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Posts posted by isolated_gal

  1. Hey.. m so new in US.. entered just a month back on K1 visa.. had a lush wedding here n all.. but in a few days i came to know that my husband is cheating me. I talked about it ..initially he was sorry but then he said that it happens in US and there is nothing wrong with it. Now he comes late every night with no good reason, hide his bills, texts, phones, call records, laptop etc with passwords n behaves ###### to me, insults and disrespect me everytime, dont even talk to me properly n all.. since a month m trying hard to work on the marriage but he is not ready to change, and I am wondering if the new wedding has shown me this what will happen in midlife? I am still not sure about divorce because i m so new to this life I knw nothing.. but i surely want to travel back to my country .. now the question is can I travel before filing the marriage status in US dept? My 3 months visa is going to expire soon.. can i go back in this time or after that? or if i will go back can i come here again?

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