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Posts posted by urch

  1. Hi Nwanyioma,

    A friend of mine was in a similar situation. She was issued a 221g and asked to bring phone records and additional evidence of communication. Her initial inetrview was Dec 18 and her second interview was Jan 7 and she got her visa approved on presentation of the required documents. So just keep praying, I believe everything will be fine as long as that is all they are requesting for.

    All the best!

  2. i just got married in Nigeria ,i need someone to please help me on how this k-3 visa works...i need all the help i can get please....

    Hello and welcome to VJ. Congratulations on your wedding!!!!!!!!

    Not to worry, you will certainly get all the help you need from this website.

    My advise, feel free to ask anything you are not sure or clear about BEFORE not after the event. It pays to learn from other people's experience.

    We also did the k3 visa. The whole process took about 5-6months which was really great for me. However, you may want to consider the CR1/IR1 because with K3 visa, the process continues when your spouse gets to the US and it costs more but the decision is yours.

    For me, whatever would get us together faster even if its just a day earlier was better not minding other costs involved.

    You may want to look through the guidelines for K3 and CR1/IR1 and be very sure which way you want to go.

    Have you started the filling process?

    Wish you the very best :thumbs:


  3. my thoughts to you: Apply again thru cr1 or k3 (both are for married couples).

    The lesson learnt here - there are no short cuts. I understand the desire to see your loved one but it ALWAYS pay in the long run to do the right thing from the beginning though it may delay alittle.

    All the best!

  4. Yes .It was a church wedding.But what we heard was Embassies don't honor Church wedding certificates.

    Depends on which church is issuing the certificate. You need to confirm from the registry if that church certificate is recognised by them and you should have filed it with the registry as well.

    If you have not done this, i suggest you have a court wedding and just start the process again

  5. You may still want to consider getting a letter form both parents explaining why you have not met his parents and him your parents

    Also, is there any particular reason why you have not been to Nigeria since the relationship began. If so, you could also do a letter to the consulate explaining that.

    I'm sure you already have emails, chat logs, phone logs and the likes that shows evidence of your communication and relationship. He should go with all of that and any pics you have.

    Most importantly, take it to God in prayer, ask God for favor. As long as your relationship is genuine, God will back it up.

    All the best.

    Cant wait to hear the good news! :thumbs:

  6. hi urch

    glad u made it safely. how was the immigration and customs at the airport in the houston . that will be where my husband poe as well. but i actually live in austin.. texas weather is a constant change . in the morning u will be all bundled up cause it is cold and then that evening u will be wearing a tshirt and shorts, wait till later in the year . weather here changes quickly and quite often. normally january is our coldest month. so enjoy :)

    Hi lrr1998,

    houston was really easy. no stress at all. althou i am not really sure why mine was so smooth cos i met some pple there who spent alot of time wit the custom and border pple at the airport. I just went in and in abt 10-15mins i was thru.

    I think he shd be fine.

  7. Okay, it looks like you're about 10 degrees warmer than Atlanta today. (56 vs. 46)

    I know that doesn't make you feel much warmer, but here's some 'get adjusted' advice I can give to go along with it:

    • Add some layers to your wardrobe. Invest in some long johns which I see at Walmart, Target and even the pharmacy. This of course means all your outerwear will have to be a size bigger to accomodate the 'clothes.'

    • Warm your head up with a hat! Skull caps don't always make you feel so pretty when you're a lady, but they help keep you warm and healthy.

    • Make lots of egusi soup. Send some to Pman's wife; she loves it so much! Again, just keep buying bigger clothes... :yes::rofl:

    It takes about a year to get acclimated, but those tips should help in the interim.

    Thanks alot for the advice, really appreciate it. Just had some Egusi soup with my hubby. :dance::dance::dance:

  8. It comes with great saddness today to announce that my fiancee was denied the visa in Nigeria. Im really upset right now but according to my fiancee he said that the consular officer denied him the visa because I didnt meet his parents and he didnt meet mine. I dont know what to do? How can I request a second interview? She said its for immigration purposes. Buts its not true. He answered all the questions correctly. Well let me continue crying. I need all your help right now.

    I am really sorry to hear that Nwanyionma. Maybe you can consider both parents writing a letter to the consulate explaining why they have not met and their support for your relationship. Thats all i can think of right now.

    Also, just wondering, have you visited Nigeria since your relationship began?

    Please dont loose up.

  9. Hi Urch!

    A warm welcome to the United States. I hope it's warm where you are. After you're settled in, I hope you'll stay in touch and tell us about adjusting to life in the US. Maybe you'll be so kind as to give some advice to those of us 'pulling up the rear' :yes:.

    Thanks Pman's wife. I am in fort worth, texas. Its cold here and i am still trying to get used to the change in weather. I'll defintely stay in touch and please feel free to ask any questions. I'll be more than willing to answer the much i know.

  10. Hi All,

    Just to let u know that i arrived safely in the US. My POE was houston, it was so easy and simple.

    I am with my hubby now and we are sooooooooooooo happy.

    Once again, thanks to you all for your words of encouragement, advice, tips and shared experiences.

    The journey is not over yet but the great and most important thing is that we are together now.

  11. Hi everyone,

    I missed my appointment on interview day and i've been rescheduled for another, but i need to know and get prepared for this next one. I would like to know what i need to take along, and frequently asked questions and the visa fee as i met a lady that filed for k-3 visa, she told me she was denied or rather wasn't sure because she was told she doesn't have enough phone records. please i need you to put me through. However, I need to Know w\hat to expect there too. I hope i'm not asking too much.

    merry xmas

    Hi Oyinda,

    you need to know everything about your spouse in the US bcos u will be asked questions at random about him/her. So if there is anything you are not sure of or dont know i suggest u find out now before your interview.

    Also, you MUST have evidence/proof of relationship/communication, emails, chat logs, phone logs, pics, letters and the likes and it MUST cover the h them and period before the wedding(while dating).

    Funny enough the interviewer may not actually ask for all of this bcos all cases are not the same but dont go for the interview without them, trust me, you are beta off going wit them and they do not ask.

    A friend of mine was also asked to bring phone records and emails. Fortunately for her, she was not denied, so once she presents the required docs, i guess she will get her visa


  12. Hi everyone,

    I missed my appointment on interview day and i've been rescheduled for another, but i need to know and get prepared for this next one. I would like to know what i need to take along, and frequently asked questions and the visa fee as i met a lady that filed for k-3 visa, she told me she was denied or rather wasn't sure because she was told she doesn't have enough phone records. please i need you to put me through. However, I need to Know w\hat to expect there too. I hope i'm not asking too much.

    merry xmas

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