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Posts posted by knnth

  1. Yeah, thunderstorms pretty much every day, it's been weird. Too bad about not being able to make it to Colorado Springs, it's a nice place. Homeownership seems like a whole new batch of things to learn and handle.. but look on the bright side, you have a nice new HVAC unit!

  2. Welp, I got my ROC result in the mail the day before yesterday, and I got my new Green Card yesterday!!

    We moved to our house, and I guess my change of address didn't take until after they mailed out both things, so it went to my old address first, got sent back, then sent out again! So glad it didn't get lost along the way..

    I'll have to check on the actual dates, but MAN it's nice to see an expiry date of 2023 on this card! WOO!

  3. It's awesome to see that everyone is getting settled, and that our cards are finally coming through! I'm flying back to Canada for a wedding in August, and HOPEFULLY my card comes through before then! Congrats on the place Brenda, and enjoy Colorado Springs Vero and Chris! Colorado's a beautiful state, especially along the Front Range.

    I think USCIS are pretty lenient with filing that address change form. I ended up filing an address change about 1.5 years after we moved, but after speaking with someone in an INFOPASS appointment, they said it's only ever a big deal if there's other flags on your application/status.

  4. It's so awesome to see things finally coming to a close for us permanent residents! Congrats Nickbits, J&J and Vero and Chris!!

    My wife and I closed on a house this past weekend (right before interest rates went through the roof thank god!) and as we were going through the paperwork signing everything, the closing agent freaked out a tiny bit when I said "I'm not" to "Signing here just verifies that you're both US Citizens" .. she looked at me like I was an alien, lol. I told her I submitted all my Green Card stuff to the lender and it's all approved and she relaxed again, but I think I gave her a mini heart attack!

    We're all moved in to a beautiful place out in the country in Colorado and things couldn't be better. We even have an american flag waving in the breeze on our front porch :D

  5. Sent in my ROC package to California, on Monday 03/11, they received it Wednesday 03/13 and cashed the check on Thursday :)

    It felt good putting that package together; after all the work we put in to the I-129F, and then the I-485, this was a breeze! Put it all together in a couple days, with a few days to gather all the evidence and stuff.

    Thanks for posting about your trip J&J (expired GC with extension letter), I might have to do the same thing for my buddy's wedding. Good to read all these updates from everyone, it's been a long journey!

  6. Greetings all! Man how time flies! It's pretty exciting that we're filing for our ROC now.. (Hopefully) one last touchpoint before we say goodbye to USCIS for 10 years! (Unless you're going for a citizenship that is :P)

    I actually had a bit of a scare when I got a notice that my ROC was coming up, but it was addressed to our old address, which we haven't lived at for over a year. I swore I filed an AR-11 but didn't have any evidence of it, so I scheduled an INFOPASS appointment to see what was going on, and filled out another AR-11 online just to be safe. Sure enough, they had my original one on file and the newly submitted one with the same info, and she said that a LOT of people forget to fill these out/submit them, but as long as they have evidence, it's no worries.

    Looking at the ROC requirements, this thing is going to be a breeze compared to the AOS stuff :D

    Exciting times!

    -Ken & Katie

  7. Have fun at your Bio App MandaNChris, make sure they take a good picture of you! When I had mine done, they asked if I liked it, and it looked like I had no neck at all, so I got them to retake it.. 2nd picture, no neck. I laughed and said it looks great, lol :D

    Last weekend we went out couch-shopping and found a great replacement leather couch that was to be delivered on Tuesday, so we listed our pet-marked couch on Craiglist for free/best offer, and managed to get $50 out of it, no questions asked (we did a really good job cleaning it, so all traces of the pet-marking were gone.)

    Our new couch is awesome, and we are vigilantly supervising our cats when they're around it. We've pretty much gotten rid of their markings, and it seems they can't smell anything, but time will tell when we're confident enough to let them loose on their own. We keep them locked in the bathroom whenever we're out/sleeping.. poor things, but what are you going to do?!

    On the puppy front, WE BOUGHT ONE! She's a silver standard poodle, and we've named her Kima Greggs, after the detective on the HBO show The Wire. Here's a video!

    We're picking her up on Saturday! Going to be crazy!

  8. Hi guys, I love reading all of your updates, I've just been pressed for time recently!

    The Green Card was received about a week after our March 29th interview date, on April 7th, and I was happy to see that it is actually kind of green! We filed our income tax online about two weeks before that, and good things come in pairs: received my Green Card AND our tax returns! We got a huge return back, which is super-helpful!

    A month after I received my EAD card, I found a full-time WebDev placement here in Denver, and it's been great so far. I feel really lucky to have found work so early and quickly, and I wish everyone who's still searching the best of luck; it seriously sucks not working/bringing home the bacon, and we've already had to deal with enough of that with our AOS wait! So GOOD LUCK, STAY POSITIVE!

    Our cats have been a bunch of ***holes ever since we left them for a month during our wedding/honeymoon.. They've left their mark mainly on our couch, and we've been forced to keep them locked in our bathroom whenever we're out, because we're afraid they'll pee/spray other stuff around the apartment. We've tried everything short of strangling them, so we're thinking a new couch and a change of scenery will fix it (hopefully!) Our lease is up in August, and we're currently looking to buy a condo somewhere around here (Denver DTC) Lots of choices, and the house market is pretty good right now, so it's pretty exciting :D

    We're also thinking of buying a standard poodle! Katie's been talking of nothing but for weeks now, and we're finally going to see a local breeder here in town to check out a 10-week old pup. I know they're a lot of work, and a big commitment, but we're excited and ready for an addition! I'll have a jogging buddy :D

    That's about it here on our end.. Finally able to make ends meet with 2 incomes, planning our future, living the life.

    Feels good man!


  9. Thanks for the wishes Vero and Chris and all! Green Card is in production!

    You were right Vero, it was VERY stress-free! I'll be writing up a full review later, but there's not much to say other than IT WAS EASY!

    Had fun joking with co-workers "I'm one step closer to becoming one of you!". Kate and I will be celebrating in 2 days, when my first paycheck comes in, and then probably a week later when our tax return comes in (sorry we didn't chime in with all the tax talk, we had the luxury of being lazy and having Kate's dad do them! :P)

    It's an amazing feeling to know and see how far we've come, both Kate and I, and our whole August group. WHAT A JOURNEY! :D

  10. Got an email from USCIS. Green Card interview March 29th, 2011 !! Son, I am excite.

    I got my EAD card not even two weeks ago, and I'm up to my ears in job prospects and offers.. definitely a better market here in Denver for IT/Web Devs than it was back in Ontario.. a world of difference. So excited to FINALLY get back to work, and help Kate out with all the $$$. It's been tough, and our car's gonna quit any day now, so the sooner work comes the better !!

    Congrats to Rose416, J & J, Wishing, Valerie78 and nickbits on their Green Cards !!

    Vero & Chris, Tater&#######, we're next !!

  11. No need to fret Chris and Vero, you'll be fine! I just got another email from USCIS today, stating that my EAD card began production today, Feb 3rd. I got an email on Jan 28th stating that THAT was when they started production on it, so I'm not quite sure what's up with that. This happen to anyone else?

  12. If you bank with Scotiabank, you can access your CDN account and withdraw USD funds from any Bank of America ATM. There is no charge, other than the normal difference from exchanging between CDN and USD (whatever that may be at the time)

  13. mandaNchris, the AOS package (for us) was about half as annoying as the original K-1 package, mostly because we've done it all before. Gather tax transcripts, fill out forms, photocopy stuff, etc. It's just a pain :P BUT, it's a nice feeling when it's all sent off :) (except for the cheque that's enclosed)

    Vero and Chris, I just received my I-485 and I-765 NOA hard copies today in the mail :D Also, I didn't file for AP, so you can cross that off the list

  14. Enough about depressing stuff! Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving, Ken&Kate and Valerie78, did you receive your NOA1 yet?

    we've received the email notifications and the check was cashed - no hard copy noa1 yet...anyday now.

    i will say that waiting together is much better than waiting apart..i still find myself in shock kind of, like - is that all really behind us???

    Same here: received 4 emails, 2 for the I-765, 2 for the I-485, and both were emailed on Nov 23rd .. No hard copy yet, and the last touch on either was Nov 24th..

    I can't wait to get my EAD and actually get a job!

  15. Tater&#######, sorry you're having such problems with this AOS RFE thing! :(

    I feel like a weight's been lifted off my back; just received FOUR identical emails telling me USCIS has received my AOS/EAD package :D Was just starting to get worried it got lost in the mail. I guess my case hasn't been officially received yet, since the receipt number cannot be found on uscis.gov .. oh well, gotta give them time :)

  16. Yay! AOS/EAD sent off 11/15/2010 for me! I decided to include a cheque for $1010, hoping that my interpretation of the rate increase is correct that any application post-marked AFTER the 23rd are subject to the new fee.. we will see.

    It will be great if all our AOS journeys can progress as fast as nickbits has, wow!

  17. Wow, Valerie. Glad you're OK, and together; that's what counts! Just think of the stories you can tell now :)

    I have a quick question about my AOS fees.. I'm submitting the i-485, and also the i-765 (EAD) .. does the new fee increase hit people who have filed their AOS package AFTER Nov 23rd? If so, the total amount I'm paying SHOULD be $1010, correct? (i-485 fee + biometrics fee)

    Need some direction here..

  18. Hi guys!

    We've been away for a while, but here's a quick recap on how we've been till now:

    POE went fine, wedding was AWESOME (lots of family and friends), honeymoon in Montana/Yellowstone National Park for 11 days was PERFECT, and since then we've been taking it easy here in Colorado.

    FINALLY getting my AOS stuff together.. I'll be submitting this week, since my 90 days from POE is officially up December 7th. TIME JUST FLIES BY, WOW.

    Glad you guys have kept this going, and congrats to everyone from our group who's on their AOS journey. So much paperwork ("what? didn't we do this for the petition? ugh!") but we're so experienced now, nothing can stop us :)

  19. This is very interesting. I was under the assumption that we (the beneficiary) are supposed to keep the brown medical results envelope when doing POE. I POE'd at the beginning of September, and I am just now getting ready to file for my AOS and I too only have the "Vaccination Documentation Medical Worksheet Two" from Dr Sieden's office in Toronto. When I POE'd, the border officers told me that they were required to mail my brown medical results envelope to the USCIS office in Denver, CO.

    I will only be sending in a copy of this "Vaccination Documentation" sheet, and will be praying that Denver received my medical results. Hugglebuggles, sounds like I'm in the same position you were in! And Arabella, sorry your medical was lost, what a pain! :(

  20. What did everyone do in terms of informing Canadian Authorities, GST, Health Offices, etc of your leaving? Is there anything special to do on that front?

    My POE is Wednesday at the Blue Water Bridge in Sarnia, and I'm hoping it all goes well. Driving down in a uHaul truck with my brother and all my belongings!

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