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Barry and Ami

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Posts posted by Barry and Ami

  1. So my friend is heading back to Japan after entering the country on a K1 Visa. Her and her fiance broke up and will not be getting married. She wanted me to find out something for her though.

    After she returns to Japan obviously she can't return on her K1 Visa. I know this, but wanted to ask about her returning to the US for tourism or school.

    Do people ever have problems coming back into the US after having a K1 visa? She doesn't intend to use the K1 visa again but will she be have any problems when she comes back to the US to visit or go to school?

    My wife says she read some blogs that had experiences of those in similar situations being rejected because they had an ex-fiance/e in the country (possibly because they were worried about her getting married illegally?). So I wanted to check and make sure because I had just assumed that there would be no problem whatsoever.


  2. So we had our interview today. We were told everything was fine with our case except that they needed my wife's background check from Utah and Japan. He said that they couldn't get our fingerprints (we went 3 times) so we would need the background checks from Utah and Japan. Is this normal?

    We got the one from Utah easy enough on the way home. But we are worried that Japan is going to tell us that we have to pick it up in person...We submitted a background check from Japan when we applied for the K-1, but because we got that in March and my wife didn't get here until June 30th he said we would need an updated background check. Is that normal? Has anyone had a similar experience?

  3. We've got our interview coming up on the 20th. We're starting to prepare and I think we have most everything but there are some confusing items on the list. Could you help me out with them?

    -With the I-864...we did submit it already and gave them all the documents for me (USC), but now my wife is employed and working here in the US. Do we need to get letters from her employer and bring her paychecks also? The way it's phrased in the letter makes it seem like they want my wife's stuff.

    -All documentation establishing your eligibility for lawful permanent resident status. What is that?

    -What kind of evidence should we bring to establish our relationship?

    -The letter states: "Original and copy of each supporting document that you submitted with your application. Otherwise, we may keep your originals for our records." This is my BIGGEST question...what does this mean?

    Thank you!

  4. So I have kinda of a complicated situation and I'm pretty worried about it.

    I was going to have my father-in-law sponsor me since he did the I-134 for me, but he saw the contract for the I-864 and didn't want to be involved in the legal complications of it so I am left without a sponsor.

    So I make 8.25 an hour and am working 40 hours a week currently. If I worked full time all year, I would be the requirements I believe but since I don't...I'm worried. When I'm going to school, I only work 20 hours a week. So I work full time about 5 months a year and another 7 or 8 I only work part time.

    BUT I do have a letter from my employer saying that I work 40 hrs a week, my wage, and when I started working (so USCIS may at least think I work full time all year)...

    Also another thing that concerns me is that I have almost no tax history. 2009 was my first year paying income tax. I was out of the country from Sept 2007 to June 2009. So I only have one tax return from the last 3 years and I only made about 3300 dollars in that 5 or 6 months after I got back.

    So will they believe me if I say I have enough money this year despite my lack of tax history?

    And I do have some assets. I have about 9000 dollars in the bank and another 3000 in possessions. I could put some more money in there if needed...

    But how much should I have in there to be safe? (Or to at least be able to convince them that I do meet the poverty requirements)

    Thanks so much! I've been way stressed about this!

  5. My fiancee gets here on the 30th. We are getting married on the 10th. We aren't sure what to do about applying for her SSN.

    I've read somewhere on this site that we should wait 2 weeks once she gets into the country to try to apply for the SSN. Is this true?

    I've also read that it's easier to apply with her maiden name first and then change her name. But if we wait two weeks to apply, we'll already be married and technically, her name will have changed. If we are supposed to wait two weeks...should we just apply with her maiden name first and then change it? Or are we safe just applying with her married name?

    It'd be nice if we could just apply right after she gets here...

    Let me know. Thank you!

  6. Does the proof of marriage that we send in with our AOS I485 have to be a certified copy or can it be a copy of a certified copy?

    It just seems like getting a certified copy would be really inconvenient and I think we'd need a couple. The county office is going to only send us one copy they said. We can go and get more later but that will just delay our application process more so I was wondering if a copy of a cert. copy would be all right...


  7. Hey we are trying to figure out what my fiancee will need once she gets in country. She has her MMR shots and we have proof of it. We aren't sure about other shots.

    Does anyone know what shots she would need? She's 27 and healthy. She only has an allergy to cats and atopic dermatitis.

    What shots are typically required? There is a list on the embassy's website with about 14 shots, but there's no way she should need all of them.

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