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Rob and Jill

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Posts posted by Rob and Jill

  1. You don't have to "have a mountain of debt." I think you were, and still are, confused about the expectations and requirements.

    I think not, but thank you anyway.

    I just want to say good luck! I completely understand your feeling. I got an RFE too and just have to rack my brains and comb through this forum to figure out what more I can submit. If you look closely you will find there are a lot of ways to get documents especially from official bodies like the bank.

    At the end of the day, I think it comes down to who reviewed your application and maybe that person just wants to see some more effort. If you look, there is at least 3-4 cases per month, per service center that received RFEs and whereas most of the rest are approved. Everyone's submission is different, so how is it likely that everyone that is approved have submitted the exact same things?

    Good luck~

    Thank you and you as well. We're scraping together as much as we can, but if worse comes to worse, then they are more than welcome to interview us and the storm of people we can bring to back it up! HA!

  2. We had the exact same thing happen.

    Sent in the following:

    Joint tax returns (they want STATEMENTS from the IRS by the way)

    Health insurance cards (they said the cards didn't show an expiration date on them so those wouldn't work. I guess you're required by some random immigration law to always have health insurance?)

    Joint Bank Account Statements (they said since we ONLY use debit cards and it didn't show WHO made the transactions that the information didn't work...even with his name on the account)

    Car Insurance declarations pages


    Copies of the utilities that will show his & my name (Almost all of them say "he's an authorized user", but WILL NOT show his name on the bill.)

    A letter explaining why any debt we have is not together (Anyone else heard of Dave Ramsey for crying out loud? Anyone heard of an immigrant NOT having a credit score and not ONE SINGLE STINKING BANK letting me put him on the refinance? Anyone else actually have a car that's paid off?) We're trying NOT to get in to debt so it's pretty freaking insane that having debt together is how you show you're "legitimate".)

    Anyway, I could rant and rave on this all day. I have yet to be as ticked off during this entire process as I was the day the RFE came in the mail.

    We lost our benefits because my husband switched jobs and we're waiting the 90 period before we can get new benefits...which will not be in time for the RFE. Life insurance for the both of us is INSANE cost wise outside of a group plan and I get denied for health insurance outside of a group health plan. I can't have children, so that's out. We do NOW have a credit card where he is an authorized user, so YAY for getting into debt to prove legitimacy. (insert plethora of cussing at the immigration office for that)

    I guess we're down to Power of Attorney and a ton of affadavits from friends and family showing them we're real. They've pissed me off so bad over this, I am tempted to demand an interview, rent a 15 passenger van, load everyone I know in to it, drive to Memphis, and let them get their butts chewed 15 times for being absurd.

    Sorry I'm a grump, but seriously this is frustrating!

  3. So, apparently my new husband being in the hospital is not enough...someone felt the need to come into his room and steal a variety of items including....you guessed it...his green card. I am curious as to if anyone knows the penalty for that crime should the moronic thief who we have about 10 photos of from video be caught? He committed a felony and then some worth of theft. :angry:

  4. Rob moved here because I already own a home and had a good job. I would have had to completely relicense and find new work there and he was from a small town. I also have TONS of family close by while his family is more spread out. While there were no children involved at the time I also had 2 elderly dogs that would not have survived a move like that, and I couldn't leave them. Unfortunately, I lost them both last year, but fortunately I gained a hubby ;)

  5. I think the better course of action from an insurance point of view AND for removal of conditions is to make sure BOTH of your names are on the insurance cards. It's shows you have something together and from an insurance stand point you need to make sure you are listed on the insurance policy as well. Your agent can whip a new card out to you and email or fax it pretty quick.

  6. It scares the living daylight out of me when people who have no clue about the process and the laws and mechanics of the immigration process give advice that is so wrong it hurts inside. I understand that you want to contribute and interact with other members, but if you are clueless, please do not post and thus confuse the original poster.

    I believe people are regularly and consistently confusing adjusting from a VWP with adjusting from an overstay on other visas.

  7. You know...

    These threads are popping up every single day on the main page of VJ. Every day someone is talking about their frustration with the VSC. I would say based on this information alone, I would NOT schedule ANYTHING until you know that visa is in hand. You don't "have" to leave Scotland the minute the Visa is approved. You have 6 months to use the Visa.

    I know it's frustrating. We've all been there. But even with frustration, we all at one point have had to step back and take a practical view on this. I was "supposed" to get married in July, but was married in October. Unfortunately, ####### happens, don't lose money on the pipe dream that anything governmental will go over like you planned. ;)

  8. nooooo i just want to have them receive packet three verrrrrrry soon after its logged by them

    Overnight it and they will receive it VEEEEEEEEERY soon. It doesn't mean it's going to make everything go faster though. I sent mine priority and it still took almost two weeks to find out it was "logged in".

  9. Hi Rob and Jill,

    I was wondering how long you had to wait to receive your visa?

    We are waiting to receive our visa, (hopefully this week) then we will look into booking our flights.

    It took a little over two weeks from the time the courier picked it up and dropped it back off. Rob had to replace his, but once the embassy had it in their little hands, it took over 2 weeks. We were ASSURED by the courier AND the embassy we would have it back in 4-5 days. Needless to say, I had to make a few phone calls on my end to get it settled. Just wait until it's in your hand...we lost a chunk of change of impatience.

  10. It is very sad to see hard working people with family values and ethics and so much love for USA go through this situation.

    Breaking the law is breaking the law whether they are hard working people or not. I think it's pretty clear from the description of how the "friend" arrived here that he planned all along to illegally stay in the U.S. Get a lawyer. you'll need it.

  11. Hello everyone..Am just new here and I just arrived last February 23, 2011 and am gettig married next week ...I want to help my partner about filling the Adjustment status so that is why am here so that we dont need to hire an attorney cuz I know that cost a lot..my friends did this one by themselves so I believe I can do this too!


    1.I do need all the list of the forms needed for filling Adjustment of status..I visited the website but maybe I was so dumb nd just coudln't find all of the forms..

    2.when can I get an SS number?would it be sent if the petition would be approved or we must get one and then send it together with the application?

    3. Do I need any papers from Philippines that needed to be submitted together with the adjustment of status application?

    Thank you very much...More power guys

    This can all be found on the Adjustment of Status from a Family Based Visa Section on the forums. Please look there for your answers.

  12. I contacted one of my Senators (Tom Coburn) and his response was basically that he is more concerned with keeping people from coming here than in helping us to bring our spouses here.

    Did you ask him to give you that in writing so you could take it to your local new station and see what they thought of it? It's his freaking job to help with this type of stuff. If he is not going to do HIS part when he should, then go to your other state senator. Remember this at voting season as well, and make sure you campaign AGAINST him.

    Politicians can fight illegals and have my support ALL DAY, but you don't treat legal immigrants that way.

  13. I can see why this would upset you. Rob didn't give a flip about it at all, which I found funny.

    I am usually unable to donate either. It seems all of the major blood drives around here are usually in the spring or fall when I am running a slight fever from allergies. They almost always kick me out of the donation area for running fevers. :(

  14. Your POE depends on where your connecting international flight lands in the US. Meaning, if you fly from London to Newark (which is usually how Continental flies) Newark is your POE, not the city you bought a ticket to go to.

    If you fly from Manchester to Chicago to another city then Chicago is your POE.

    The POE is the FIRST major city where you land to get your connecting flights. So, YES, you can kind of chose based on the airline you use, and where it lands.

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