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Status Replies posted by meant2b2009

  1. Leave in 4 hrs to head back to Jordan! Interview in 6 days! God, with you all things are possible!

  2. SIF!!!!! On to the USEM...

    1. meant2b2009


      Great news brother, amazing, congratulations, now, the interview!!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Just paid IV bill and AOS bill at the same time. Never so happy to pay a bill.

    1. meant2b2009


      Good for you buddy, remember to print out the barcoded sheets, and have them ready. Pura vida

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. So I just loged on to pay the IV bill and both the IV bill and AOS bill are there. My letter from NVC says pay both now. Is this correct.

    1. meant2b2009


      That is correct buddy, if you can do it now, once you pay them, print the barcoded sheet on both of them and have them ready to send them with the AOS and the IV Bill. Pura Vida

  5. 2 days to go 'till interview. Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers♥♥♥

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