out. My wife Rosana abandoned me last month, have not herd from her or do not know where she is. The thing is I knew it from the beginning she was not in it for love. Even my family and her friends what few of them she let me know would ask me why I thought she came to America. She made here her own friends which I was never invited to go and be a part of her life. All I was invited to do was to take her places for photo’s and proof of an on going marriage. This was a short lived marriage and costly one on my part. I wish you all better luck on yours. But be careful. I stand to loose what little I have left and she does not care one thing about me.

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