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Posts posted by codybanks

  1. Just an update on our case, it's been one heck of a rollercoaster as tto wether we needed to have a meical or not. DOS said that the Embassy needed one and Dr. Seidin's ofice said that we didn't. so my wife got hold of her senator and they got the same thing that we needed another medical. I tried again to set up the medical, and was told that the Dr's office was going to contct the embassy. We finally got this email yesterday. Hopefully it won't be too much longer now.

    Good day,

    Thank you for your email. The consular officer is reviewing your file and is in contact with the panel physician. It appears that you will not have to undergo a second medical examination. As soon as the review is complete, we will contact you to inform you of the status of your application.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    I hope that this information may be useful.



    Consular Correspondent | Immigrant Visa Unit

  2. Are you in AP because they need your updated medical?

    Or is it for another reason?? Sheesh, when is this nightmare gonna be over for you already?!

    Apperntly at the interview last year, the CO wanted me to have an assesment cause from the medical they thought that I had an alchol and drug problem, which has never been the case. I was like any other teenager/young adult and like to party, so tp speak. And the drug issue was before I had back surgery back in 1999, the pain killers that I was on I may have taken them more often the I should've, but I was in alot of painI was asked at the interview if I was ever in rehab for either, and I have never for both cases. So this is what the AP is all about. So frustrating to say the least.

  3. I was only hoping that it would happen, but kinda knew that I would have to have another medical. I'm now in AP, so will have to wait til they are through with that to have another medical and forms to send up to Montreal.

  4. I was able to finally send my passport to Montreal on Friday through Loomis, but my medical will however expire on June 5th, am I still able to cross the border or will I have to go for another Medical.

    I've been told that I can by DOS, and told by Montreal that I have to croos the border by midnight June 5th. it's so hard not knowing what will happen, if anyone has heard of this before or are going through this as well, please get back to me, thanks.

  5. I think that it will be quick now, as I received the letter from Montreal requesting my passport and updated police record, plus I have to set up an appointment on Thurs, so hopefully that won't take me long to get and then I just have to drop everything off at the courier. They stated that everything has to be done before June 1, as that's when my medical expires.

  6. I never hid anything in my K-1 visa, it went through Vermont process as well as the Consolate. They made us sit down durinng the interview, and who they contacted or discussed was not revealed to us during the interview. The CO asked me about it and I gave him all the details. He then granted me the K-1 Visa.

    Now when I got to the Border, the CBP didn't even give me a chance to explain anything, he opened my file and saw the charges and had me sit for a while before putting me in confinment and after being at the port for almost 4 hrs, I was told that Montreal was wrong in issuing the Visa and also that Montreal was sorry. I got a call from Montreal a few months later asking if I was still going to the US. I told them that I was denied at the border, and the reason why the CBP denied me.

    So it really is up to the CBP as to whether he/she will let you pass or not. The CBP had the same info as USCIS in Vermont and the Montreal Embbessy had.

    As for updating my profile, nothing new, we are still waiting to hear from Vermont regarding our I-601.

  7. HI I am in a similar situation as yours. Montreal send mine to vermont on September 6. As of yet no receipt or letter from Vermont. Did you get any response yet?

    We did receive our Receipt# the first part of October, and that they received it on Sept 6th and the Notice Date was Sept 19th.

    If you haven't heard anything from Vermont, you should call USCIS and talk to a Teir 2 Supervisor to get your receipt#

    Let me know when you get your decision as I will do the same for you, that way it will give both of us some kind of timeline as to how long they are taking.

  8. I know that everyone here in this forum that is waitng for either their K-1, CR-1, 212, I-601 or AP. We don't like how long our file is taking as we want to be with the one that we love. Our lives are in their hands, but remember that they are doing this for the good of their country. If we were in their shoes, would we be doing the same. Please note, that I'm in no way taking their side in how they are doing in processing our files. Which leads to a question, what would they feel if they put themselves in our shoes. I come in here and read everyone's post and it really saddens me to know that it's going to take quite a while for us to be able to be with our love one. I know that any amount of words cannot give you any comfort of wanting to spend Christmas or even tonight to be with the one that you love. This wait is agnozing on everyone, while the ones that work on our file is able to go home to the one that they love after they leave work.

    We all have to stay strong and try and bear this wait, til our turn comes when we can finally get our visa. If there was only a visa, where we can be with our love ones while we go through all the steps, then it would be alot easier on us, maybe one day there can be one. Maybe if there weren't any watched country on the list, or we didn't commit that charge or we haven't had that illness, that our journey would be a lot quicker. The ones that terrorize other country shouldn't have any bearing on those that don't, everyone that commits a crime, isn't a harden criminal, and those that have an illness, isn't condem because of it. We all have made mistakes that we have regreted, but why should it affect who we are today. I believe that most people do change and for the better. That is why we all are going through this process. We just need to holdd up each other, offer a little prayer and wish that our files can be worked on as quickly as possible so that we can finally be with those that we love and spend our lives together.

    I know that some in here will say, yes, I already know all of this and it isn't helping, But, please bear in mind, that I'm only trying to encourage you to stay strong and I truly hope that your wait will soon be over and you will be with your better half. As I've said, that these words are just words and sometimes they aren't as comforting as being with the one that you want to be with tonight.

    Just in case some of you don't know, my wife and I have already gone through the I-129, then we got married and went for the I-130 and now we are going through the I-601.

    Note to Admin: If this isn't in the right place then I ask you to move it to where it should go.

  9. Finally fiance brought waiver papers to embassy on Tuesday (He got denied June 16). When he brought the papers, he said they asked him a LOT of questions. I didn't expect that. Of course, I still don't know much about the waiver process except waiver packet preparation. Also, the embassy told him they'd email me about how long the process would take. They haven't emailed yet...Anyway, I'm glad we're not just...existing..right now. Finally, we can start counting the time down again. I just hope the waiver gets approved. Please, please, please!

    I feel your sentiments, as we just got told of our waiver was just sent to Vermont. I hope that your waiver doesn't take long either. It really is hard to just sit and wait to hear what the decsion will be.

    I hope that yours is approved with no glitches.

  10. Our waiver got to Montreal on Aug 23rd, how long of a wiat can I expect? Also, when should I call USCIS about a case # and about how long is Vermont taking to approve the I-601?

    I know that each case is different, but some sort of time frame would be helpful.

    I was reading in another thread that some are going through their I-601 while they are able to be with their spouse, how can this be. I thought that anyone having to go through the I-601 that they have to wait til it's approved. Or am I missing something about this part?

    Thanks again to anyone that responds to this.

  11. Hey you, hows the journey going?

    Hope all is starting to work out


    We have our CR-1 interview on June 27th, and hopefully our waiver will be ready. We are looking forward to going to Montreal again. We hope that the waiver process won't take too long, so that we can finally be together.

    How's things going for you?

  12. This is what it says on the USCIS site:

    The Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Ground of Inadmissibility, is used by applicants for immigrant visas, non-immigrant fiancé visas, V visas, and adjustment of status to request a waiver of the following grounds of inadmissibility in the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA):

    Section 212(a)(1) – health-related grounds;

    Section 212(a)(2) – criminal and related grounds,

    Section 212(a)(3)(D) - immigrant membership in a totalitarian party;

    Section 212(a)(6)© – misrepresentation in immigration matters;

    Section 212(a)(6)(E) - smugglers;

    Section 212(a)(6)(F) - subject to civil penalty;

    Section 212(a)(9)(B) – unlawful presence in the U.S. for at least 180 days, beginning on or after April 1, 1997, followed by departure from the U.S.

    Form I-601 is also used to waive certain grounds of inadmissibility when an applicant is seeking immigration benefits under the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA), the Haitian Refugee Immigrant Fairness Act of 1998 (HRIFA), and under the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) or Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) program. Because officers at international USCIS offices are not likely to encounter these types of waiver applications, this SOP will only briefly address them.

  13. I'm sorry that I didn't see this postings before, but I was just warning members of what might happen. I really pray that it doesn't happen to any one else.

    I believe that it is indeed up to the CPB as to whether one can pass into the US or not. He does have a ob to do, but I think that if one is approved and everything was revealed at the interview, as mine was also. Then there shouldn't be any reasons for the CBP to deny one from entering the US.

  14. Adding Edsotherhalf... Congrats!

    June 1st Jolisa (Benin - West Africa) *10-30-10

    June 2nd Can-USA2010 (Canada) *9-23-10

    June 10th omo (Nigeria) *03-05-10

    June 17th Txant and Carty (London) *8-20-10

    June 21st kimsue (Paris) *10-18-10

    June 21st Terca (Dominican Republic) *11-25-09

    June 27th- Happy User (Montreal, Canada) *08-06-10

    June 27th- Shawna and James (Montreal, Canada) * 09-01-10

    June 27th- Codybanks (Montreal, Canada) 10-02-10

    June 29th- edsotherhalf (Canada) *09-03-10

    *(date I-130 was sent)

  15. Hey guys! I just got my email last night with my interview date -- June 27th! (which happens to be my birthday!!!). Im coming from Niagara Falls, and so far am thinking gotrain to TO and then Mega Bus to Montreal. It ends up being $64 + tax, getting me there early afternoon on the 26th and leaving late afternoon on the 27th. So I am looking for somewhere to stay for the one night I am in Montreal. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions at all? Right now Im leaning towards an econolodge (I think it was) that is like a 15 min drive away and taking a cab. Most of what Ive seen closer is in the $200 range.. for one night.. which Ill probably be too excited to sleep much anyway ha ha. Anyway, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! thanks a bunch!

    I'm also from Niagara Falls, we are driving up on the 26th, we are staying at Hotel Dauphin, which is a nice hotel, and it also has computers in the room. They also have a continental breakfast. Tbe hotel is only a 10 min walk to the embassy.

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