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Yusuf A.

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Posts posted by Yusuf A.

  1. Hello all,

    I am thinking while my wife is waiting for CR1 to apply UK Student Visa so she can further her English studies. One question is, if UK Consulate rejects her application for Visa and stamp some sort of denying code on her passport, would that affect when she applies for her CR1 at the US Consulate? Can the US Consulate ask why Britain denied her entry?

    I just want to make sure we don't do anything that might affect her US immigrant Visa later on.



  2. Hello all,

    I recently got married in Casablanca, Morocco and spent short time with my wife. I am back in the states and now, I am missing her considerably. I started the CR1 process and I am awaiting from my a signed G325A and passport pictures, before I can submit the I-130 application.

    Does it make sense to apply tourist visa while we wait for her CR1 spouse Visa? Is there anybody here who has done similar thing.

    Thank you in advance! and God bless you all,


  3. In the couples i know of seems if the woman is in Morocco like to be married in Morocco maybe not all, but more with the family connections i believe. You could try the K1 and have her come here to marry if she feels same, or just marry there do the cr1 that seems to be the more popular one now K3 is kinda phaseing out. im guessing your Muslim also and prob fr Morocco so once married there should be no problems with the visa, women coming out of Morocco seem to have no problems.

    Yes, I am Muslim too. I hope she won't have much trouble. Since the processing times, it almost the same, I will apply CR1 for her after our marriage.

    Thanks again for all your help!

  4. Hello All,

    I absolutely love this site and spent many hours today looking for an answer to my question. I learned a lot in the process. Here is my story: I am engaged to my Moroccan fiancee woman since February 2009. Next month (November 2009), we are planning to get married in Morocco through the Rabat family court. I'd like her to come her as soon as possible. Can I apply K-1 Visa if we are already married in Morocco? or Should just apply K-3 and just wait? What is your take on K-1 vs K-3 specially for US Consulate in Casablanca?

    Appreciate any help you can provide,

    Good luck with everyone :)

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