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Alissa and Dilip

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About Alissa and Dilip

  • Birthday 01/25/1979

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    san antonio, texas
  • Interests
    we like video games! Me: 360 Him: PC - it's nice so we get to play side by side! We enjoy parks; relaxing at a nice, quiet bar; eating out and trying new foods; bbqing!!; and sometimes just relaxing at home watching movies while snacking with a cup of tea! can't wait until we're back together to do these things with each other again!!

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    Well... October 2006 my sister asked if I'd like to meet people from England and hear their amazing accents. I said, uh yes of course I would! After a couple of nights of chatting on ukchatterbox.co.uk, I met Dilip. We started off chatting on messenger, then sending emails, then talking over the phone. We decided that a visit was definitely in order so in March 2007 he came to San Antonio, Texas and we hit it off perfectly. We decided to get married and we did in June 2007 after his second visit. He then came back to Texas in Sept 07 and stayed until December (visa waiver program) and I visited my in-laws throughout the month of December 07. I came back in January 08 and moved to the UK in May 08. I stayed and worked in England until August 09 and moved back home. We decided then that Texas was the better move to settle especially since we plan on having kids - I need to be with my mother while pregnant, naturally. So now, we're currently apart (which is the most horrible, difficult thing ever) and getting our paperwork together to send off the petition by next week or the week after... hopefully everything goes smoothly. I will definitely get my timelines in order once we send off our petition to help other couples as this can be quite overwhelming! :)

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  1. Welcome to visa journey. I wish you a very speedy process.


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