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Posts posted by Alla

  1. Actually I haven't been to Belarus since 2003. My wife tells me there have been some changes as far as requirements to register. Used to be US citizens had to register within 3 business days of entry into Belarus...now she says it is 7 business days. But since your husband will stay more than 7 days he will have to register. They have also began using the same migration card as Russia that is given upon entry and must be returned when leaving with registration stamps on it.

    I am an American born US citizen, but I have Belarusian relatives from my mother's parents. My cousin would FAX me an invitation for a business visa and I would send my passport, the FAX copy of the invitation, application form, and the fees to the Belarusian embassy in Washington DC. They would mail back my passport with the business visa inside. After I got to Belarus I had to buy a room at a hostel and they would take care of the registration. After that I mostly stayed with my relatives. There is also a requirement for the purchase of medical insurance, but it is sold for a reasonable price at the airport upon entry. Buy it at the airport in Minsk because it is a real hassle to buy it elsewhere once you leave the airport. On my numerous trips to Belarus I always flew into Minsk and left through Minsk.

    Of course there are cheap tickets to Moscow from the USA, but I am unfamiliar with the requirements for a US citizen to fly into there and transit to Belarus by train. My wife and stepdaughter do this, but they are Belarusian citizens and it is very easy since they do not need visas.

    I once tried to get a home stay visa, but it took too long. I got impatient and finally asked my businessman cousin to FAX me a business invitation. The Запрашзнне (home stay invitation) my other cousin applied for at the OVIR and she mailed to me arrived after I already got the business visa, so I never tried to get that type of visa. But if I remember correctly I would have had to send the original home stay invitation (not a Faxed or e-mailed copy) to the Belarusian embassy in Washington DC along with my passport, application form, and fees to get the visa put in my passport and mailed back to me. Upon arrival to Belarus I would have to register at an OVIR office.

    There is also a way to go through a Belarusian tourist agency to get a tourist visa and registration, but I am not familiar with that. Some of the VJ members that have done this have posted in the past about agencies that have done this at a reasonable cost. Perhaps you can send a P.M. to VJ member Why_Me as I recall he has recently posted some good current advice in this regard.

    And there is also the Belarusian embassy USA website in both English and Russian that outlines visa requirements and has the required forms. Here is the link:


    The visa requirements box in English is to the right.

    I really have enjoyed my numerous visits to Belarus to visit my relatives and wife. It is complicated but not impossible for a foreigner to follow the rules. I have always left Belarus with all the proper registration documents and insurance, but the border guards just waive me through without wanting to see them. I always have more hassles entering Belarus than leaving. I'm not so sure how things are now. Make sure you know all the required documents you need before leaving so there won't be any problems.

    Since it has been 7 years since my last visit I'm not so sure my advice is current or relevant. Hopefully the Belarus embassy link will help answer some of your questions.

    Appreciate your answer a lot! It really cleared some things for me. :thumbs:

  2. If you are traveling from America to Belarus, and only transfer in Warsaw (less than 24 hours in the terminal I think), you won't need a visa. Now the new International Terminal is complete, and you move through a security check and down one floor to your next flight. At no point should you have to even see a passport control officer. My wife has transferred with a Ukrainian passport in Warsaw (with and without a green card) several times with no visa.

    A transit visa is typically required when your connection is late enough that you need a day or night in the country where you are making your transfer. Incidentially I don't think a transit visa is difficult for an American green card holder to get in Poland either, so long as your flight out is 24 hours after your arrival. I saw a member here post that his wife was able to get a transit visa and spend a day shopping when her flight was delayed - putting her over the time limit.

    Thanks for the answer. The problem is that I have to go from airport to the bus station, so technically I have to leave the airport. Finally I found out how I can apply for a transit visa.

  3. I'm a citizen of Belarus with a green card. I'm planning to go to Belarus with my husband through Warsaw,Poland.

    I read a lot of web-sites about visa to Poland but it is very confusing.

    Could someone advice me how to obtain a transit visa to Poland?

    Thanks for your time!

  4. Thank you guys so much for your reply!

    First, our GC was approved :) And second, I think I will fly on my maiden name to Belarus and on my married name back.

    I checked the prices and indeed as Why_me said, to Warsaw is the cheapest and actually the most convenient way, as my parents reside in Grodno.

    As I understand I will need 2 visas to enter Poland and one for my husband to enter Belarus.

    I've never thought it will be so hard to figure it all out. :) The small problem that left how to buy tickets for the bus in poland :wacko:

  5. YO ALLA IM NT SURE wut happened to u but dat ws a bit rude the way you talked to me i was just trying to let u understand wut she meant

    anyway as u say u dont care ...i pretty much dont...but please dont speak to me in that manner


    when you get your green card go back to them

    when you get your citizenship also go bacK TO THEM


    noth you are right

    MP009 they suck big time, it ws over 3 hours btw, but im ok now we lost some time but i still drove it in 18 hours btw its 22 hours lol

    everybody else CONGRATSSSSSSSSSSSS...i think i ll take a break from this group...coz bipolarism shouldnt affect me...thanx

    Sensii, I wasn't rude, I just said I don't care about this temp social. Girl, I would never talk to u in a bad manner. :luv: I already understood that by temp number she meant paper. :D

  6. Have you looked at the document before saying that? I also got a receipt on the day I applied, but their was no SSN on it, just stating that on the 6/21 i applied for a SSN.

    The document I joint , is the one I got 2 days after, as I was directed to, with the actual Number on it (which i blackened for obvious reasons). I now join a scan of the receipt I got on the day I applied, then you'll see it's different.

    Again Alla, if you quote me just to prove me wrong without even checking if I'm wrong, then you are the more childish...

    And yes, here I am pretty pissed off at you right now because all you did, and still do, If you don't like me, don't bother anwsring to my posts. It looks to me like you're just jalous that I 've been more fortunate in life.

    Also I remember now what offended you so much: You said that it was not safe to travel to Hawaii, like it is not USA, and I just corrected you. Yes i get all pationate about the stuff that I know it's true.... but if I you have issues admitting your wrong, then a shrink could maybe help you with that. I am not here to support your mistakes.

    And for the attitude, I'm French, I have a reputation to stick to...

    I think you should go to your SSA and ask for the print out, I 'm posting the receip I got on the day I applied (check the previous page to see what the print out looks like) so you can SEE that it's two different documents. But you'll have to go to ssa, and explain you need your social right away 'cause you found a job (for ex.)

    @sensii et Krys et nova:

    merci pour les mots sympas en français! vous assurez les filles!

    Sensii so sorry for your bad road trip!

    @all congrats on the moving forward in your cases.

    You see how you get! I was trying to get a normal conversation but you are all winded up. What did I say wrong? Trying to ask if you got temporary card or number?

    I don't care if you are french or polar. You have a problem with your attitude and emotions. Try to control yourself.

    You can have all thread to yourself darling!

  7. When i sent my AOS ,on the form I-864,my husband mentioned his current income as $22 k ( $14 k salary and 8k from the VA disability compensation). I'm just not sure if they ask for gross earnings on pay stubs or the net earnings because if they do ask for net earnings then his income (14k ) will drop but still the total would be more than $18,212.Do they add up the total earnings on pay stubs or the Net pay ? Could we get an RFE for this Net pay thing ? (We sent IRS transcript for the last year and the total income on that was $ 14k and as he gets $8k from the VA disability compensation, it adds up to $22k but we don't know how to calculate income for this year as he doesn't have W-2 for this year and all he could do is to add up the earnings on the pay stubs.)

    They ask for Gross income, without paid taxes. They can send you a RFE and it would be great, because some people get denied without a chance of RFE. May be they think that people tricking the system.

    Just prepare all your documents and transcripts, so in case you will get a RFE , you will be ready. Also you can get it all mailed to them with a copy of receipt and explanation letter. They will connect it with your folder.

    Best of luck!

  8. alla i think he meant the same thing

    lyk the card is temporary nt the number

    i clld them today and they told the same thing

    i can come bck in coupla days n get the number

    I didn't managed anything, when i applied on 06/21, the lady told me that it would take a day to get me in the system but that i could come after that to get a temp number.

    Sensii,I don't care anymore honestly.

  9. Actually this information is not true hon. Once ya get your EAD and go to the SSA, they will issue you a temporary SSC that says "Valid for work ONLY" until you get the actual GC to take back for a unrestricted SSN/SSC... Just found that out today when I called the head office so Im headed over there now.

    It is not a temporary social, it's conditional. And it will state the same number all your life. I had "DHS authorization" and other stuff written on it but it's normal social.

    Hello everybody,

    here is the scan of the document SSA gave me 2 days after I applied. The name of it is a Social Security Printout, and can be asked at your SSA between when you apply for SSN+2days and when you receive the actual card. The SSN is a unique number as the number on the card I received is the same as in the printout (that is why I blacked my SSN and family name)

    I hope you'll be able to ask for one if you need to work right away. It would be so unfair that SSA don't apply the same rules in every states!

    Hope I was clear enought and that it will help some of you!good.gif


    I got this right away without asking. It's not a temporary social, it's like a receipt.

  10. Me? rude and frustrated???

    ok if you say so.

    I said a stupid thing went I talked about the SSN because they give me a Temporary SScard, with the actual number on it (it's the same number on official card I got in the mail). This is what I meant to say, but somehow it went out wrong: I'm sorry for that. (I can scan the paper they gave me with the date, if you still don't believe me)

    I always answered questions that were asked to me, trying to do my best to be clear or to correct my self. I was never rude to anyone (or never meant to be), and I have no reasons being frustrated at all! (I have EAcard, Interview incoming, a SSN, a DL...) Why would I be frustrated about? I'm trying to help people around that are still waiting for those precious papers, like i liked receive advice from other people when i was waiting.

    You asked me if i was overstayed, and I answered for the 4th time that I am not. What do you want me to say?

    Now if the tone you read on my replies sounds frustrated, then I don't know what to say. This is a public forum, and I have the right to talk, If u had a problem with me then you could have just send out a MP to fix it instead of being rude for no reason in front of everybody .

    It is your right to not like me, I don't really care, but if it's the case, then don't talk to me at all.(don't ask a question if you don't want to hear the answer, for example)

    Thanks in advance and sorry for the off topic.

    Let it all be ur way!

    Au revoir

  11. Noth, I don't mind your mistakes. I can't stand your attitude. It's impossible to ask u a question without u answering it with frustration. Even before I wished u the best and u got all upset that I'm so stupid and can't understand how tough ur situation is.Everyone is upset but nobody is getting it on each other.

    And it's not the matter of leaving the thread, it's about supporting and helping each other. And there is no temporary social that u r suggesting MP to get.

  12. exactly, the paper they give you olds Your unique SSN, so you can start working right-away! ( or apply for DL in my case) because you only have one nuber!

    If you explain that you really need to work , than they would probably give you ur number (but you'll have to come back 2days after)

    Hope it helps!

    Noth,you are lucky. Are you overstayed?

    As I know this number you can get only if your employer will request for you or give you specific forms to fill out. And also you need to have legal status on that moment.

  13. tarpa himsah

    yeah overstay


    yo i need it real bad i gonna gt my ticket soon so i ll take it them i guess

    to everyone...im officially freaking out i dont know wut changed all my nerves im nervousssssssss

    and im going there alone

    im going alone coz hubby deployed...


    the questiions the questionssssss


    Being serious:

    Why don't you explain the officer everything, I don't think they are so cold blooded. Also if you will be approved on spot you can leave that day. And ask your hubby to send you GC to your father's adress, so you can enter US. They don't check it when you leave, only when you enter. Stay strong!

  14. Bonjour Tous l'monde!

    wow! you all chat A LOT! took me for ever to catch up!!!!rofl.gif

    1st: CONGRATZ everyone that got letter, or EAD card, or Interview Approved!!! ( Bessa kicking.gif)

    2nd: sending good vibes to those who are still waiting.

    I'm back from hawaii, and that was sooooooo beautiful! I loved it so much, that i told my hubby i wanted to retire here instead of France! luv.gif

    I had no problem traveling at all, and i was good not thinking about it for a minute! now It's *just* 16 days until interview and 44 until our vows renewal ceremony w/ our friends and familly (15 from france !!!

    I guess I have some work to get done! laughing.gif.... huh.gif.... sleepy.gif

    You are so lucky ... :( The first place we will go is Hawaii. Can't wait!!!!

    Can I ask you a personal question.... How much does it approximately cost to go to Hawaii? :blush:

    I'll also recommend that EVERYONE take a look at the following link, even though its mostly for fraud cases, some of these questions come up depending on your IO: http://***removed***/greencard/***removed***/marriage-based-greencard-fraud-interview.html

    Besa, I can't open it. It goes directly to the home page.

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