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Posts posted by ZaheersShezadi

  1. Hi All -

    Im a US citizen, got married in 2008. My husband is a Pakistani citizen and is on a temp work permit in the UK. His visa was for two years. I applied for his I-130 petition in Nov 2008, the petition was approved in Feb 2009 and his interview took place at the London Embassy on July 9th 2009. The interview went well. Since I also temporary decided to come to the Uk and live with him therefore had to quit my job, however, my I-864 was approved as I showed support from family. The consular at the embassy questioned me more than him abt my plans of working n stuff, which I explained to him he was satisfied, long story short, everything went fine. However, my husband's case required AP. We were told that its going to take 6 weeks and that after that if the embassy doesnt contact us then we should contact the embassy ourselves. After that we tried really hard to contact the london embassy but all in vain. To call the embassy costs you are fortune like £1.50 per min or so and the person on the phone doesnt provide any info whatsoever. So I started calling DOS....and now its June 2010 and his case is still in AP. Now his UK visa is about to expire, he cannot extend his visa here. He will have to go back to Pakistan if his US visa doesnt get approved by the end of AUG. I have an 8.5 month old daughter who is so attached to him. I've written to the senator and congressman but all they can tell me is that case is in AP and that we shouldnt let the case go to Pk because everything will restart again, he will be interviewed again and his AP will start from scratch. So I will end up in USA with my daughter and will be forced to raise her alone while my husband waits and we wait and wait and wait. I dont know what to do??? Im going into major depression now due to all this............I dont know what to do?????? Also, my husband still has is passport, however, we've paid $80 or courier, when we contacted the embassy abt these questions, they completely ignored us......Any advice????

    I understand some of your plight. My husband was stuck in AP for 5 months. I had to return to USA and give birth to our daughter all alone. I had to raise her for 2 months by myself. But, he did finally get here. I wish you the best of luck and I pray for a speedy AP for u.

  2. OK, here is my question. My husband had his medical done for his K3 in October, but the doctor didn't do any vaccinations because he said he didn't need them at the time. But, we didn't want to spend the money to get them here in USA, so he got them done by a regular doctor in Pakistan who wrote up a report noting all the vaccines he received. He does still need I thin the second shot for the TDaP. But, does anyone know if I can just call one of the civil surgeons around and have them put it on the I-693? Because when he will arrive via POE, they will keep his packet, wont they? So, I assume that means we will have to include the supplemental vaccine report with the AOS packet, right? So, please tell me what is the best way to go about this. thanks for your help.


  3. As far as the vaccines go, when he went to the medical, they said he didn't need them until he adjusted status... but it will be so expensive to get them in USA.. Anyone have any idea on prices for MMR, Varicella and TDAP? I just want to know if he can get the immunizations in Pakistan from a regular physician, or does he have to go back to the same Panel Doctor that he went to for the medical? Anyone know anything about this? thanks.


  4. That's a good question and, what if as a USC, you're with your spouse - I was picturing going in the Immigrant line at POE with him. What are they gonna do, tell me to go somewhere else? I'm so worried about POE (and we don't even have a date of course). But my husband doesn't speak English (French or Arabic, a little Spanish)...they would have people who speak other languages, right??

    Yes, if the spouse goes with, then usually the immigration officers will let the immigrant go through the USC line. but i am not goin to be with him. but i called Dulles airport and they saidhe goes thru immigrant line. thanks for all the help and congrats. just 4 more days til he comes! and tomorrow i finally get to see my 3 yr old after more than 1 yr!!! Allahke shukar. Good luck to all of u. hope to reunite with u guys in usa!


  5. I tried to get Zaheer to file refugee for asylum in USA, but withthat, you are unable to return to your home country because you left in fear of your life. At least that is what I understood. He didnt want to not be able to return. I can understand why Alen would be afraid. I was so worried about Zaheer all the time because he works for the government and his office is right across from the prison. there was an uprising at the prison once and several guards and police officials were killed. My father in law was taken hostage and the prisoners took his uniform so they could try to escape dressed as a gov't employee. Zaheer works for the sessions court and I always worry because the courts and police depts are always under attack in Pakistan.

    Anyway. I pray you all hear good news soon. Congrats to malarie!!! I am so glad you got your visa! Insha'Allah, Rana Bhai will hear something soon. Starlight and HotGuy are almost there.. I can feel it. I know within a week I am gonna come on here and see more good news!

    Zaheer booked his flight, he will be here in a week!! He flies from Lahore to Dubai to washington DC and then from DC to FL. He will arrive in West Palm Beach, FL at 5 in the afternoon on the 5th of May. I am so excited! I can't wait to see him and for him to see Stevie! well, keep praying for us, and I will certainly keep in touch with you all and praying for all of you to be out of this purgatory.

    Just curious... since he has a K3 visa, does anyone know whether he goes through the Immigrant or Nonimmigrant line at the Airport Customs/Immigration? He is coming into Dulles (washington dc).

    Take care


  6. Thanks again everyone. Pat, I don't know if they did a field investigation. they never tell me what they do. In november the embassy told us that the file was sent back to embassy for processing. So they finished the US checks within the month, and then it was 4 and a half months of AP at the Embassy level. They never asked about his brothers or anythng. We think it took such a long time cuz he works for the gov't. I wish you the best of luck and Zaheer was worried about rana bhai. he said "Allah Bless him". So.. we hope to hear good news from you soon.


  7. Hey.. keep your chin up, all. Zaheer got the visa on Friday! So, we are finally gonna be together again! He finally can see his little princess, Stevie, for the first time. She is almost 2 months old and he hasnt seen her yet. It is so great. Insha'Allah, you all will hear good news soon. AP is like purgatory.. but once it's over, it is like God smiled on you and said "I was only teasing." haha. Take care.


  8. Thank you thank you thank you so much everyone for all your well wishes and congratulatory comments. I am praying so much for Wellmux and HotGuy. I hope you hear something so soon. To all of you who are in AP, I will keep you in my prayers because I really do understand how hard this is. Insha'Allah, it will all be over soon. Zaheer is planning his trip for May 6th. So lets hope he has a very easy POE at JFK, NY. Its pretty warm here in South FL, so I am hoping to take him to the ocean so he can see it for the first time. I am not a beach person, but I would love to show him around. Well, thanks so much all of you who prayed for us and held out hope. May Allah Bless you and make all your dreams a reality.

    Allah Hafiz


  9. thanks Mumtaz. We received an email today from Embassy saying Zaheer's visa was sent thru courier yesterday. Today, he collected it frm SpeedEx office!!! He will, Insha'Allah be home by mother's day! Unfortunately, Stevie has a cold and is miserable.. but she should be well again by his arrival. Ur right though, I understand exactly how you feel. Its hard especially in this economy. I am sorry your mother is working so hard as well. My mother is also from Michigan, but moved to FL in the 70s. My dad is from Alabama and has only ever worked for Machine shops and he used to build the tools to work on Nasa's spacecraft, but they closed down his department here in FL and he had to take early retirement. Then started working at a company that makes Brain Surgery tools.. but got laid off because he kept editing the program to make it more efficient, but the engineers didnt appreciate that. We used to be a fairly upper middle class family like 12 yrs ago. Then all this happened, and now we are all struggling to get by. We live in a very wealthy town, surrounded by celebs and glamour.. but there is no way to afford cost of living. Anyhow.. I pray that things work out for you and haseeb and little Faris Ali. Zaheer and I are going to start importing Leather Goods and garments starting next month. I hope it works out on top of his job at the car dealership. take care... and be strong. I understand COMPLETELY. Allah Hafiz.

  10. Hey everyone! Great news! We got an email from Embassy saying that they sent his passport and visa packet thru courier yesterday. Today Zaheer went to SpeedEx and picked up his visa!!! Yah! Allahu Akbar!!! I cant wait to see him again. Unfortunately, the baby is sick... but Insha'Allah she will be well again before he arrives. Good luck to all. Im praying that Islamabad gets on the ball about issuing visas now. Take care. Allah Hafiz!


  11. Thank you Meredith. My little one isnt so healthy right now. She has a cold. She is only 5 wks old, and has a cold. She is so miserable. No fever though, Alhamdullilah. I cant believe the DOS operator told u she cant see any updates.. then seh gives you an update. LoL. They are ridiculous sometimes. I read on way way earlier posts.. like at the beginning of last yr that if you can get ahold of ppl like Sarah or Jessica at DOS they will give you more info. I also read somewhere that the older employees give out more info because they have worked there since before they made it so that the visa officers cant share the info. So sometimes they do share. I can only wish you good luck and hope that all will work out. Take care.. and Allah Hafiz.


    PS.. anyone out there in the Carolinas??

  12. I'm sorry Bhai. Insha'Allah you will hear good news soon. Allah has a plan for all of us. My biggest issue right now is trying to decide what to do when he does get here... I mean, depending on whenever it will be, renting a moving truck is expensive! Its upwards of $700 USD to move from my home state of Florida to South Carolina where Zaheer's future boss lives. My husband hasn't even seen his daughter yet. And she is 5 wks old now and has a terrible cold. He has been horribly worried about her and very sad he has never seen her face to face. I wish you the best of luck, brother. We all pray for good news.


  13. The thing about AP is that I never knew anything about it until right before the interview when i started reading on visajourney. If I had known about it, perhaps we would have not tried to get pregnant when we did. I never wanted to be apart from him let alone travel while pregnant, all alone, give birth alone, recover from C-section, and take care of a newborn all alone with no income and only help from gov't in the form of foodstamps, wic, and medicaid. I wish they would tell you when you apply for immigration status that you will definitely have AP, even if it is just a few days. they should let us all know that it is a reality and we have to face it. It has been almost 6 months for my husband's AP and they have had his passport since the 12th of March. It only took Feisal 35 days to get his passport with visa back. So, let's see what happens. Zaheer calls AmEx office all the time to check and make sure if they have received it.. but they never say yes. =(

    I pray for all of you to have a speedy AP especially HotGuy and Rana bhai.

  14. Hey Patricia, you dont HAVE to tell them. I registered with the travel.state.gov website because they say it is safer for Americans to register their trip with the department of state so they can update you as to whats going on in that country and the safety updates. They send you warden notices about any closures or safety concerns there in pakistan and give you advice how to avoid any problems. Its just for your safety. they only wanted to make sure I had gone home because at the time of our interview, I had already been in Pakistan for 10 months. After 12 months, you lose your domicile and have to prove it again or it goes against your case. But you own your own home and stuff, so you dont really have a problem. Good luck.


  15. Congrats again malarie! Such great news for you!

    Thanks to all of you with your positive vibes in my direction. Hehe. Yeah, I hope its god news too. Thanks so much Rana bhai.. I appreciate your well wishes. They never asked for zaheer's brothers' info. But I voluntarily gave them that info via email when i was upset about the way they spelled his name in an email reply to me (Ahmad, not Ahmed..), so then when they said that they were trying to call from the embassy, and had been trying for 2 weeks, it was weird since I had just called DOS earlier that week and they never mentioned it. But, we sent them the info they wanted, (proof I was back in USA), and then after that, they asked Zaheer to confirm his phone numbers and contact info. So, after they received our info via courier, they told us AP was over and we will hear someting in 8-10 days. After 7 days they told us it was BACK in AP. So, we think (Insha'Allah) it is in Final AP since they are working witht he Passport. So.. we are praying that it is because of the passport. This time, when I had called DOS, it seemed positive. So.. please keep praying for us. Insha'Allah, rana Bhai.. you will also hear some good news soon. Its just harder for you to get a time frame since they already have your passport. So.. good luck to you as well. Allah Hafiz.


  16. wow Malarie! Congrats! That is such wonderful news. Mash'Allah! We hope to hear some positive news on our behalf soon too. Here's what happened with us...

    Today I called DOS to ask if there was anything new since I had called last Tuesday or Wednesday. So, the lady was shocked at how long Zaheer was in AP.. (5 and a half months) and she was like "Wow.. he has been in AP a long time." and I said "Yeah" and she was looking at his file then said "They have his Passport, right?" and I said "Yes we sent it about a month and a week ago. And she kept looking and said "Yeah.. you know... you should...." then she kept pausing then she said "Why don't you call back by the end of the week..." and I didnt hear her well so i said "Im sorry, when should I call back, I didnt hear u" and she said "Call back by friday, we should hear something by then." And I was like "Ok, are there any notes on his file recently?" and she said "Only a congressional reply on March 31, but you know that, right?" and I said "Yes, I am sure that is when my senator's office replied to me." and she said "Yeah, it's still pending but why dont you call back by friday, hopefully we will know something by then." and I said ok and thanked her and then got off the phone. So, anyhow.. thats all that happened with us. I know it was finished with AP back on the 17th of March, and then put back on it around the 22nd.. so, let's see what happens. I am hoping the "Back on AP" is just because of his passport. Wish me luck. Allah Hafiz.


  17. sister i called to embassy and they told me the same which DOS said to my wife.

    i m just curios that wat doest it's mean??? :bonk:

    i m waiting...


    i know they r confusing. they tell all kinds of unclear answers because they are not allowed to give any details. All they told me the other day was the notes from the embassy look good/positive. But, still pending AP. Dont worry Bhai, u will hear something soon, Insha'Allah.

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