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Posts posted by Madame-Butterfly

  1. My wife received her Permanent Residence Card and now is filing for divorce. I thought her intentions were true and that she was really in love with me, but she told me it was just a business relationship for her to get into the US. I feel like I got scammed, is there anything I can do to stop this scammer?

    I'm sorry to what happened to you. Not surprised though, considering she's Russian. I know a lot of Russians/Ukraine/Moldovan who live in Boston area and are married to USC for GC or are seeking to marry one for that purpose. I find it disgusting! Sorry again for you. Did you try to contact INS and explain? Good luck :thumbs:

    Whoa, careful with the stereotyping there. Not cool.

    it sucks what your going through :wacko:

  2. i know its a shock i can tell you that i dont want this over we have had arrguments in the past like every one else hes the one that left i havent had any contat and trust me i would love to but hes the one doing all this horrible harm other than that why wont he tell me what he wants he never dose and now this, if he did care he wouldnt have been taking his stuff little bit little like a freaking rat but he did ans hurted me as well as my family

  3. hello everyone IM NOT IN JAIL !!!!!!

    the night before i couldnt sleep i had to take come pills to do so, i havent eaten properly but im glad things are kinda looking better for now

    i whent to court the cop assinged to the case called me in said this was more a civil dispute and he thinks it can be worked out, later my lawyer whent in and we talked about it again

    came out and he was already there he did look sad i dont know if it was because he was by himself or he was angry dont know, they called him in and he talked then they called out my lawyer and he reckens he does wanna be with me, he only has eyes for me he wants this over and done with as much as i do i dont know if he wants a divorce or what.

    he told the cop that he was somewhat offended because i had posted something on the internet about our problem wich would be this. the reason why i did it was to see if anyone was going through the same thing and how they had coped with it.

    he droped the charges , i didnt git my pic taken (mug shot) finger prints nothing (thank god) :blush: apparently i have to get some type of anger managment (wich i will) , he still says he wants his papers , papers that i dont have i also want my stuff back.

    if he does read this we had both talked about it about the posibility of there those papers could be and we dont know but if he still says i have them well thats his problem.

    will keep you all poested whta happens

  4. ok like i said i do admit we had a fight and did hit each other ok thats clear ....

    what i dont know is if in the time that he whent to hte cop station and the judge if he hit himself asked some one to do it for to hit him harder to show brusing i dont know and i dont know what he could have said all i know is that it must be extremly bad for the juege to have said that if she finds probable cause im going to jail

  5. hello friends once agian.... well things just keep getting worse and worse

    got a call yesterday from my lawyer that he had signed some type of paper (querella) cant remmeber it in english sorry but now i have a hearing this thuesday at 2 pm if , shes finds probable cause im getting sent to jail that same afternoon if i dont come with any bail money ( assuming she would put bail) i dont get any chances as comunity service, one of them gadgets like house arrest nothing i go in to the pen thats it !!!

    why???.... because before it was brett VS yaleidy now its the state (territory) of PuertoRico VS yaleidy :blink: this is absolutly ba-ba bull #######!!!!!!

    couldnt get much worse than that i havent contacted him i have actually have some people come up to me to tell em they have seen him and that hes not doing well

    also friday night july 10th he called my baby sister i was with her in the car he asked for me asked if i was alright and then told her to tell me he was ok ( HES THE ONE DOING THE VIOLATION!!!) ok so.... i know i can use that against him but he called from an unknown number

    thank you all for the support and advice i know i cant do anythgin with immigration since hes a citizen now i can think clearly better now so thank you , it was with the initial shock i didnt know what to do as for material posessions i dont care my personal documents its what i want more than anything, as for getting htem back i cant even with a cop because since i have a restraning order i cant know when he is and the wont let me get it untill everything is over and done with.

  6. the reason why i put it on here its cause i need some advice cause i cant ask some one who hasnt married some one from another country some how ppl on here know a little bit more on the rules and laws than those who havent thank you regardless i hope that if he does read this he can think more clearly on what hes doing never the less i thank you all for your support i do ask to please keep us in your prayers

  7. just got a hold of my lawyer and they cant do anythgin because they order was already in effect and i cant get any of my stuff until the 30th if then .... if he hasnt left the country or whatever

    cops NO GOOD lawyer NO GOOD ( no offense to anyone)

    i cant make an order againt him cause he when to the judge and gave his side and until then i cant do anything we have to both go and state our case and he decides if its droped or if one get to go to jail for a while with no bond

  8. thank you i already calle immigration and they transfered me to a lawyer but they cant do nothing because he is already a citizen and that is now for the cops not them i asked if it be posible to put a stop to his passport untill the 30th or so after our hearing but they said no so im with nothing but the cops and they cant attend me because they are in a metting of some sort they dont have not one individual to help me , he is hidding behind this so called friend the one who told him to do all this and wount show his face, at work they gave mew the rest of the month free untill my hearing i find all this absurd if he just had the guts to tell me its over that would be it but why wait untill the 30th for the unevitable i love him but after this i dont think i can be with him anymore doesnt mean we can resolved this before then

  9. thank you very much

    my sister this morning when to drop him offa letter and this guy wich was his boss came out and told her she couldnt see him couldnt take the letter and he returned my cell phone cause he said the reason why he keep it was to get me to leave him a message that would make me look even worse but since it didnt work i get to keep it he said...... 5 minuts ago i got a call from the dean asking why i was at the university this guy told them my sister was me and i immidietly got a call from the cops that one more thing and i get arrested can you beleive the nerve os this guy ???? :blink:

    i really am speachless dont know what to do or how should i act, the worse part is that brett still does nothing !!!!

  10. thank you for you words i dont know what to do i know its gonna sound dumb but i do have feelings for him and i dont wanna be right down there at his level, does one ever get over this , hurt, embarasment, heartbreaking , THING

    Yes, you will.

    I do think that if you two were hitting on each other, that you BOTH need to get your anger under control.

    Given just the overview of what has happened, I kind of disagree that your SO was just in it for the visa. It sounds like you two weren't suited at all.

    i told him from the begining he he wanted to leave he could and he wouold constantly be making remakrs that as soon as it was over he would leave , the reason whey we bpoth hit each other is if he hits me i am gonna defend myself, but nothing more than that and if it were the other ways around it be the same i would guess

  11. we got into an argument and yes i addmit it it got out of control and we hit each other however when ihe was hitting me he said that he would do it in places that wouldnt show up as bad my leg hurts like hell the back of my knee my arms he had a few bruises since his skin is so fair he marks up and he said i had started it but what he forgot to tell the cops was hes was a mau thai ( however its spell) boxer over in australia thats why i got the restraning order i cant got to his work place university anything

  12. Hello, yesterday was an awfull day!!! :unsure:

    for the past few months things have been rought for brett aka aussielad and myself, we woul,d talk end up arguing and all he would say was a few more months, then a few more weeks untill 2 days ago he say a few more days , we talked he saied everything was ok, he was trying to change i asked him he he was with some one else he said no then said he was with someone that made him happy asd whatnot.... then he himself said he was saying it because he new that would made me angry well yesterday he sais he was going to work... he calls like around miday and he has his phone on and i hear everything i hear my cat and 2 other guys chatting with him i hang up call him he says hes at work i was like ther are no cats were you work and he started gaggin and i knew he was lying , at around 4 pm i receive call to my work from the COPS that he has put a restraning order against me and i have a key wating for me , i get there all upset i drove 2 hours from work to get there to fine out he had taken my keys and when i got home i fiund not trace of hime, we were about to move so i whent up to the new house to find out he tokk everithing of mine all my personal documents my car my cell phone a cell i cant call cause if not im breaking the rules and can get arrested as to what i was told and my cat , took all the immigration paper my passport well you name it, where he is i dont know who hes with i dont care all i want it my stuff back, he lied from the very beggining he was only in it for the visa and now hes gone, we have to appear in court on july 30th , i cant sleep , eat i cant beleive he did this to me. to my family :crying:

    i need some help what can i do who can i get in contact with please someone

  13. Hello there, just wanting to let you know that we FINALLY DID IT !!! :thumbs::dance: brett aka aussielad is now and officially a USC!!!!! i know it was like a month Thursday, February 26, 2009, 8:41:18 AM :dance: just cwanting also to thanks every one that supported us in every ways and all of you that helped us on this journey. it was sooooooooooooo exciting watching him do this and being part of this, and to be very honest we couldnt have dont it with out visajourney and everyone in it. After four years :wacko: we are done with all this paper work the stress and thingking / woring whats gonna happen :blush: ... why havent they answer back, i can now say i can sleep peacefully !!!! I beleive i was more nervous than he was ,

    time line ...... :blush:

    woke up 3am (mayaguez)

    got in the car 3:40am

    got to (san juan) 5:34am

    made line and the supreme court

    lot of press cars waiting to go in (the governer was on trial)

    got breakfast 6:20am

    met a few people

    went into the court room 7:00am

    it finally started at 8:00am (1 hour late puertorican time i guess)

    called out all the names

    asked for their appointment letters

    72 people 18 different countries were in

    all rose to pledge alligiance 8:15

    the judge found them all good to go

    they all did their oath

    8:30 they were all USC!!!!!!

    thi has been one heck of a ride once again that you all!!!!!

    to all of you that are styarting in the middle or about to finish good luck and dont worrie everything will be alright take it easy cause although we stress that will not hurry this process

    to all of you that have finish ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we can breath !!!!! it feels great :dance:

  14. Hello there, just wanting to let you know that we FINALLY DID IT !!! :thumbs::dance: brett aka aussielad is now and officially a USC!!!!! i know it was like a month Thursday, February 26, 2009, 8:41:18 AM :dance: just cwanting also to thanks every one that supported us in every ways and all of you that helped us on this journey. it was sooooooooooooo exciting watching him do this and being part of this, and to be very honest we couldnt have dont it with out visajourney and everyone in it. After four years :wacko: we are done with all this paper work the stress and thingking / woring whats gonna happen :blush: ... why havent they answer back, i can now say i can sleep peacefully !!!! I beleive i was more nervous than he was ,

    time line ...... :blush:

    woke up 3am (mayaguez)

    got in the car 3:40am

    got to (san juan) 5:34am

    made line and the supreme court

    lot of press cars waiting to go in (the governer was on trial)

    got breakfast 6:20am

    met a few people

    went into the court room 7:00am

    it finally started at 8:00am (1 hour late puertorican time i guess)

    called out all the names

    asked for their appointment letters

    72 people 18 different countries were in

    all rose to pledge alligiance 8:15

    the judge found them all good to go

    they all did their oath

    8:30 they were all USC!!!!!!

    thi has been one heck of a ride once again that you all!!!!!

    to all of you that are styarting in the middle or about to finish good luck and dont worrie everything will be alright take it easy cause although we stress that will not hurry this process

    to all of you that have finish ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we can breath !!!!! it feels great :dance:

  15. he speaks and I'm annoyed. he also asks me loads of questions I don't know the answer to about stuff that doesn't even matter and when I say I don't know he asks the same freaking question in a different way AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :girlwerewolf2xn:

    1- hes got nothing to say when together but as soon as i hit the bed to sleep THATS when he wants to have conversation i ca ngo to bed @ 11 and he'll keep me up till 3 (go figure) i guess his aussie timer hasnt kicked in !!!!!

    2- he also speaks when the tv is on bugs the heck outta me :blink:

    3- you come into the house you see socks , pants, shirt, shoes a trail all the way to the bedroom :angry:

    4- tell me hes going to do the laundry and i dont hear anythign when i look for him hes SLEEPING and when i come into the room he wakes up ( and you can see hes eyes are allpuffy and hes got a scared looks after i bang on the door) and tell me its his POWER NAP so he can do the laundry better?!?!?!?!?!?! :unsure:

    5-but nothing bugs me more than him leaving a room with his cll phone and when i ask him who it was he tell me nothing that he wasnt talking ( he forgeting i get the cell phone bills) hes not doing anything wrong but then WHY CANT YOU TELL ME !!!!

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... i can breath now !!!!! :wacko:

  16. ok people were getting close HALLOWEEN so lets get into the spirit ok..... :D

    You Are a Werewolf werewolf.gif

    You're unpredictable, moody, and downright freaky.

    You seem sweet and harmless, until you snap. Then you're a total monster.

    Very few people can predict if you're going to be Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde.

    But for you, all your transformations seem perfectly natural.

    Your greatest power: Your ability to tap into nature

    Your greatest weakness: Lack of self control

    You play well with: Vampires

    what are you ????


  17. love is ..................... is taking care of him cause he acts like a 3 year old, nooding your head in agreance even tough you ain paying attention cause when he speak to fast his accent kicks in arrrrrrrg yup that loooooooooooooove

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