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Posts posted by Jonny&Caitlin

  1. Are you asking if you should let them know that you have left? I guess so. I haven't told them yet. I need to get round to that but have savings accounts and a house still to deal with and am not sure of the implications of that. But I worked only part of a year last year and I did claim and receive a tax rebate.

    Thanks for the information!

    Unlike your situation, I do not have anything over in the UK that I am paying for (only a bank account with very little money in there). The year that I left the UK (tax year April 2009 to April 2010) I only worked from April to August 2009, leading me to think that I may be entitled to a refund. Do you think I have a case?

    I will most likely let them know anyway, so none of us get messed around!

    Thanks again for your help!

  2. Hi all,

    I just wanted to get people's opinion on a question I had; I'm sure many of you have been in the same situation!

    I'll just give brief details of my situtaion. I moved over to USA on a K-1 visa in January 2010, becoming a green card holder in July 2010. Prior to moving over, I had been working in the UK for around 5 years. This got me thinking about my earning's during that period and the income tax/National Insurance I was paying and if I could qualify for a refund.

    Having done some brief research, I managed to find the following on the DirectGov website:

    Contacting HM Revenue & Customs when you leave the UK

    If you have left or are about to leave the UK you must tell HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

    If you're not required to fill in a tax return, you'll have to complete form P85 Leaving the UK - getting your tax right. HMRC will use the information on the form to send you any tax refund you're owed and work out if you'll become non-resident. It's important you enclose parts 2 and 3 of form P45 if you have one as HMRC will not be able to make any tax refund due without them. You'll need to send the original versions - photocopies won't be accepted.

    If you're leaving the UK to work full-time abroad for a UK based employer for at least a complete tax year, you'll need to fill in a tax return as well as a form P85.

    I currently am not paying any UK tax, as you would expect, as all my affilitions from there have gone and it have obviously been a long time since I left the UK.

    I would sincerly appreciate if anyone could shed some light on this situation and if it worth me getting in touch with HMRC.

    Thank you all for your help!


  3. Hi all!

    So the time has finally come for me to submit my removal of conditions paperwork. I just had a quick question regarding the additional residences and how to put this down on paper. Would something like this be appropriate (obviously with the correct dates in, etc!:


    (K-1 VISA) Name, A#*******

    Regarding Form I-751, Part 3, Question 9

    Addition addresses resided at:

    1. Street, Apt, City, State, Zip. From Jan 1st 2010 until June 25th 2010

    2. Street, Apt, City, State, Zip. From Jan 1st 2011 until July 26th 2011

    3. Street, Apt, City, State, Zip. Current residence.

    Are any other details required?

    As I always say on here when I post, this website has been such a valuable resource for my wife and I. I'm not sure we'd have been able to do everything without you guys! It's great to know that there's so many others in the same boat and it's really not worth getting stressed about!

    Thanks a lot guys! :-)

    Jonny T.

  4. Hi everyone!

    I just wanted to get some advice on shipping my personal effect from UK to USA. I’ve been over in the States for around 18 months now and my Green Card for just over a year. My wife and I are going to the UK for my brother’s wedding in October and I’m trying to get all the information I can to make it as easy as possible to get everything shipped when I go over.

    I don’t have a great deal of stuff to send – mainly music and audio stuff, so an amplifier, speakers, turntables and plenty of CD’s and LP’s. I also have a desktop PC which I plan to send. That’s pretty much the big stuff and I just have a few odds-and-ends.

    I am provisionally looking at The Excess Baggage Company for doing this, as it seems pretty resonable for the amount I have to ship and the number of good reviews I have seen on VJ. Anyone have any firsthand experience from using those guys? They seem to extremely organised, as they have all the relevant customs documents on their website.

    I was also confused about when its comes to listing the contents - would each individual CD have to be listed or just the total number, ie. 50 x CD’s?

    Is there a begining-to-end guide available on here to take you through each step in the process?



  5. Hi all,

    I am currently within the final stages of my AOS application, from a K-1 visa holder to a permanent resident. I've had a family bereavement, and am looking into obtaining the advance parole document to make a visit the UK, for the funeral.

    I believe my permanent resident card is almost ready to be issued, as I had my biometrics interview around 1 month ago.

    Does anyone have any advice on how I would go about applying for advance parole, and how long it would take to be issued. Any information would be helpful as I have to move quickly.

    Thank you very much!!! :-)

  6. Hi all!

    I'm currently in the process of filing for AOS, from my current K-1 status. My wife, also my sponsor, has filled out the I-864 affidavit, but we're slightly confused as to what evidence is required to be submitted with the application.

    I read in the instructions for the I-864 that along with the W-2 tax forms we have to send copies of form 1099. I have no idea what this form is, can anyone shed some light on this?

    We are also submitting her pay stubs and letter of employment, which aren't necessary.

    Also, I am filing the I-764 employment authorisation, with the AOS package. Does this mean the fee is the total for I-485 and I-764 [$1010 + $340] combined? I was under the impression its just the fee for the I-485, so $1010.

    Cheers guys, and thanks for your help! :-)

  7. Hi All!!!!

    Me and US fiance [now wife!!!!] just got married about 1 week ago, and we're in the process of filing for AOS. I've been looking all around the VJ forum, and the USCIS website and am trying to find a civil surgeon who can transcribe my vaccination records. I am currently in Keene, NH. and the nearest I've found so far is Dr. Brian Morris at All One Health, in Boston.

    Does anyone know of any other CS's in the New England area?

    Thanks everyone!!!! :-)

  8. Well, after visit number 3 to the social security office, I finally got the answer I was looking for! I yet again explained my situation to the lovely woman behind the counter and she clearly explained that i'll have to wait at least 10 working days for my details to be available on the computer system (this was mentioned in an earlier post on this thread). It was very nice to finally talk to someone with half a brain cell!

    The unfortunate thing is that 10 working days from my arrival in the States will be this Friday......ONE WEEK before our planned mariiage in NYC. Luckily, nothing has been booked allowing us to change our plans, should we need to. AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! :-)

    Oh and by the way, this was the Social Security Office in Keene, NH.

    Peace, y'all!!!! :-)

  9. Hi everyone again!

    Thanks very much for all your help and suggestions.

    I am really beginning to get annoyed with this process now. So I went again to visit the Social Security office here in Keene, this morning. Having seen all the suggestions by everyone, and printing out the necessary documents, I again explained my situation and that I wanted to get a social security number. I began filling out the SS-5 application form and was then called over where I was given a print out stating what 'evidence of lawful alien status' was required by the SS office to get my SSN.

    The print out reads as follows:

    Evidence is either I-94 showing K-1 staus for at least 90 days, or I-688B showing "274A.12(A)(6)" as Provision of Law, or I-766 showing "A-6" as Catergory). See EM00009, 2/11/00.

    I took along my stamped I-94 card (stamped at POE on 22nd Jan 2010, until 22nd Apr 2010) which was inspected only for the social security officer to say that I needed to be in USA as K-1 status for at least 90 days before I could apply for the SSN. She also said that I needed one of the other 2 forms listed above. I also tried to explain from the above statement that only 1 of the 3 documents listed would be needed as proof of lawful alien status.

    Having no idea what these forms were, I came back home and checked on the USCIS website, only to find out that these are sent after I have filed for AOS.

    This is the second time I have visited the social security office and am beginning to get rather annoyed. Me and my fiancee are planning to get married next friday in NYC and need this to be sorted out ASAP.

    I guess theres nothing really else to suggest from everyone, I intend to go back this afternoon and get them to sort themselves out.

    Thanks guys for all your help, this website is AMAZING!!! :-)

  10. Hello everyone!!

    My fiance and I found ourselves in quite a pickle today!

    My fiance just arrived one week ago on a K-1 visa, and we were heading to NY state today (we live in New Hampshire), to get our marriage license to be married in two weeks in NYC. Whilst in the process for applying for the marriage license, we were informed that NY state requires both parties to have a social security number in order to recieve the license. As we are getting married in two weeks, we ran to the local social security office to find out that they will not issue my fiance a ssn unless he has proof of employment authorization. But, we cannot obtain this until after we are married and filed for the AOS. This seems like a lose, lose situation but there must be something that covers K-1 visas!

    Any suggestions? Comments? Knowledge?!? Please! We are to be married in two weeks from today!

    Thank you everyone for all your time and help!! Anything would be helpful right now...


  11. Hi all!!!!

    Me and my fiancee are currently in the final processes of the K-1 visa [well, this side of the Atlantic anyway!!!] and I have my interview at the US Embassy in London in a weeks time. I am looking into flight options from the UK to USA, specifically Boston. I'm most likely going to travel via Dublin. Could anyone please tell me what this involves?

    Does this mean the 'Brown envelope' will be opened and all other checks will be done in Ireland, during the stopover? From looking around on VJ, I was under the impression this does happen.

    Also, I just wanna say a big big thank you to eveyone involved with VJ, it has been such an AWESOME resource in all parts of the K-1 process and without it, well...............I can't imagine what we'd have done without this wicked website. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!!


  12. Hello!

    My fiancé and I hit the topic of acquiring citizenship of one another’s home country. Does my fiancé have to have citizenship here? Can we travel back and forth between the US and England without either of us having citizenship of the others country? Is there a minimum/maximum that a person can live in his/her spouse’s home country without obtaining citizenship? My fiancé’s interview date is coming in early January so these sorts of questions are arising.

    Also, I had a question about getting a stamp from New York airport that allows my fiance to work? Does he have to fly into New York to get this? How can he start work once he arrives in the US?

    These may be ludicrous questions but we are curious for answers! Anything would be helpful! Thank you! :D

  13. Just a quick question - I put my parents address down on my 325 form, but i since have moved. My fiance just booked his medical... who would I contact at this point about my address change? Is it crucial for me to do this? I'm confused as to what to do and whom to speak to! Any thoughts would be great!! Thanks!!!

  14. Hello everyone!!

    I have found visajournery very useful through this process, it is good to finally be apart of it!

    I was wondering if anyone knew what to expect after we've received packet 3. My fiance already posted it back to the UK Embassy, but I read somewhere that it will take 10-12 weeks for the Embassy to process our file! Is this true? I was wondering if anyone had a rough idea of when to expect the interview and how long it takes after the interview till my fiance will be in the U.S. I know its a tough question to ask, but I'm slightly confused by what happens next and how long it will be! If anyone can help us out with this, it would be great!!

    Thank you every much fellow vjers!!!

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