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chan & dee

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Posts posted by chan & dee

  1. Hi there. We were just moved to the testing and interview phase for our AOS and have an interview near the end of Feb. Just had a concern about one of the requirements they were asking on the letter. The portion where it asks for letter from employer with average hours work and pay rate. Me and my co sponsor both work for Wal - Mart and the human resource lady/company itself say because of their policies they are unable to put such information on there. The only thing I can get from them is basically a letter stating the hire date. Has anyone had experience without having one when they asked for it? It would also help if someone who has had experience with the Houston, TX office could provide personal experience.


  2. hi there. first off i would like to say thank you for this site. it has provided me with a lot of information about the immigration process. i am in the middle of an aos but received the pink letter for initial evidence. its asking for my banks statements for the last 12 months and also a co sponsor. i am able to find a co sponsor that makes well over the amount but the only question she had for me was that does the affidavit of support show up on her credit report in anyway. only reason she asked because she was applying for a loan and they saw that she had sponsored someone previously on a student visa. could not really find a clear answer to this.


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