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Posts posted by manisha

  1. please somebody give me the answer. i left the usa due to my husband voilence, i want to come back to usa , i have green card , but i dont want to come to the same state where my husband is living but the problem is that all of my address belongs to my husband home address. if i arrive in another state will the immigration officers give me any trouble ..thanks

  2. i left usa due to my husband. he tease me alot , so i came to my country.i dont want to go in detail.i just want to say that i am taking depression tablets now.

    i am in india now. i have 10 years green card. my husband still abusing me on emails. he live in ny, i am here in my country from last 5 months , i know after some time my green card will expire.i want to go back to usa but i dont want

    to go ny. i want to go some other state, but the problem is that all of my documents has have my husband ny home address , so can somebody tell , will this make a problem for me if i arrive in some other state, and what are the steps i have to take further i want to file for divorce.

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