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Posts posted by meant2b2009

  1. Hey bro, we just got approved this past May 31st, they are telling me that the cards are taking more time to produce, so its just a matter of waiting, also if you guys are going on a trip, get an Info Pass and get an extension on the letter they sent you. I did that, and they gave it to me for 1 year, so you can come and go as you like while you wait for the green card. Hope all is well with you guys. God bless bro.


  2. Hi everyone

    We sent our I 751 packet 1st of June and it was received the following day ( Vermont) getting concerned though as I have had no response from Vermont that they have received it also my cheque hasn't been cashed? Anyone else in similar position? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Hi there, we are in the same situation, we sent ours on June 2nd and was received on June 4th by D Renaud, we are waiting for the NOA1 and move on from there. There are still people out there waiting as well.


  3. Hey guys Happy Easter!!!!!!! We are back here in this amazing site for the second part of our journey, the famous"ROC". We are just starting top get all the information possible so we can send everything by mid April. We know some of you guys have already started, maybe you can send us some comments, ideas on what to have so we can prepare ourselves better. We made great friendships a long the first part of our journey, and we are looking forward for new friends in this second part of our journey. We know that the VSC, is not the preferred Center, but there is not much we can do, since we live in New York, anyway, have a great night. God bless


  4. Hey guys Happy Easter!!!!!!! We are back here in this amazing site for the second part of our journey, the famous"ROC". We are just starting top get all the information possible so we can send everything by mid April. We know some of you guys have already started, maybe you can send us some comments, ideas on what to have so we can prepare ourselves better. We made great friendships a long the first part of our journey, and we are looking forward for new friends in this second part of our journey. We know that the VSC, is not the preferred Center, but there is not much we can do, since we live in New York, anyway, have a great night. God bless :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


  5. :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

    SO happy to report we received the Visa APPROVAL today!

    Waited several hours at the embassy before our time, saw a lot of people who did NOT have their documents needed and were denied (or told to come back).

    Thanks to VJ for preparing us VERY well we had more than we were asked for!

    Thanks especially to FrancElsie and all the VETERAN Ticans!!

    Allan will follow after tying up some loose ends, Liz will return in a few days. Passport/Visa pick up is later this week.

    Will post a review of the embassy when Liz returns home to USA.

    Congratulations, amazing news, have a beautiful life together!!!! :star: :star: :star:

  6. So it all started with me traveling down to frankfurt on the 11th as my interview was at 0730 on the 12th. I went to sleep in the hotel at around 2300 and woke up every half hour because i was freaking i would miss my alarm lol. At 0445 i eventualy gave up and just got up to get ready for the interview, my taxi was booked for 0645. I wasnt nervous at all, i dont really think it has hit me what has been going on lol.

    I got to the conuslate at 0700 and there were 2 lines, one for non-immigrants and ond for other. there was only 3 people in front of me and loads of others in the non-immigrant lane. At about 0730 a guy came out and told us how it would go from there. Everyone in my lane got called up to a window outside one at a time to get a number. Mine was W601. Then we had to go through a small building where security was and then into the bigger building. It was a huge hall that had id say about 300seats in it and 30 odd windows. I totally forgot that i needed passport pics again and they have a maschine there so i quickly used that before it was my turn. I got called to window 23 and this mega grummpy lady was sat there..pretty sure she doesnt like mondays by the look on her face lol. Well i asked her if she needed anymore photos as everyone submits loads of photos during the visa process and she looked at the ones i had sent to the NVC and she was like ''You are wearing earings, thats not allowed!!'' I wasnt sure anymore what kind of earings i was wearing so i gave her the photos i had just taken and she was like ''your wearing studs!!!! you are not allowed anything in your ears!'' So off i went to take them out and get more photos taken..There were anothed 2 girls getting photos and they had the same problem and were annoyed too, i had never read anywhere that we cant even wear studs nor did the photographer say anything when he did the first ones that cost an arm and a leg which were for nothing. I took the second load of pics back to the lady and had to sit down again. I was hoping that not everyone at the embassy was in a ''beautiful'' mood like she was. After 15mins i got called upto window 19, a really friendly lady started explaining how the SSN works and how long the visa would take and just asked for a permanent addresse for the next 12months as we will be moving in november. She also told me when i get to the states me and husband could og to finance (he is u.s army) and we could get some of the visa money refunded YAY. I got told that i would get called to window 16 or 17 for my interview. I waited about 20mins. I saw a guy go behind window 17..he looked really mean and i started getting nervous, i really hoped someone else would work at window 16 and i didnt have to have my interview with him. It was wierd that the whole time i wasnt nervous but then when i sat down again i got nervous. Everytimg they called a number up there would be like a 'ding dong' number .. to window .. and this happend like every 30secs and everytime it did my heart jumped lol. Then it was my turn..W601 to window 16!! yaaaay i got some lady and not the man! She was super freindly too and told me she wanted to take prints of my left hand..so i held up my right *oops* was my nerves kicking in lol. Anyway she asked me how long me and husband have been married, how did we meet and how long have we known each other for. That was it! Then she said ''If you have no other questions i have good news for you Your finished here! your visa has been approved!'' Within 10mins i was done! i couldnt believe it..

    So now thats all over and done with only 2more weeks till my POE yay!

    Thank you to everyone on VJ, i sure wouldnt have got this far without everyones help!

    Congrats!!! :star::dance::star::dance::star::dance:

  7. I did not get the pink... but I got the RED stub for visa pick-up! :dancing:

    My interview was a breeze! I was at the embassy at around 7:30am for my 8:30am appointment. The guard just looked at my appointment letter and did not ask for any IDs. First step was submitting my appointment letter at the small booth upon entering the IV section, and was given a number. Did not ask for my DS230 and picture. 15 minutes later, my name was called for finger scanning.

    Waited for another 15 minutes for pre-screening. The Filipina lady was also nice, after signing the DS230, she asked me a few basic questions like:

    - Who is your petitioner/name

    - When did you meet and where

    - Do you have children/does your husband have children

    - Is this your first marriage/is this your husband's first marriage

    - Evidence of continuous communication (I showed her our magic jack call logs, and she said never mind, just keep them)

    - Have you been abroad (then asked for my foreign police clearance)

    - Asked for some photos ( gave her around 30, including wedding photos)

    we even had a small chat about getting pregnant and miscarriage (I had one a few months back :crying: )...then she said good luck (both in the interview and in ttc).

    Waited again for my number to flash on the que board. After 30 mins, I was face to face with the CO. Greeted him. I felt really at ease. He was never intimidating at all. After taking the oath, the questions he asked were:

    - My date of birth

    - Have I been abroad, and what I liked about that country

    - How did my husband and I meet

    then he browsed at our pictures and commented a few (complimented our beach wedding :) ) and asked where my husband is currently stationed at (he is in the Air Force). After that, he said the magic words "CONGRATULATIONS, YOUR VISA HAS BEEN APPROVED!". I could never be happier! Then I asked him if I can pick up my visa. He asked me when am I planning to leave, I said I have a reservation on the 16th. He said ok, that can be done. So I thanked him again and left the room. It lasted barely 5 minutes!

    Finally, after another 10 mins, my name was called at window 18, the lady handed me back my photographs, and gave me a RED stub for visa pick up. I hope to hear from them tomorrow. I left the embassy joyous! :dance:

    Congrats amazing news!!!!! :star::dance::star::dance::star::dance:

  8. I got approved yesterday :) couldnt write it on here thought because the day turned into a total nightmare and i got stuck traveling on trains for 12hours because we had bad storms and all the trains were cancelled. I was running on 4 hours sleep it wasnt fun lol.

    My interview lasted a whole of 10minutes! Will write my review in a bit.

    Congrats to everyone else who got approved and good luck to those with interviews coming up!

    Congrats Amazing news, have a great life with hubby :star::dance::star::dance:

    got it!!! approved!

    Congrats, its great to hear everybody is getting approved!!!! :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

  9. Just got a call from Joan. She was out of the embassy before 11am and was approved. YEAH!!!

    She got all the evidence put in files neatly and labelled. The officer complimented her on that but she was questioned by them for about 20 mins. Many questions were asked. She felt like she was talking to a friend. She said no food or drink in the embassy and she is hungry.

    Congratulations on the approval, life is sooo good, god bless your marriage!!! :star: :star: :star:

  10. Hi everyone, today we had our CR1 interview and we were approved!!! We arrived at the costa rican consulate at approx. 11:45am. We had to wait on the left side entrance of the building in a line of about 30 other people waiting for similar visas. There might have been 3 other couples like us waiting to do CR1.

    Once it was 12pm, they started to let people in 1 at a time to go through a security check point, similar to that at an airport. They will take any electronic devices that you have IE: cell phone, camera, ipod etc.. and they will give you a key to claim it on your way out. They will take it while you are in the consulate. Once we passed security, we walked through a courtyard passing by a food stand (good to know that it is there for later) and rows of people sitting in chairs outside waiting for their tourist visas. Since we were immigrating into the u.s (well my husband) we went inside of another building with airconditiong!! and waited in there. There were 4 rows of blue chairs infront of a wall of teller like windows. Before entering the second building, we were given a ticket similar to one that you are given at a grocery store when waiting for them to service you at the deli counter. our number was "G702". We were told to take a seat and wait for our number to be called. At each checkpoint prior to this, they asked for my husbands full name and checked him off of a list to make sure that we were scheduled that day. We waited approx. 50 minutes until our number was called. I think it was because the people ahead of had a complicated case. A woman was trying to immigrate 2 of her sons, and they she didn´t have any of her joint sponsers information with her. How do I know this? Because you hear everything that everyone is saying while you wait. there is no privacy, you are literally standing at a teller window with speakers for everyone waiting to hear. Once they left, our number was finally called. We walked up to the window and a very nice woman was sitting behind the glass window. This is a pre-screening. My husband carried the small suitcase full of our 3 binders of evidence, 1 was a binder of all information that they should already have, the 2nd binder was evidence of our ongoing relationship, basically anything they dont have yet to date, and the 3rd binder was me taking all of my financials and making another I864 binder just incase. We also had additional pictures and additional documents certified, just incase. it is always better to be over prepared then not prepared and told no.. we were focusing on an approval all the way! So, there we were, with our suitcase standing infront of the lady. She walked away from the window and came back with 2 large legal size folders of all of our paperwork. No binders! They took all of our papers out of the binders and organized it into 2 HUGE piles in folders. Whatever, I thought. If that is easier for them, that´s fine with us. So she started sifting through all of the paper and asking questions. First, she asked my husband, what is your name, how old are you, where did you meet, who came up to whom first, and my husband answered that he came up to me first, and i said, well ofcourse, he had to come up to me first, I wasnt going to go up to him.. even though i was staring at him all night. she laughedc. then she asked me who I was with the night we met, and i told her friends. she then asked me if i am still working at my current job. then that was it. she told us to take a seat and wait for our name to be called for fingerprints. no more numbers. at this point it was around 1:40pm. My husbands name was called just a few minutes after that for finger prints. he was then asked to take 2 more passport photos because the ones we had were a little bright. they are very picky with their passport pictures. it costs 5 usd. they have a service right there and it took only a few minutes. so we were fine. then, we waited, and waited.. and looked around, and played thumb wars for a bit, then we looked through our papers, then we watched a little t.v, and all of a sudden, a man was sitting waiting to renew his passport, and a bunch of immigration police came in asking him to stand up and they took him handcuffed out of the building. it was horrible! We were a little scared... shortly after that, FINALLY our name was called for the actual interview. this time it was with a young man. at first, he looked at us, and said, hold on 1 minute, please take a seat. we were a bit confused.. when he called us back up, he said, he was confused because we had filed for 2 petitions, the I130 and the I129F. I said, we are only doing the I130!! and he said, yes, i know. then he began to sift through our paperwork again like the lady, and he said, let´s do this and get right to the point, he looked at my husband and started to ask questions: 1-i can see you have traveled a lot to the us, were you ever in the united states illegally? No my husband said, i traveled a lot for work. 2-were you married before? 3-do you have any children? 4-are you going to petition for them to immigrate? then he looked at me and started to ask me questions: 1-were you married before? 2-do you have any children? 3-do you live alone, have any dependents? 4-what do you do, do you still work at that company? Then after that, he gave my husband the DS230 and asked him do you swear that everything you have said is the truth? at this point, I was grabbing my husbands arm so tightly and my eyes began to water because I knew we were almost there.. my husband yes, and signed the paper. Then he looked at us and said, ok, when you come to pick up your visa we will return the papers to you. I just need to find out when you can come and pick up the visa. My husband then said to the man, wait, sir I need to hear those magic words please! and he looked at us, and said, oh, YOU HAVE BEEN APPROVED. we laughed and couldnt stop laughing, we were so happy. we didnt even need to open the suitcase of evidence that we brought with us, i think it was because we were so prepared with everything they already had. he came back to the window and told my husband he can pick up the visa this coming tuesday at 3pm. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! WE DID IT!!! and you can too, if you are prepared upfront, it will make everything else easier for you.. thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way, without this site, and everyone´s support, it would not have been as easy for us. special thanks to Sachinky, Pushbrk, DreamnJordan, the famous LingChe, and everyone else who has been giving us support and positive feedback on our page. thanks again and we will keep you all informed of the upcoming events: POE, what happens at the airport when you arrive, getting your SSN, and the ROC, changing of status.. speak to you all soon!!!

  11. Guys we got approved!!!!!!!!!

    :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance::star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: ç

    Hi everyone, today we had our CR1 interview and we were approved!!! We arrived at the costa rican consulate at approx. 11:45am. We had to wait on the left side entrance of the building in a line of about 30 other people waiting for similar visas. There might have been 3 other couples like us waiting to do CR1.

    Once it was 12pm, they started to let people in 1 at a time to go through a security check point, similar to that at an airport. They will take any electronic devices that you have IE: cell phone, camera, ipod etc.. and they will give you a key to claim it on your way out. They will take it while you are in the consulate. Once we passed security, we walked through a courtyard passing by a food stand (good to know that it is there for later) and rows of people sitting in chairs outside waiting for their tourist visas. Since we were immigrating into the u.s (well my husband) we went inside of another building with airconditiong!! and waited in there. There were 4 rows of blue chairs infront of a wall of teller like windows. Before entering the second building, we were given a ticket similar to one that you are given at a grocery store when waiting for them to service you at the deli counter. our number was "G702". We were told to take a seat and wait for our number to be called. At each checkpoint prior to this, they asked for my husbands full name and checked him off of a list to make sure that we were scheduled that day. We waited approx. 50 minutes until our number was called. I think it was because the people ahead of had a complicated case. A woman was trying to immigrate 2 of her sons, and they she didn´t have any of her joint sponsers information with her. How do I know this? Because you hear everything that everyone is saying while you wait. there is no privacy, you are literally standing at a teller window with speakers for everyone waiting to hear. Once they left, our number was finally called. We walked up to the window and a very nice woman was sitting behind the glass window. This is a pre-screening. My husband carried the small suitcase full of our 3 binders of evidence, 1 was a binder of all information that they should already have, the 2nd binder was evidence of our ongoing relationship, basically anything they dont have yet to date, and the 3rd binder was me taking all of my financials and making another I864 binder just incase. We also had additional pictures and additional documents certified, just incase. it is always better to be over prepared then not prepared and told no.. we were focusing on an approval all the way! So, there we were, with our suitcase standing infront of the lady. She walked away from the window and came back with 2 large legal size folders of all of our paperwork. No binders! They took all of our papers out of the binders and organized it into 2 HUGE piles in folders. Whatever, I thought. If that is easier for them, that´s fine with us. So she started sifting through all of the paper and asking questions. First, she asked my husband, what is your name, how old are you, where did you meet, who came up to whom first, and my husband answered that he came up to me first, and i said, well ofcourse, he had to come up to me first, I wasnt going to go up to him.. even though i was staring at him all night. she laughedc. then she asked me who I was with the night we met, and i told her friends. she then asked me if i am still working at my current job. then that was it. she told us to take a seat and wait for our name to be called for fingerprints. no more numbers. at this point it was around 1:40pm. My husbands name was called just a few minutes after that for finger prints. he was then asked to take 2 more passport photos because the ones we had were a little bright. they are very picky with their passport pictures. it costs 5 usd. they have a service right there and it took only a few minutes. so we were fine. then, we waited, and waited.. and looked around, and played thumb wars for a bit, then we looked through our papers, then we watched a little t.v, and all of a sudden, a man was sitting waiting to renew his passport, and a bunch of immigration police came in asking him to stand up and they took him handcuffed out of the building. it was horrible! We were a little scared... shortly after that, FINALLY our name was called for the actual interview. this time it was with a young man. at first, he looked at us, and said, hold on 1 minute, please take a seat. we were a bit confused.. when he called us back up, he said, he was confused because we had filed for 2 petitions, the I130 and the I129F. I said, we are only doing the I130!! and he said, yes, i know. then he began to sift through our paperwork again like the lady, and he said, let´s do this and get right to the point, he looked at my husband and started to ask questions: 1-i can see you have traveled a lot to the us, were you ever in the united states illegally? No my husband said, i traveled a lot for work. 2-were you married before? 3-do you have any children? 4-are you going to petition for them to immigrate? then he looked at me and started to ask me questions: 1-were you married before? 2-do you have any children? 3-do you live alone, have any dependents? 4-what do you do, do you still work at that company? Then after that, he gave my husband the DS230 and asked him do you swear that everything you have said is the truth? at this point, I was grabbing my husbands arm so tightly and my eyes began to water because I knew we were almost there.. my husband yes, and signed the paper. Then he looked at us and said, ok, when you come to pick up your visa we will return the papers to you. I just need to find out when you can come and pick up the visa. My husband then said to the man, wait, sir I need to hear those magic words please! and he looked at us, and said, oh, YOU HAVE BEEN APPROVED. we laughed and couldnt stop laughing, we were so happy. we didnt even need to open the suitcase of evidence that we brought with us, i think it was because we were so prepared with everything they already had. he came back to the window and told my husband he can pick up the visa this coming tuesday at 3pm. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! WE DID IT!!! and you can too, if you are prepared upfront, it will make everything else easier for you.. thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way, without this site, and everyone´s support, it would not have been as easy for us. special thanks to Sachinky, Pushbrk, DreamnJordan, the famous LingChe, and everyone else who has been giving us support and positive feedback on our page. thanks again and we will keep you all informed of the upcoming events: POE, what happens at the airport when you arrive, getting your SSN, and the ROC, changing of status.. speak to you all soon!!!

  12. Week Two is next baby, yeah!!!!!! :star: :star: :star::thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

    Week Two

    (07/06/2010 ?? Colombo, SriLanka) hasson

    (07/06/10 ?? Philippines) Scott & Aloha

    (07/07/2010 London) Waza

    (07/08/2010 12:00 pm Costa Rica) meant2b2009

    (07/08/2010 Afghanistan) kfameri

    (07/08/2010 1:00 pm Argentina) schopap

    (07/08/2010 8:00 AM Nairobi) beta1

    (07/08/2010 7:00 am Colombia) JEYD

    (07/08/2010 1:00 PM Bucharest, Romania) gina_raluca

  13. May God be with you tomorrow, on your interviews, we wish you the best of luck. God bless you all. :thumbs: :thumbs:

    Week One

    (07/01/2010 ?? Armenia) RyannTanya

    (07/01/2010 06:30 am Manilla) mrs.a

    (07/01/2010 07:30 am Mumbai, India) soza

    (07/01/2010 ?? Greece) renevouy

    (07/02/2010 ?? Juarez, Mexico) bila-n-javi

    (07/02/2010 8:30am England) englandusa18

    (07/02/2010 8:30am Philippines) Norm and Grace

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