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Posts posted by loveamerica

  1. You must provide proof that you will be financially provided for or will be financially sufficient without any help from public funds. Documentation of living arrangements, employment records, resumes/CVs of both resident and applicant spouse, bank records, statements of held assets and attestations of housing by landlords or family members who are providing are all suitable (and recommended) to accompany your visa application. The more proof you have that you are financially supported/supportive, the higher your chances will be of being granted a visa.

  2. As soon as your divorce finalized you have right to apply remove conditions on your residency based on good faith marriage ended with divorce. If you aLready have your divorce decree in hand You dont have to wait for next..

    2 year rule is only for married people who is applying jointly.

    If you have required evidences shows your marriage was in good faith, pictures etc, gather all now and apply for good faith marriage waiver as soon as possible.

  3. My questions are:

    • Is this enough evidence to remove the conditions on my own?

    • Does it matter to the USCIS that my wife is older than me? (It did matter to my dad)

    • Have you know of any I-751 waiver that got denied? Or ended in deportation?

    • Should or should my wife file for divorce?

    • How long does it take to get approved? Will I be asked for an interview?

    • Do I have any other alternatives if my case was denied? What is the worst case scenario?

    • If there are people with waivers that got approved, please share your experiences.

    I am sorry for the long post. I know that my marriage was real and God/Allah knows that too.

    Your answers are greatly appreciated.

    You have enough evidence - do not send in either videos of bulky stuff; only documents.

    USCIS does not give a rat's azz about a 4 year difference.

    either of you can file for divorce: and you cannot file to remove conditions until you have the divorce decree.

    you might be asked for an interview, no way to tell.

    I agree with Len

  4. tell your friend when her divorce is final (i.e., she have the divorce decree), then she can ask for a waiver of the joint filing requirements based on her divorce. Just tick box "d" in part 2 of the I-751. As long as she can provide the normal proof of "good faith" marriage, she can remove conditions and get a 10 year green card.

    Note that the divorce must be final - she can't ask for this waiver if she separated or the divorce is still pending.

    Most divorce take minimum 9 or 10 months. Mine took little over year. I got my 10 year green card by doing above.

  5. i dont know ,,,, if it weere me nothing like a good beach slap to knock some sense into the ex wifes mind and show her who got the upper hand ,, hehe but thats just my temper :rofl: but i agree he should change cell phones, tell his ex wife, no more harrassing and tell his ex wife, listen lady,, theres a reason your my exxxxxxxx,, hello???? and theres a reason shes my wife,,,, helloooooooo??? he shouldd be a man and stop this,,, stand up for his lady andshe should stand also,,, if he doesnt do this,, how weak is thiermarriage anyway,, and if they divorce on this ,, then evidently it wasnt strong one,,, good luck :thumbs:

    the ex husband has kids with ex wife. how you expect he will change #? Kids are or should be priority in any subject. He will have contact with ex wife forever because kids. change # will not work. that may get him in trouble with court for not responsible with kids. i have dealt with this for long time. I got divorce, because ex wife too hard deal with, always in our life. when kids, they never go away. if situation is too hard for her friend now, i fear never get better like mine and many others i know. better to find better situation instead waste time unhappy. if her friend consider divorce she truly not happy.

  6. My friend was asking if possible to divorce her husband because of his ex wife (USC) until now the ex wife has nothing to do but to give bS to my friend and to her husband. Because the ex wife wants her to live miserable here in US like calling her a ####### etc..Asking her husband lot of stuff to do and the ex wife never stop messaging her husband almost everyday eventhough not related with the kids.

    How does the divorce works? I mean do you have to have to text your ex knowing he is already married to another one??

    obviously the ex wife wants to ruin their marriage by giving them a difficult situation end up arguing and fighting. my friend is trying to understand every circumstances but she's fed up!

    she has 2 year GC.

    any replies much appreciated.


    why divorce her husband if his ex was the one causing all the problems? tell your friend to record and keep all the text messages from the ex and sue her. if your friend really love her husband then she should stand with him and resolve together the problem.

    do you think my friend can sue ex wife? what grounds? ruining marriage? can file for restraining order?

    confused! huhuwawa :(

    what grounds? calling her a ####### etc..., is enough to sue her for harrasment.

    sue someone for name calling. too funny. not possible. her poor friend is stuck. people would look her crazy trying to sue cuz ex wife called her #######. and why is ex wife call her #######? tell your friend she'd be better divorced out of this situation. feel terrible for her!


  7. My friend was asking if possible to divorce her husband because of his ex wife (USC) until now the ex wife has nothing to do but to give bS to my friend and to her husband. Because the ex wife wants her to live miserable here in US like calling her a ####### etc..Asking her husband lot of stuff to do and the ex wife never stop messaging her husband almost everyday eventhough not related with the kids.

    How does the divorce works? I mean do you have to have to text your ex knowing he is already married to another one??

    obviously the ex wife wants to ruin their marriage by giving them a difficult situation end up arguing and fighting. my friend is trying to understand every circumstances but she's fed up!

    she has 2 year GC.

    any replies much appreciated.


    It always possible to divorce and stay. Sounds like your friend married him "with good faith" they divorce she can remove conditions as soon as the divorce is final and get her 10 year GC if she want to stay in the US.

    For options regarding divorce she should consult a divorce/family law attorney. Free consultation.

    OR she can file a divorce. go to the county clerk and pick up a divorce packet. The papers are like $35-$50, once she file divorce do not wait for 2 years to file her removal. File her removal of conditions once she have her divorce paperwork. Save everything she can that shows she married in good faith and submit it with her removal.

    This kind of situation for your friend is worst. ex wife will never get better. kids will always be in picture. How long she been married? If she really this unhappy, she should move on to better pasture. meet a guy and NO kids.

  8. your friend needs to talk to her husband and her husband has to have the balls to tell his witch wife to fudge off and leave him alone. Ex's tend to ruin relationships. Mine got ruined because sadly, my husband chose not to end all ties with his ex-gf even if they have no reason to be communicating with each other anymore.

    If she will divorce him, she can do that but she has to have a job and enough savings to self petition herself.

    What the ex wife does? she always use their kids and my friend doesnt want to compete with kids.

    so what she can do now? its not good to be quite at all times!


    why did she marry guy with kids then? woman should know, there is no competing with kids. they come first. they are blood. if your friend really feel this way, she should divorce. better for eveyone

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