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Posts posted by Sasha_Cool

  1. I filed k-1 and k-2 and k-2 was ready in 12 days and k-1 was ready in 26 days. Your fiance may have answered a question inconsistent in what you have on the application. Depends on who is doing the interview they may be satisfy with a little information or better with a lot of information along with the sponsor there. I saw another couple, where the interviewing officer just asked the beneficiary questions and didn't ask the petitioner and she was there. So it just depends. Good Luck!!!

  2. Also, realize the US does not want to give out visa so easily and especially with Jamaicans. You have Jamaicans come to the US and sheg it up for the other Jamaicans that wants to come and make a life for both themself and their families. Just like life journey said, they can ask you for any and everything that will support you petition and will blue slip you for the simplest thing. To past and present interviews people had easy interviews and others have had hard ones. Its best to be prepared for everything. Also, have you not learn to make copies of all important documents before you send it away. We are humans and will make mistake so by NVC losing the documents is a given. You prepare for those things. You would need a copy of your BC to show the family relationship. Also, be adamant with the embassy to inquire about all the necessary things you need to bring to the interview. This website is steer people in the right path and learn from some mistakes made, but you have to put in the necessary work and research to get what you are looking for and not just handed to you. And as Ele says " Di truth hurt who caan tek haffi splurt." These words are no way of a diss or looking confrontation and I applaud you for apologizing, but tek it easy. :lol::P:D We are all in the same boat just looking for direction to make it to shore.

  3. Why don't you get your name corrected on your birth paper? Jamaican embassy is very finicky. They will want supporting paperwork as to why your name is different from what is on your birth paper and from what is on your supporting documents. This kind of remind me of my mom when she was appyling for my brothers. She had gotten a certified letter because on my siblings birth paper she had many variations of her name on it. So, the justice of the peace basically said that she was also those names that were on her childrens birth paper. If you can't amend your birthpaper, just have you name changed and add the "r" to it as long as its not a finacial burden to do it. But I would send an email to the embassy multiple times until you receive the same answer and inquire about the concerns you have about your name being mispelled. Good luck!!!

  4. In the end the consular in Jamaica will have to review the AOS and from there will tell you if you are approved or not. The NVC just make a visa available for you. The consular in Jamaica makes the ultimate decision on whether or not you can migrate to the states. If I were you, I would ask you father what was his income for 2009 and how many people are in his household, then you need to look up the poverty guidelines for 2009 and find how many he has in his household including himself and you and compare it to his income. If he is below, you will need a co-sponsor. If he is above then you are good to go. Do the research now, before you go to your interview and get blue slipped because he does not make enough and you will need a co-sponsor. Good Luck!!!

  5. my baby is still wait to receiver packe#3 from the jamaica embassy i still nothing

    so what i did i download all the application that i think he need and i fill them out and send them to him

    to sign where have to sign

    becaus my noa2 said july 19-nov 192010

    best of luck

    keep me post

    If I were you I would email the embassy to see if they received it. My fiance received packet 3 and 4 in all together after I inquired so many different times, but all of this was after I had emailed the ds-230 to them with fiance's "signature".. They sent him two pieces of paper. One with the website addresses for all the forms you will need to bring with you to the interview and the other with his interview date. :whistle: The faster you do this the faster you can get an interview date and will not fall outside the valid period for the visa approval. I hope this helps a bit.

  6. You definitely need a return ticket - also, immigration laws in JA have changed - the maximum stamp you will get now is a 3 month stamp, after 3 months you have to request an extension of the visa, which costs about $10000JA. I think you can get it in Mo Bay, but if not you have to travel to Kingston. Also, the max you are allowed to spend per calendar year in JA is 6 months on a tourist visa.

    Ditto the concern about the I-134 - Do you have a co-sponsor or a job that you can work while in JA to meet the income requirements?

    Believe me, I know your frustration, and hope it works - but please make sure you consider all the factors.

    I always book my ticket online so, when I go to the airport I just show my passport. When I fill out the Customs form, I put my estimated time of stay and they are me why am I visiting and who I am visiting. They never ask me about a return ticket. When I go through Montego Bay, I don't get much of a hassle. If your Customs card is filled out completely, its pretty much two questions stamp and a Welcome back I get.

  7. Yes, Yes, and Yes! Don't go into freak out mode on me people! I'm not some ammatuer just coming into this game. :wacko:

    I know about all of the associated fees and as I said he has the money to pay for the exams and forms he has to get completed in Jamaica. I now (with new employment) reach the poverty guideline on income and dont think there will be any issue in the support affidavit. My question was solely based and related to the initial fee. I'm not saying I don't have any money or that I won't get the money to pay the fee in appropraite timing. I'm saying I have student loans to pay back and additional bills, so I wanted to know if this was an option due to previous unemployment and whatever other burdens I could display. I mean... can I get something back from the US Government for a change? Hello!!!!

    Thanks all for your responses!

    It doesn't matter if you have a new job know and meet poverty guidelines. They go by last year tax returns. I believe BajanKutie was in the same position where she was filing for her husband and she didn't work much of last year and although her current job now is well over the poverty line she was blue slipped until she could find a co-sponsor. Also, you could try to defer your loan payments for try to consolidate or extend the years of the loan for a lower payment.

  8. Thanks Ms.Cool for that about the financing. I hadnt even thought about that yet. I am a citizen and neither one of us have any children. I do well on my own for now but all the plane tickets, phone cards and filing do add up! Me and the SO did disscuss him not being able to work once he arrived. And being that my family is still NOT very supportive of us,I plan to have to be the one to support us for a while, until he can work and even then im not sure how much of a help that will be.

    Im not sure what I should or could do to prepare for that. On top of dealing with the family issues of me and my "big, bad and scary" Jamaican fiance. I try not to worry him too much about it,Im kinda am embarrassed that my family is so caught up in to "American stereotypes" of Jamaican men...maybe that will be a new thread, dealing with fam!

    He does have family in Florida, so I suggested we move there to make the transition easier for him and they could help him with finding work, contacts things of that nature.

    Thank You EVERYONE who has replied, this has been extremly helpful!BJ'

    Well, I am of Jamaican descent and my sister, brother, aunts, grand aunts and his sister, grandmother, aunts and rest of family has warned my SO to don't show his ####, lol. Because some jamaican men did make it bad for other Good jamaican men that are there. I hope you decide to do the best that is for you and trust in yourself and believe that you have a good man, but he shows any signs of shadyness address them as soon as possible. My sister has a saying that sometimes you have some family that are badmind, meaning they are like crabs in a barrel and dont want to see you happy or prosper. This is your time of happiness and enjoy as much of it and for as long as it will last. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!!

  9. Thanks for the info.

    My daughter will be 5 on the 25 of August. So she should be able to go straight into Kindergarten. I still have to contact the school board to see what all she will need to bring from JA.

    I didn't know you were going through the K-2 process as well.

    Yeah, both hubby and son came together and it took 5 months for approval. His mother kind of abandoned him and left him with his father and great gandmother. Because granny is climbing up in age, hubby didnt want to leave son there and who will be able to fly with him if he were to follow. Next week we will apply for social security cards for both so I can get him on some kind of waiting list for 3 year olds. I hope there will be space for her, but it looks like people pulled their kids out of daycare and placed them in public school immediately to cut costs and I don't blame them, but I want a spot for him to go to school.

  10. box 3 you would put the childs name but the bottom part i don't think you need to fill that in because no child or spouse is accompanying or to follow. as long as you placed the childs info on the first affidavit when you filed for you fiance.

    box 8 it would be you because until your husband becomes a US Citizen you are still financially responsible for both your husband and step-child.

    box 9 & 10 it would be your husband

    box 11 you could put until his father becomes a naturalized US citizen

    have you got some schools lined up for the child because i am finding that there are some long and short waitlist for the 3 year program here. just something to think about while you are doing the paperwork.

  11. He would need to have the difference of his income and the poverty level income times 5. So lets say the poverty level says he needs to be making $24,000 a year and his last year returns said he only made $22,000. The difference of $2000 he would need to have at least $10,000 in his account to satisfy immigrations requirements. I hope this paints a better picture for you.

  12. Also if you are a US citizen and your file for your spouse it will be quicker ( 5 Months) than to file for your spouse as a permanent resident (January 9th, 2009). Also, take into consideration of you income for K-1 visa you would only have to prove 100% of your income above proverty level versus spousal visa you would have to prove 125%. If, you or the SO has children it will play into your household number along with how long it will take to approve the petition. It took us exactly 5 months to receive approval because I was filing for both fiance and child. The one thing about a K-1 is that they have to wait until you get married to file EAD to work, but because we both have big families in Jamaica, we could not afford to get married in Jamaica at the time. We will have a civil wedding then through a reception party and once he gets working we can save up to renew our vows in Jamaica for both of our families to attend. Choose what best fits your situation.

  13. MrsTee-- I hope you are feeling better today.

    I wasn't part of the original Yardie home and a farrin, but it was up and running for a long time. Change is always a great thing. Most times.

    Hello Yardies!!!!!!!

    OK, so I have have to get the house ready for Eric's daughter, Tenielia. She soon come and I am nervous as hell. I know we get along great but I am just worried about finances, school, Eric, and the new baby. I have enough on my plate with just Eric and this little one in the oven. I constantly tell Eric to help me with some of the house work, but if I am off, he doesn't do anything. Hell, he can't even put his dirty clothes in the hamper. And now a 5 year old comes into the picture and soon after a newborn. LAWD Help ME

    You need to have a serious conversation with him because you don't need more added stress during your pregnancy. You want to be able to give birth to nice and heathly baby. I already told my fiance if I come in tired from work don't expect me to cook. So, luckily we split the household responsibilities and we are dealing with two 3 year olds. Good luck to you!!!

  14. I'm interested in this too. My husband is a LPR right now, but I think he has to wait until he is a citizen to file for his sister, right? So if we filed once he became a citizen then it's taking 9 years, as of right now? Do she need to be unmarried in the 9 years? What would her status be. Would she be a LPR and then be able to become a citizen after 5 years? Any idea on the total costs?


    I think the cost would be the same as if you were filing for a spouse. $350 for the petition, plus AOS fee $1010 along with some other fee of $70 and then the visa fee in Jamaica I think the price dropped on this to $340.

    How on earth are they moving so slow with sibling petitions? If I had known earlier it would have taken this long to file for them, I would have pressed my mom to do it before she passed away. Oh well, I wonder if it would be a good idea to wait and file with a chance of the years decreasing from 9 to 5 or file now and wait in line behind the others who are awaiting for their chance.

  15. Also, due to your financial issues if the petition is approved you will not be approved in Jamaica because you will have to prove to have made sufficient income to support both yourseld, child and husband. They refer to last years tax information for this. If I were you, I would make surethat your income fall within the poverty guidelines for a family of three. Then go from there, because worst case scenario you would need a co-sponsor. Cross all you t's and dot your i's before you begin this long journey. Good Luck!!!

  16. For us I emailed them the ds-230 signed and they sent via mail both myself and fiance a copy of packet 3 (a checklist of all the forms and how to access them on the internet, no actualy papers were printed) and packet 4(interview date). Also, you can download the medical forms on state.gov website, but my fiance said that the hospital provides them as well. I would send my fiance the medical form on the website just in case the embassy try to throw you for a loop for not having it on the right form.

  17. Hey Matt,

    Did you file out the form for them to sent you the original documents or did you send for the BC? I am trying to figure out what to do in my fiance's case. I think his visa is ready, but he will call them DHL to confirm. I am having him look about his BC and son's while he is still there and have a relative post it to us here.

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