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Posts posted by aatic

  1. Unfortunately, No simple answer here.

    With the current economy there are many displaced workers with experience filling jobs. Most jobs in the electrical and HVAC fields require some level of experience or to start as an apprentice. In most cases some certification or liscence is required (or you work under a liscence holder).

    For electrical you would want to study the NEC (National Electrical Code) and applicable NFPA (National Fire protection association) sections.

    For HVAC there are certifications and liscences required to work with CFC's (chloro-flouro-clorides).

    Electronics is a great field but also, employers are looking for experience.

    Another huge factor is location. There is more available in RHVAC in the warmer climates of the US. Alot of electrical jobs are affected by construction trends, manufacturing and demand.

    Try not to be overly discouraged by this. There are young men and women here wondering the same thing as you. While you are studying you will have to seek out and find what is available in the area you are moving to. Your best bet may be look on line at job postings and newspapers for the area you are coming to and see what is out there. Your in a tough spot but with hard work and effort you can do it.

    You may also talk to a counseler at the University to see what information is available that may aide you.

    Best of Luck in your journey and adventure. Be optomistic, study hard and work hard and you can succeed. The road may be bumpy but you can never give up! Those who are strong will perceviere.

    Thanks Bernie C a lot. You are really a very good adviser.Yes you are right. can u suggest me where I should go in America.My uncle lives in Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,Hurley court,upper Darby .Will it be a good place to find a good job?..Or would you please suggest something which things I should learn to get a job easily after the entrance in the US?What about Chafe(cooking),or automobiles?If i take a diploma degree from my country..then will it be accepted in America?..Thanks all of u again.

  2. Hello,

    I am going to the USA in about 3 or 4 months by an immigrant visa. I have also admitted to the Maryland University in an undergraduate course. I have got a small scholarship. I have 4 months in my hand. So I want to learn something so that I can cover both my tuition and hostel fees. I have an attraction in electronics and electricity. If I do a diploma on Electrical house wiring and freeze, air conditioner then will it help me to get a good part time job beside studying America? What is the demand of such type of learning? Would anyone in America or any knowledgeable person please suggest me something about this…If it has not demand then which things should I learn to get a good part time job in America? What about automobile learning?...Thank you.I will appreciate any reply..

  3. Dear Sir/Madam,

    My interview will be held on January28,2010.My uncle is the petitioner,my mother is the beneficiary and I am the applicant(F-4 case)But I am confused about a matter.I submitted my birth certificate to the NVC before.But after that i found 2 faults in that caused by the issuing authority.One is my name spelling was incorrect and there was a tick mark on Female.But I am male.Now i have corrected this and got a new copy In my corrected BC the registration and personal identification number and issue date has changed from the previous one that was sent to NVC and now it is in Dhaka Us embassy.In the interview letter they said they got the original but I sent them the certified copy.Now what will I do at the time of interview?Will I explain about the correction?I have the faulty copies of BC.Should I take everything-Faulty copies,original corrected copies?An immigration lawyer told me it will deny my Visa and sent it to USCIS for revocation .Is it true?Pls reply to me,.I am anxious about that.THANK YOU

  4. Hello,

    Our interview will be held on 18 January,2010.Petitioner is my maternal uncle.Principal applicant is my mother,applicants are my father,me and my younger sister.(Preference Category: F4 - BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF U.S. CITIZENS).My age is 18.We have a joint sponsor and he is my mums nephew.From interview letter sent by NVC I come to know that we only need to take the copies of Police C,BC,Marriage cer.of my parent and the petitioner and no other thing.So would you please suggest something about what the CO will ask to my mum and other applicants at the time of interview?

    Thank you very much.

  5. Hello,

    I have read all the posts about 221g.Its really frustrating.My interview will be held on January 2010.My maternal uncle is the petitioner(F-4 case).he filled petitions for my mum, two of my aunts and uncle.All have got the AP after the interview except my mum as our case is completed lately by NVC and come to US embassy later.They all interviewed in 2006 and got the visa this year.Now we are alone.so will it take the same time to complete the processing and get the visa as my other relatives got the same type visa and their Ap is completed? Please reply to me

    Thank you very much.

  6. Hello everyone,

    My interview will be held on January,2010.But I am confused about a matter.I submitted my original birth certificate to the NVC before.But after that i found 2 faults in that caused by the issuing authority. One is my name spelling was incorrect and there was a tick mark on Female. But I am male. Now i have corrected this and got a new copy.But in that issuing date is different from the sent one to NVC.But the registration and identification number is the same.Now at the time of interview will I tell them about the correction and show them the scrutinized one?

    Thank you very much.

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