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Posts posted by Kadagan

  1. The VOs at GUZ are picky about W-2 income.

    You don't have any.

    BUT - I suggest you prepare an INCOME STATEMENT at a CPAs office, have it look 'official' with the word 'AUDITED' at top and bottom. Show 3 years of income, just to be on the safe side, and

    MAKE SURE IT's NOTARIZED (Most CPAs will do that, if you ask ) .

    Be prepared to spend about 250 for this, no more than 2 hours of CPA time.

    Ya, I know, it sucks -but without discernable W-2 income, ya gotta untrack the VOs out of 'automatic' - an INCOME STATEMENT will accomplish that. Sure, include the VA letter as well, but 'in addition to', not 'solely'.

    There have been some folk get blue-slips that were in your exact situation - No W-2 Income at all, but had guv income WAY above the poverty levels.


    This is my course of action.. thank you very much Darnell

  2. Hello,

    I recently received my NOA2 and my fiancé and I are gearing up for the interview. I am a 100% P&T disabled US veteran and I'm concerned about the proof of income and Affidavit of Support portions. My income is well beyond poverty level but I haven't filed taxes in years as I have no taxable income and it is a waste of time and money for everyone if I file.

    I do however have a letter from the VA stating my income and status... Is this enough?

    This concern is gaining momentum in my mind and I'm very concerned... any advice you have would be appreciated.

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