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Posts posted by Ladydynamite

  1. HI Vjers

    Just to update you all. I finally received my greencard in the mail today. I received my SSN in the mail Monday January 4, 2009. I made my point of entry December 11,2009. Then i re-entered the US December 27, 2009. On December 28, 2009 i went to the Social Security Office and requested a number. I was told that i would receive the SSN card in 2 weeks time. On Monday December 28, 2009 i received a welcome notice from USCIS. I received a second welcome notice on Thursday December 31, 2009. On Saturday January 2, 2009 I received a 3rd welcome notice. By this time i was beginning to wonder what the hell is going on. Boy was i being made to feel welcome here in the US. Finally i received the GC in the mail. Yay. Tomorrow i am going down to the DMV to get a state ID. So less than a month of making my point of entry i received my green card. Now i can take a break from USCIS for a while until 2011. I just hope that my next journey is a easy as this one was.

    Now to get a job.

    Keep me in your prayers.

    My thoughts are with all of you going through the same process. Best of Luck.

    Thanks Visa Journey for all the invaluable information.

  2. Crossing our fingers!!

    I get to leave bitter cold NYC to head out Antigua tomorrow to spend the holidays with my fiance, then we fly out this weekend to Barbados for his interview on Monday morning.... hope to be coming home in a few weeks knowing we have the visa.

    Thanks to everyone for helping guide us up to this point.

    Have a Happy New Year!

    Good Luck in Barbados, hope all goes well

  3. Ok Folks another just to update you all. I made my point of entry in San Juan Puerto Rico today. I went in and came right back out and travelled back to Barbados. Ha Ha i know i can afford to do that as i am a Cabin Crew. I had no problems getting processed. I had to wait a little while, then i was called to finger print and sign the documentsl. My passport was then stamped with the CR1 stamp valid till December 10, 2010. The officer explained that i could use the stamp as proof when applying for jobs or school etc. She told the card will come in the mail in 4-6 months, was not sure i heard right but hey atleast i have the stamp. She told me if i am going to be out of the US for more than months then i need a re-entry permit. She also told me if i had not received my card in the mail after 6 months call the local office.

    While she was processing me she just asked me a few questions pretending to be making small talk. I went with the flow and she was very pleasant and nice. O probably spent 25-30 minutes there. So hey i have my stamp in my passport. I am planning to go to the US for vacation in January while i make preparations to finally move to the US

    Thank you all

  4. Hi Vjers

    Just to let you all know that i have my passport with my visa in hand. I am so happy. I had my interview on monday and the Visa was issued the next day and DHl just dropped off my passport. Now i think i am going to make my Point of Entry tomorrow in San Juan Puerto Rico.

    I must say i have been very fortunate on my journey. Absolutely no problems along their way. True to their word the embassy gave me priority to get my passport back to me quickly.

    Now to call my airline to let them know i can resume my flights now that i have my passport.

    I cannot stop saying thank you to Visa Journey for providing all the knowledge needed to have successful results

  5. yes i am sure who wants to sleep with a gas-tard ? think u sleep with someone who pass gas

    GAs-tard? Is this a common saying in Nigeria!? Bored much?

    Ok my thinking is if he goes and applies to remove conditional status this reason is enough for the interviewer to turn him down and start removal proceedings agianst him. This in my opinion smells like fraud all around. This is not a good reason for one to want out of a marriage if they claim to love their spouse. Absolutely ridiculous.

  6. Hi Folks

    Just to update you all i had my appointment this morning at the Bridgetown Barbados embassy and was approved. I must say it was a breeze. The actual interview lasted less than 10 minutes. The actual waiting to get called up to the window was what took up most of my time.

    I went to the first window and i was asked for the white envelop attached to the brown X-ray envelop. I detached the white envelop and gave it to the lady. She opened the envelop and gave me what she said was my copy of the results. She asked me one or two questions but she was more interested in my my job as flight attendant and asked me when did i plan on leaving the job. Then i went to sit down

    Then i was called to another window this time to do my fingerprint. Once that was done i was told ok return to your seat. Then i was called to the window where the actual interviewer asked me the following questions.

    Your husband is the one who filed for you? Yes

    Where did you meet? Back home. "Oh he is from the same country as you".

    How long has he been in the US?

    Who filed for him?

    How often did you see each other?

    Were either of you married before?

    Where does he work

    Who lives with him?

    That was it.

    The most time was spent trying to figur out how best to handle the issurance of the visa as i am a flight attendant and need my passport to travel for work. She cancelled my B1 Visa and C1D Visas as she told me i cannot have 2 valid visas at the same time. She told me that they will try to complete their security checks and issue the Visa tomorrow so i can get my passport back by Wednesday. They were very accomodating. She told me congratulations and gave me a green paper to go pay the DHL courier. And the end as they say was history.

    Now keeping my fingers crossed and praying i get my passport back soon as it means i cannot work until i have my passport.

    Piece of Cake

    Now i am off to sleep as i did not sleep at all last night.

    Oh most important i had a big bag with e-mails, skype chat, telephone bills, insurance documents, and 300 pictures of our wedding, and other pictures ready to show as evidence of a relationship and i was not asked for nothing. I even had the financial evidence, and supporting documents. I noticed that no one had to show them any additional proof of a relationhip. I felt like such a fool after trotting along this big bag of evidence, ready to aim, set, fire at the interviewer. LOL.

    Some people were at the counter with the interviewer for quite a long time. I was there for no more than 10 minutes.

    Thanks to VJ for making my journey a seamless one. After all that i have read and learnt here i am now giving advise to everyone I know going through the immigration process. Guess i have become quite the immigration expert. LOl

    Thanks again for all the helpful information

    Good Luck to the rest of you with December Interviews.

  7. Nerves are starting to set in here..... :unsure:


    Hi All my interview is also tomorrow morning here in Bridgetown Barbados and i am nervous as hell. Everytime i think about it my stomach starts to ache. To top it off my husband keeps reminding me that it is soon and questioning whether or not i am nervous and ready. He even took the day off so he will be able to get the news as soon as it is over. Bad Idea. Now he will be home pacing the room and be tempted to email me or call. I told him do not call me unless i call him. I just want this thing to be over and done with.

    Good Luck to all Vjers with interviews this month and especially tomorrow Monday. Keep me in your prayers as you will be in mine.

  8. careful some of these after sometime ask for ur bank account number so they can deposit ur winnings and in the end u end up with no balance left in ur account


    Ok first things first did you enter yourself in the lottery. I am guessing no. Unless you get an inheritance from a family member, or you bought a lottery ticket. I suggest you ignore this email and do not give them any info. First they inform you that you have won, then you respond and then they ask for you info and then in the end tell you that you must pay some fees in order for the funds to processed. Now if you won the lottery fair and square why would you have to pay to process anything. The plan is if even people believe this gimmick and pay atleast 500 EURO to get these winning the scammers can actually make alot more than you stand to profit. I believe that nothing in life comes for free, and nothing good come easy. In the end it is up to you whether you want to entertain these scammers. The choice is yours and i am hoping you do the smart thing and stay away from these get rich fast lottery scheme

    By the way i used to be a Lottery Draw Host back home so i woud know

    Enjoy your day

  9. Hi All

    Just to update you all i did my medical today in Bridgetown Barbados at the Diagnostic Clinic. I got there about 8:20 baring in mind the cut off time is 8:30. I walked up to the receptionist i told her i was there to do the medical for the US Embassy, she then directed me to the entrance where i entered and told me to take a letter from the box. The next letter was O. I sat down and waited to be called. There was a guy next to me who asked me if the letters were for persons waiting to do medicals for the US Embassy. I responded yes it would appear so. Turned out he was not there for US Embassy medical so he gave up his letter which turned out to be L. YAY i was bumped up the line. I sat and waited for about 10 more minutes when my letter was called. I quickly jumped up and went into the other room where several persons were already sitting. I sat down at the desk where this lady was doing the paperwork. She requested my passport, interview letter ( i produced the original e-mail copy i received with my interview date stating December 28,2009). She asked me if i lived anywhere other than my home country for more than 6 months. I told her yes Barbados as I am currently living there. She noted that on the form and then asked me to sign authorizing blood drawn for HIV and Syphilis test, I signed the form. Then she asked me for my immunization card or a letter from my doctor, I produced the immunization card hoping that i would not require any more immunization shots. She then gave me back my passport with a form in it and told me to go sit and wait to do the X-ray and also to remove my chain

    I noticed there were quite a few persons from my home country so it made the waiting bareable, as we were all talking about our experiences thus far.

    About 20 minutes later my name was called again. I went to another room where the X-rays are done. The doctor doing the X-ray was very nice, he spoke creole to me once he realised i was from Dominica. This made me laugh and also made me feel at ease. He looked at my passport, according to him to ensure i am who i say i am. LOL He then instructed me to remove my top and bra and stand infront of the X-Ray machine. In 3 minutes the X-ray was done. I got dressed and went back to sit and wait.

    I waited another 15 minutes nad heard my name called again, this time from the other end of the room. I followed another male doctor into the room this time to draw blood. This process was a little longer as a good vein could not be found on my arm (always the case). Once the blood was draw i was told to wait in the waiting room again until i hear my name.

    Some 20 minutes later i was summoned in the same room i did my X-Ray this time to check my height and weight. Then my vision was checked YAY 20/20 Vision. Yuppie Yoo!. Next up the Urine Sample, Good thing i had a full bladder so no problem getting a sample. Lol.

    Back in the waiting room to wait some more. 20 Minutes my name was called again. This time i a female doctor escorted me to the room along with my forms she received from the front desk nurse. She told me to have a seat and wait, while waiting the front desk nurse came into the room and attached a paper to my forms which were on the desk infront of me . She also made a note on the form next to Urine. Wow wonder what the notation meant, something good i hope. Then i noticed my X-ray was there along with some forms, off course curiousity got the better of me so i took a peek. Lol.

    The doctor came in and started asking me a series of questions about medical history. Off course i answered no to all.

    During that time we were engaged in small talk, must say she was very nice. Then she told me to step behind the curtain and get completely undressed and lie on the bed. I was taken aback so i asked her if that meant my under wear as well, she responded yes. Ok now i feel like i am at the gynaecologist, i start to wander if she is going to examine my private parts. She left the room and i undressed and lay on the bed and used the the sheet to cover up. The doctor then came into the room and we continued our small talk while she examined my ears, eyes and mouth. Then she examined my breast, suppose checking for lumps. She checked my reflexes by hitting my elbows, knees and tickling under my foot. I was then instructed to sit up and take deep breaths when instructed to do so. Everything checks out fine. Get dressed and wait in the waiting room. Ok what next. This time the waiting room seem less full so i guess most people had been done with their medical. While waiting i sat next to this gentleman who was concerned as to what the cost of his medical was going to be. So i asked him if he had to get any shot to which he sad yes Chicken Pox and MMR. So i told him that was an additional 90USD along with the basic 170 USD. Turns out he did not have the money to cover the expense so he hoped that they accepted cards, turns out they do not accept cards.

    Ok so the front desk nurse called me again and asked me for my passport and the form that was placed in my passport. I gave it to her and wrote on the form then, she gave me back my immunization card and told me to follow to pay for the medical. The cashier told me that my medical would cost 170 USD exactly what i had anticipated paying. I paid the money and was given a blue receipt and a note stating that i should return tomorrow between 9:30 and 10 to get the results and to bring along my passport and receipt. Et Voila

    All Done in all of 2 hours

    Tomorrow we will see what happens.

    On another note. My interview was originally scheduled for December 28, 2009. Being a flight attendant i did not want to have my interview in the peak season as i did not want anything going wrong in terms of being able to attend the interview. Last Monday i called and requested an earlier date which i was granted, my new date is next monday the 7th Dec. The lady told me that i would receive a letter with the new date in the mail but if i did not receive the letter that i could still use the first interview letter. She assured me that my name would be on the list for the 7th Dec. I received the letter when i came back in from a flight on Saturday it was delivered during the week, which i found was not bad.

    I must say so far luck has been on my side and i just hope that this luck continues through the interview.

    Just want to tell you VJers do not be afraid to ask for what you want the most that can happen is they tell you NO. In my situation my case was completed on the 3 November, received interview date via email, 12 November, Interview date 28 December now changed to 7 December.

    Will follow up with an entry of my interview experience.

    Keep me in your prayers.

  10. No, I don't feel bad about your ranting.

    Just remember that this has the potential to be the most important day of your life, in that it will allow you to be together with your spouse for the rest of your life.

    The idea that I would want to change the first available opportunity to do so is completely alien to me (no pun intended).

    sure I understand what ur saying :) ... and I'd love to be with my hubby right now!!!! that's why I wanted to know if I could change my interview at least a few days earlier to spend my first Xmas as a married couple with him I guess I'll have to wait for next Xmas

    My interview was also scheduled for December 28 in Bridgetown Barbados. I am a flight attendant based there. I called the embassy today to request a change in date of interview. I was asked where would i be on that date. I explained that my brother is getting married and that i will be a bridesmaid which means that i hgad to travel back home. She told me ok and asked me if the 21st was ok, I said fine if that was all that was available. She then tried to locate my file and it was not there. She then told me that it appears the boxes with the files for December have been received. She told me that i should call back towards the end of the month and i will get the interview change done then.

    It was simple as that

    I for one believe you never get anything without asking, Worst that could happen is they say no.

    Be prepared to give a valid reason though

  11. Hi Everyone,

    NVC should be scheduling interview this week right? Today is the last day of the week but I have not heard interviews scheduled..

    If you are the lucky one.. please post here...

    Hoping that WE ALL receive appointment letter before the night is over... if not, still HOPING that they will extend their scheduling until next week... :thumbs:

    Hi i received an email from NVC Thursay night 11/12/2009 confirming my interview for December 28, 2009 in Bridgetown Barbados. It appears it was done on Thursday. You should however keep on the lookout. My case was completed on November 3, 2009. I called them the next day and was told to call back after the second week to find out my interview date as they would be scheduling interviews for December during the second week of November and that i would get an interview for December. Low and behold i got the email. So keep the faith it will happen. I also spoke to someone who told me depending on the Appointment Post capacity you may not necessarily get an interview for the next month as some appointment post are back logged.



    06/11/2009 I-130 Sent

    06/15/2009 I-130 NOA1

    08/27/2009 I-130 NOA2

    09/04/2009 Received Case Number from NVC

    09/14/09 DS3032 and AOS FEE BILL Sent

    09/18/2009 PAID AOS FEE

    09/18/2009 SENT DS 3032 TO NVC VIA EMAIL

    09/22/2009 SENT DS3032 TO NVC VIA POST




    09/30/2009 RFE- MISSING DS230

    10/05/2009 SENT DS3032 VIA FEDEX

    10/06/2009 DS3032 DELIVERED

    10/08/2009 IV FEE BILL INVOICED

    10/16/2009 PAID IV FEE


    10/21/2009 DS230 DELIVERED TO NVC




    12/28/2009 INTERVIEW DATE

  12. HI Vjers

    This is my first time posting on Visa Journey. I received an email from NVC with my appointment date on Thursda 12, November. My interview date is 28 December, 2009 at the Bridgetown Embassy in Barbados. Off course i was very excited as i was hoping to get an interview before the year was up. Now i am wandering if there is anything that i must bring to the interview other than the evidence of a relationship, photos, medical envelop, passport,appointment letter. I have copies of the financial evidence my husband submitted. He also faxed me a signed copy of the I864 Affidavit of Support form that he had sent to the NVC.

    I have heard stories where people go to interview only to find out that the embassy is missing documents that you are sure you submitted to the NVC.

    From the email i received for my interview date, i went through the documents submitted to the NVC and based on that all my documents are in order. But i am still skeptical.

    Can anyone assure me.



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