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Posts posted by Beesho

  1. It is officially Friday

    Good morning Folks,

    It is officially Friday, and this means tomorrow night I will be in a plane heading to Jordan, not only to see the fiancé but also to attend his interview on April 1st and we both will be celebrating Easter with family and friends whom still living in Jordan.

    We will be also celebrating on April 1st the Assyrian New Year, so our interview might have some special feeling for us.

    I been running around yesterday trying to see what should I wear to the interview.

    I went bought 4 dresses  tonight will have to choose..

    Plus I cannot complain it is going to be about 80 and above during the time I am there..I wish I took a longer time off.

    Any idea on what to wear?


    Best of luck :) and let us know about the interview.

  2. Has anyone gone specifically through the Embassy in Amman Jordan with K-1 visa? Do you know what are the steps they take once they receive the petition from NVC? Do they send the beneficiary instructions of what is needed? Do they setup the interview first and send you the package, or they send you the package and after that they setup the interview?

    Any insight on how they operate there is much appreciated.

  3. How are you are you managing that? but thats good news to here are our NOA1 date is Dec 7th too

    a while ago I was bored so I used the USCIS website and I looked up 40 I=129F petitions and I then added them to the portfolio....now when I sign in, I can see out of these 40 what got touched and or approved......the petition with a case number right after mine got approved...so i am hoping my case is in that employee's desk....and will st working on it Monday...hopefully!!!

  4. Jim,

    I share your optimism, but I'm afraid I agree with Capt. Martyshk that it will not happen. I believe that we won't see any Dec. approvals until the last week of March. I don't mean to sound pessimistic, just being realistic...but we can always hope. Hope is what keeps us going!

    I am actually traking 40 petitions with a Dec 7 NOA1. I just noticed 5 petitions approved today........I guess they started working on Dec :) hopefully there will be more approved next week.................

  5. Hi everyone,

    Thanks so much for the help you've given so far!

    I want to add that when I applied (and was granted) the B1/B2 I was already married to my American wife and stated that fact both on the application and in the interview. Both times I entered the US they asked if I had family in the US and I answered truthfully that yes, I have family and was going to visit them. I also told them that I am married to an American. They did not seem at all concerned about this.

    I applied for the B1/B2 visa originally to go to a short-term university course and visit my wife's family. Can they really charge me with fraud now? I went to the US for that reason and came back. I went again for another program (on the same visa) and came back. What if when I enter the US this time I tell them that I'm planning to immigrate? Would that make it harder for them to charge me with this?

    The problem with the DCF is that it is not possible to do this in my country. Palestine is under occupation and, unfortunately, there is no way for my wife to be a "legal resident" here. Basically, she's been a "tourist" in this country for almost three years. We have talked to the US Consulate here and they said there is no way to do this unless she is a legal resident (an impossibility). Also, the Fiance visa takes a very long time from here. I have a few friends who have been in processing for this for 10 months or more. I am scared to start this process and be stuck. Also, wouldn't applying for a "fiance" visa when you've been married for three years count as fraud, too? :)

    I'm pretty sure I've seen cases on this forum of people who did AOS from a B1/B2 visa. If anyone has done this, can we be in touch?

    Thanks again.

    Salaaam Ashraf....

    First let me tell you forget about the Fiance visa, it is not for you, you are married. So you have two options:

    1. Have your American wife move back to the U.S. and apply for CR-1/IR-1 visa (immigrant visa) for you. You can go and visit her and stay with her on your tourist visa while the petition is being processed, that way you won't be apart from your wife. Normally, from start to finish you need about 9 months for the petition to be over with and you getting the immigrant visa from the Jerusalem Consulate. I beleive you can stay in the U.S. for 6 months and have to leave again.......so hopefully you won't be apart from your wife for a long time. And if they ask you again why you are coming to the U.S., just say the truth as you always had...coming to visit family, which it is the truth. I think this is your best option as you will receive your green card two weeks after you enter the U.S. on your immigrant visa.

    2. Option two, come the US on you Tourist Visa and do AOS, but you are taking a big risk here!!! they might or might not approve you AOS.

    So, use your tourist visa right and to your advantage, move back with your wife here for 6 months, but be prepared to go back to Palestine after 6 months......but by then you immigrant petition would close close to get to arrive at the Jerusalem consulate...


  6. Hello VJ,

    I just wanted to inform you that today we got emai from our lawyer that the interview is scheduled for April 1st.

    It seems they were confused about my finace application from another special visa, but the lawyer was able to clarify and we got a date.

    I am so so happy.. at least it give us comfort to know there is an interview date.

    I wish everyone will get their great news this week.


    Good luck :)

    Let us know how things will go at the Embassy/interview.

  7. How would you answer question # 11 on form I-134?? Do you check the Intend box Or the Do Not Intend box....I am confused. I am appyling for K-1.

    and for question #9......in the past I submitted 1-864 for my ex-beneficiary of I-130 back 2 years ago (she never received a CR-1 visa because we ended up in a divorce b4 they issued a visa!!!!). So Do I need to list her as someone who I "Previously submitted affidavit" for?

    Thanks all

  8. I agree that you should call DOS and ask what that might mean. I have never heard of an app being under review before an actual interview takes place. They may have spotted something in the docs that NVC missed as they have more experience in the local docs than NVC, but who knows Im totally speculating of course.

    Let us know what answer you get from DOS and good luck.

    Does anyone who went through k-1 through jordanian Embassy know what documents the embassy asks for?

  9. I know! That's my thing too. I wouldn't mind waiting...okay, so I would mind waiting. But it's just screwed up for them to jump the line like that. I mean, they passed up 120 applications. All of those applications cannot have something wrong with them that makes it to where they cannot be worked ahead of December applications.

    It was hard enough missing out on the mass approvals by two weeks but now that they've actually gotten close to our dates for approvals they're skipping us and moving on to the next months? That's just wrong.

    How are you all jumping to conclusions that they are working on December filers?? Also remember that people on Visa journey here represent less than 5% of applications really applied for!

  10. I'm hoping to see some movement in VSC this week. I spoke to an experienced member, who lives in Vermont near the VSC, if the parking lot was empty there. He said things look normal there and that the push to get I-129fs complete is over and they're going back to normal processing. While I accept this answer it is still BullS__t. While I'm happy for the lucky ones who got pushed through in a month to two months, I'd like to know who is deciding who gets to be happy and get on with their lives and who must wait an undetermined amount of torturous time.

    Also as a US taxpayer it pisses me off that these government offices close on every freaking little holiday that comes along. Mean while the average tax payer is at work on these days earning money only to give most of it back to the government. Who pay their employees to sit at home scratching their balls and deciding my fate.

    Ya maybe he can see the parking lot! But how would he know what goes inside???! unless he knows someone who works inside?

  11. It is always better to attend the interview with your fiancee.. It shows a lot to the interviewer.. But, if you can't make it on the interview date, it shouldn't be a big deal.. Be sure that she takes as much proof of your relationship as she can with her to the interview... I hear it matters how many times you met in person.. In my case it didn't matter.. But may be you should see if you can visit before her interview.

    Thanks, I am already planning a visit end of February eitherway, which i am sure at this point it would be before the interview date.

  12. Will your fiance be with you? What is the background of both of you? Did you do ketib-ketab?

    No we did not do ketib-ketab, we will do this as soon as we arrive in the USA, that is why I petitioned for k-1...faster. She is Jordaninan and I am Palestinian originally from jerusalem. I am not sure if i can take time off from work to be with her on the interview date......is it better to be with her?

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