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Posts posted by Kou

  1. Well the dude SHOULD have the forms.. mine did...

    But here are some e-versions i found:

    Thanks SO much for finding those. I'll give the doc's office a ring and ask if one of those is the one they're after. I think the doc (Miller in Adelaide) written this up a while ago though and it may not be entirely accurate anymore, dunno!

    Does the month+ wait just to hear anything (no packet 3 at all) from the consulate sound out of the ordinary? I'm wondering if I should try their switchboard number since the auto-response to the e-mail said they don't do status updates. :( Of course I also don't want to piss anyone off by bugging them!

  2. Bit of an update I guess, although nooooothing has happened in the last month+ now!

    My case arrived at Sydney on March 28th -- and I have heard nothing since. No letters in the mail, no e-mails to either of us. And I have now sent off an e-mail asking '#######!' because I would have expected packet 3 by now. :S

    I've been trying to arrange my medical but I've hit a snag. The doc here in Adelaide sent me a long list of instructions but right at the top is this: bring in your MEDICAL EXAMINATION INSTRUCTION LETTER, which you have received from the American Consulate. Fill in the applicant details under “Section I: Applicant to complete this section.”

    Is there even such a thing? I thought the embassy just referred you to the website (http://canberra.usembassy.gov/med_exam_instructions.html) but if there is, does anyone know if there's an e-version I can snag and get this thing going? Cheers.

  3. Hey all, just a random update from a lurker!

    NOA1 on Dec 18, NOA2 on March 18. God what a wait that was! Waiting on word from Sydney now, but hey, there's the light at the end of the tunnel right?

    I was curious, has anyone gotten their medical done through Adelaide, with Dr David Miller in North Adelaide? Kinda wondering as to how much of a grimace the fee will turn out to be.

    Which hahaa leads me to some questions. Should I attempt to get the medical booked and done in advance, or wait for Sydney to get in contact with me first?

    I'm also trying to lead the fiancee through gathering the forms and statements she needs, but I'm hitting a bit of a snag.

    We're going to need a co-sponsor (her father for this case), but just how excessive should we get for evidence on the affidavit? Right now she has the bank letter (which doesn't mention total deposits, just the 6-month average balance), and is thinking of sending through the last year of bank statements to cover the 'total deposits' part.

    Is it better to do this, or to get an IRS tax return for the last couple years, or both?

    Ahhh the paperwork mountain never stops!!

    Grats to recent approvals, also! It's been quite heartening to read the success stories through the 50+ pages on this thread! (and boy did that took a while lol)



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