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Fe M

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Posts posted by Fe M

  1. I would make a infopass appointment and talk with them now and explain the situation. People in military get treated very well and I would bet they will work with you on a date when he is available.

    The problem is that the local office is in San Antonio and right now we are in Wichita Falls which is a long 7 hours drive. I don't drive here in the US at least, and my husband can't miss a class on his training to drive me to an infopass, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that or if I do when it would be. Do you think I could try to do an infopass whenever possible even if I don't have a interview date yet?

    Make sure to have a copy of his orders in case you get called for an interview. Then, go to the interview and explain the situation. Most likely you will be approved on the spot. Husband does not have to come to the interview if he is away in training (only for military).

    I thought me and my husband both were required at the interview, but in case he is on military orders and I can attend it without causing I think we could arrange something to make that work.

    Thanks for your replies.

  2. So... after reading some topics about it I got worrried.

    This is my case, I'm the non US citizen wife, waiting for an interview. As it is right now, we got the biometric appointment for october 27. I know it might take a while for the interview, but what worries me is that I have no clue when my husband will be able to go with me to the interview.

    He is in Air Force reserve, and right now he is in training until december 6, so I know until then he won't be able to go. After that we will be going from Texas to Arkansas for 10 more days of training (we don't have dates for that yet) and after that 5 more months of training on Alabama, and I don't see how he could make an interview in Texas while being on active duty training orders in Alabama.

    Does anyone has any thoughts on our situation?

  3. Lady, achei super coincidência quando li seu post.

    Admito que fazia uns meses que nem olhava pro visajourney, mudei pros EUA e mudei de CR-1 pra AOS.

    No momento to com o meu marido aqui em Wichita Falls, desde agosto, até o começo de dezembro, onde seu marido estava fazendo o basic training.

    Depois vamos pra Little Rock por 2 semanas pra terminar o treinamento, só não sei se vai ser antes do Natal ou em janeiro.

  4. Olá meninas! Eu poderia postar isso no outro fórum, mas achei melhor perguntar aqui já que são todas "brasileiritchas" e com certeza podem responder melhor. É preciso traduzir os atestados de antecedentes criminais pra inglês antes de enviar pra NVC ou eles aceitam só em português mesmo, já que vão enviar tudo de volta aqui pro Brasil? (seria ótimo não ter que traduzir nada, menos dinheiro gasto né)


    Voce nao precisa traduzir nada que estiver em portugues, so se tiver algum documento que nao seja nem em portugues ou ingles, como no caso de pessoas que moraram em outros paises e precisam de atestados criminais de quando estiveram la.

    Meu caso ta parecendo uma novela. Faz mais de um ano que mandamos pro USCIS e nem chegou no NVC ainda.

  5. Same thing happened to us. Our I-130 was approved on november 2, we have been trying to get it to be send to the NVC since then, USCIS is helpless when it comes to it, they want us to file the I-824 and wait.

    Our lawyer is working on it, but got nothing from USCIS. We have contacted our senator this last week and are waiting for a response. I advice you to contact your congressman/senator about it as soon as you can.

    It seems that USCIS has been making a few mistakes like that, I know at least two other VJ member who are going through it somehow.

    Good luck on your case, and keep us updated.

  6. I remember the wait being bad (and it was a long time ago) but I don't remember my leg having to be amputated, no running water, no food, no home, and my then fiance dead under a collapsed building.

    These people are already here?

    And the others are here illegally, so they should get preferential treatment because the old country has a tragedy?

    You can't expect the US to try to send the illegal home now that their country is devasted to say the least. Yeah, I know, waiting sucks. But waiting a bit more for something like that makes me feel better than just waiting... Ocuppy yourself with more productive things instead of whining about good decisions made by the US government.

  7. I don't know that much about the DCF process, since we are doing the CR-1, but from what I understand you don't need to translate your documents if they are on english or portuguese. You would need other languages translated, in case you lived somewhere else and you would have police records, or anything else written on a different language. I advice you to call the Rio consulate and ask them directly. But for the CR-1 I didn't need any of my documents translated. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  8. I don`t think anyone here on VJ is going to advice you to provide wrong information to the immigration officers. When you are at the POE you should honestly answer whatever they ask, but be brief, you don`t need to load them with information they don`t ask. You should always bring all the evidence you have showing that you are going to go back to your home country. The harassment is up to the office at the border, some are nicer than others, but they are just doing their job.

  9. I am confused.

    The Lawyer said to file a CR-1, not an AOS... isn't the CR-1 the visa you have to file when you are not resident of the country? Which means he would need to go to his country to do the visa interview, which means that they are no intent to immigrate during the actual trip since he has to go back to do the interview anyway? Going to the US and get married is not against rules.

    I know this was one of the possibility for a temp non-immigrant work visa as well. If you apply to a CR-1, you prove non-immigrant intent even if you have immigration proccessus underway since you HAVE to exit the USA to do the interview for the Visa. As long as they are no overstay in the interim which would cause a ban.

    Correct me if I'm wrong B)

    Yeah, that's correct, that is similar to what I did, I entered on the US on a B2 visa, didn't have intentions on getting married (like you do) but well, got married, lef the country, and when I entered again, a very nice guy from the immigration said we would need to file the CR-1, and I would have to go back home for the interview. So as long as he doesn't overstay, you shouldn't have any problem.

  10. Nós nos casamos nos EUA então acho que é mais fácil fazer isso aí depois. Pra registrar o casamento aqui no Brasil, é preciso ir no cartório que faz esse tipo de serviço (aqui em São Paulo o único que faz isso é o cartório da Sé) e aí tem que levar vários documentos traduzidos, como certidões de nascimento e casamento. Como a minha certidão de casamento não faça nada do regime de bens, eu teria que entrar em contato com o consulado norte americano e pedirem pra eles fazerem uma declaração do regime de bens adotado pelo estado em que me casei. Aí traduzir essa declaração (todas as declarações tem que ser juramentadas) e levar no cartório. Isso pra poder depois pedir pra alterar o nome no passaporte na polícia federal.

  11. Na verdade, você não tem obrigação de alterar o nome no passaporte, desde que a passagem esteja com o mesmo nome do passaporte (tem alguns países que tem problemas com isso) e você esteja com a certidão de casamento original. Eu tentei alterar o meu nome no passaporte aqui no Brasil mas é muito complicado, então desisti. Quem sabe depois que eu estiver aí nos EUA no consulado brasileiro fica mais fácil.Você poderia me dizer quais outros documentos precisa pra fazer isso aí?


  12. I'm actually in the same boat. Figured we'd hire an expensive and well-recommended lawyer. Turns out she made numerous mistakes on the NVC side. The form (is it DS230) had errors and she didn't notice that the birth and marriage cert were the wrong type. It's in NVC right now and I'm thinking whether or not I should just ditch her.

    Yeah, that's what we were thinking back when we started the process. We didn't know anything about immigration (btw who told us that we had to fill the I-130 was the immigration officer at the POE last time I went to the US married and on the B2 visa, he was very nice), so we just thought it would be easier and painless to hire a lawyer. It was expensive and useless. Now that I know this website I feel I could have done everything by myself, but my husband still doesn't want to deal with the paperwork. But we might just get rid of him at NVC stage which we still have to go through.

  13. The I-130 does has a us address as my current address (since I was there when it was submitted) as it has the number of my I-94 (on a B2 visa) and the expiration date (some point back in september 2009). But it also provided my foreign address and it states that I'm not eligible for adjustment of status, and it lists the consulate which I would be doing the interview abroad. so I see it as an USCIS mistake, not the lawyer.

    Hubby finally got to talk to the lawyer, he said it is not what should have happened, he is going to take a look at the case, of course he hadn't take a look yet.

    We are waiting...

  14. Same happened with my daughter's petition. I called the California center and told them my daughter was abroad and the case was to be sent to NVC. It was USCIS's error. In any case it took them 3 months to forward it to NVC and I have called multiple times and sent numerous e-mails.

    And you didn't have to send the I-824 to the USCIS? Cause the approval time for it on CSC is around 3 months, so I'd rather not pay the fee and do it by phone calls and infopasses if it's going to take around the same time for them to fix it. Anyone else has any experience on this?

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