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Posts posted by Hops

  1. We actually got chewed out alittle for bringing too much information, also my lovely lawyer made about 200 too many copies at about a dollar piece ofcourse.

    However even as such if I had to do it again I would of still brought pretty much what I did, I suppose it could be different for everyone though they really didn't look at much except the consent letters for my step children.

  2. We landed on the 29th of December and are enjoying being a family again for sure everythings gone good. I received two letters today from immigration or 2 for each of my family members I immigrated one gives me a case number and says you should hear from us in 30 days and the other says this is a receipt of your paperwork we recieved from your POE and it does not give you any status

    what are these exactly and surely this is just normal

    I hope..


  3. We had our interview in Montreal on the 30th and was approved. We are planning on making the move here in a few days and I had a few questions about landing.

    Basically do I need to fill out any form and or list all the items we are moving with us (we are driving)

    also is there anymore fees that will incur for this, after paying the 1100 applications fees and the 1300 visa fees and everything in between I would be very dissapointed by this but not real surprised

    anything that I should know before we do this we are crossing at Coutts into Sweet Grass MT

    thanks in advance

    we are very excited after over a year to finally almost have this done

  4. I couldn't seem to find an answer for sure. I have been living in the US since the day we filed, I have pay stubs dating back to when I started working, lease agreements from the last year and the current lease which I share with my brother, I have a current Idaho drivers license and a registered and insured car which I can provide those documents, anything else I might need? all my bank statements are paperless so I havn't gotten anything mailed. Also I plan to move out of the apartment i'm living in since i'm sharing it with my brother so when my wife and kids get here we will have our own place so I will have a completed application for the apartment we are going to rent I will not have a lease though until I get back, is this gonna be some kind of issue is there something more I should do here?


    Interview is on the 30th so im' cutting it a little short here ><

  5. Well its been a long haul, we filed on November 3rd 2009 I left for Idaho the same day got our packet in January, because of tax issues I was not able to send it back in til May which was totally unreal.. we finally heard back about a month ago and after having to travel to Vancouver for medical our interview is scheduled for the 30th of this month, wish us luck! After spending about 10,000.00 on this so far and waiting most of a year apart we are definetly ready for this to be over so we can be a family again..

  6. ok so i'm filling out the 864 and on section 3 i'm not sure wha to put, do I fill say 9 and list my step kids since my wife is in section 2 and I also submitted a I-130 for them, or do I need to submit seperate 864 forms for them, also in section 5 it says persons NOT sponsored in this affidavit so myself and then... if i'm sponsoring my wife and kids I would not put them in there right? since I AM sponsoring them, oi -_-

    why these forms are confusing...

    maybe more questions later

    thanks in advance for the help this website has been priceless so far..

  7. I filed DCF Calgary everything was a success for the first step, she even complimented us on how well prepared we were I was sure to mention Visajourney when she asked if we had help :thumbs:

    now i'm getting ready to fill out this form 864 as i'm expecting the next packet to arrive anytime

    I have personally moved back to the US to start my job and my wife obviously remains in Canada

    i'm curious since I just started this job if its going to be enough my income is a few thousand over the 125% for 4 people but I will have only worked this job for a couple months if that by the time I will be sending in this form

    will I need to get an additional sponsor for this form or what do I need to do here?

    if this is ok to proceed what do I need to prove i'm making this amount of income as I wont have any US tax returns

    i'll be including a letter stating that in 2006 2007 2008 I didn't meet the minimum income to file a tax return is there anything else I need to do here?

    and I assume when they say 125% over they mean gross income not after taxes?

    as always I really appreciate all visajourneys help the people here are great and proved way more useful then the lawyer who either lied to me or had no idea what he was talking about

    may have more questions on this one later thanks again :D

  8. Since the consulate has made it impossible to actually talk to a person (I can only listen to a recording and previously I could press 0 to talk to someone but NOT ANYMORE!) I hope someone who has filed in Calgary can help me make sure I have everything in order

    this is for my wife and step kids

    1 I-130 for each of them filled out

    4 forms 325 one for each of us and each one copied x4 not sure if this is needed but I read somewhere that you need copys of everything but your I-130

    2 US passport style photos 2"x2" for each of us (I certainly hope the dimensions are right as the person taking them was unsure -_-)

    4 copys of our marriage certificate (just to be safe)

    4 copys of my birth certificate

    4 copys of my passport and I included my DL and canadian perm resident card on the same page not sure if its a problem but I needed it for something else as well should it just be my passport? do I even need copys of my AB DL or Canadian PR?

    4 copys each of my wifes and the kids birth certificates

    I have 2 notarized and signed letters from the kids father coming tomorrow 1 for each of them

    i'm not sure how to make payment for this I can't pay with credit card, can I pay in cash?

    also i'm not sure should I be including joint bank account information, lease agreements etc.. that we have signed together in the past as we are moving right now and so our current address living together is only going to be for a couple days -_-

    is there anything that anyone thinks i'm missing i'd appreciate it

    thanks for your time!

  9. actually I do have one question that the company didn't explain well, on question 9 it states that my place of residence is or was in "blank" for this period of time, i'm still somewhat retaining a residence in canada as i'm having all my mail and my wife and step children are staying with her mother and that is technically my canadian residence and I do plan on coming back several times a year but ultimately will be residing back in the US , i'm worried about putting was on the form as it might effect DCF? or my wifes and step childrens immigration through this process, so should I put is Canada or was Canada I also don't plan on giving up my PR and applying for dual citizenship when I get the chance so I don't want anyone to get the idea that i'm giving up my PR

    sometimes these forms make me want to bang my head on the wall many times, also should I put the amount of time since I got my PR or since i've been living here. If anyone can help me I would surely appreciate it.

    Thank you

  10. we just applied for canadian passports for my wife and kids, took it down to Edmonton isntead of mailing it in and the estimated 2 weeks but we actually recieved them in 1 week! amazing for passport services

  11. have another question... in box 21 of form 130 it asks what was the last address you lived together, after we file the I-130 I am moving back to states to begin my new job and wife is going to reside with her mother in Red Deer, I am using her mothers address as my current, should I put this address as the last address we lived together reading from 10/30/09 to present or the address we currently live together where we are moving from on the 30th

  12. thanks for the reply, another question has come about, do I need to fill out a form 325 for each one of us as well? total of 4 since there is 4 of us

    and would it cause a problem if I moved the majority of our possessions down early (when I go down to the states after filing the form in november) we don't have much but enough and finally I read in another post filing these forms will void my canadian PR is that true as well?

    thanks again

  13. ok so i'm filling out the I-130 it asks for my address and their address, should I put the address i'm moving to at the end of the month in the US (november 1st) for myself ? and my wife is moving to Red Deer at this time as well should I put this address? we will probably be filing this before the 1st but we are renting and apartment and this will no longer be our address

    and my wife has two children from a different relationship (my step children) can I file just the same for them or is there something special I need to do, do we need something from their father?

    also i'll be filing in Calgary and my wifes birth certificate is the old style (wallet sized card) do we need to get her the new full sized one?

    sorry for the many questions

    and thanks for the help

  14. In my personal experience, the by far MOST important thing to have at the interview is a photo album of the wedding and reception. How do you fake a wedding with 100s of people getting drunk, a naked girl jumping out of a wedding cake, and a zeppelin dropping 10,000 balloons reading "I love you Schmuppi!" from the sky?

    Priceless? Au contraire!

    this sounds like the best wedding ever !

  15. I am a US citizen living in Alberta my wife is canadian and step children as well, I have a job in

    the US so we are making our way down, i've been told DCF is what we need to do and its usually faster. One of my questions is if we file DCF, do I need to remain in Canada while their immigration is being processed this way? or do I need to be working in the US so I can prove i'm making enough, or is a letter from the company sufficient. I know this isn't the right section but when I immigrated to Canada they had the option of applying inland in which I did, I remained in Canada as a visitor for about 2 years while I immigrated. Is there anything similar in the US where my wife and kids can apply for immigration while visiting the US and remain until its done

    any help would be appreciated

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