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Posts posted by Toriwings

  1. Well today Sveta went in for her visa interview in Moscow. I was very nervous about it. Though today she went in and after a very short interview they simply asked about how our parents felt about our relationship. I am Black and she's white, and they say its a little taboo there. Well anyways, she flies here on the 13th, and finally we can start a life here in San Diego. If you're from Around please email me.


  2. This girl is too young for you. SHe asn't even really gotten to understand herself, let alone some older dude. You really need to rethink this buddy. What if things don't work out. Better yet, what if the INS loks at that and decides to take you in. Sure, its legal over there, but I can assure you that's its not legal in the least over here, and you really should think about befoer you get registered as a sex offender, for just marrying a young girl.

  3. So I know that is been a while. My fiance finally got her letter for the interview. Its on Dec. 29th. the first thing on my mind is, I got to find a bigger place. Though living in California is no luxury for this as its hard to find anything within good price and acceptable living conditions. I am going to be so happy when I can travel again.

    Sveta seems to be really happy about hte date as it s a point finality. She has been worried that it wouldn't show up for weeks. Though most of this is driven from the fact that I didn't get my NOA2 until November, but in truth, the letter was actually sent on Oct 5th. You got to love that military postal system.

  4. So yay with the joys. I've been out to sea for the last few months because I'm in the Navy. I found out that my fiance was pregnant and thus we submitted her application. She's Russian and I'm American. The package was acccpeted July 15. I know that it was pushing the circumstance and I understand that. Though I was hoping that I might be done with the visa before I returned home from deployment. Returning home in a few days I realize that it won't happend.

    OUr child, a boy, is due Jan. 29th and I'm preparing to take vacation in January to be with her for the birth if her Visa is still not ready. Though in this case with my limited time ther. What do I do if my child is born while I am in Russia. What would be the most expedient way to have her and our Child come ot America without messing up the application that is already in. Any suggestions?

  5. So I'm on deployment and my very pregnant Fiance is in Russia. You'd think that our emails would all be loving and carefree... of course it's not, that would be an illusion that I could never keep. Though to help things along, I try to be positive and I try to be efficient so that things work out with little stress to her. though being with the crazy woman who could only love someone as crazy as me has its moments.

    For the most part I know her schedule. I know when medical bills and other financial issues come up. So I planned accordingly. Though some unforseen things came up. Like my limited internet access and how I would be able to provide suppliments on my own. I told her, saying, hey I can't do this because of my limited internet access, I know that you already know all the information to wire yourself some money, please do so. Of course she said that she would, a week prior to the deadline. Though everyday looking at my bank account, which I do religiously, i noticed that she never made the withdrawl that she needed for her doctors bills. So last night, the night of the deadline, I asked her why she hadn't done it. She told me nto to worry about and that she would do it today. Well here is the kicker, if somehow she messes up the transfer, doesn't click a box, misses something, or simply scans through it not reading all of the instructions. The account locks until I email them telling that its fine and its just me.

    So needless to say what happened, and of course she started freaking out because that meant that a lot of ... well you know... was going to hit the fan. she came to me askign what i could. At this point it was beyond my control and I couldn't really do anything from my reach of the world. though as you can imagine this opened a whole new can of worms.

    True, I had been worried about a lot things lately with our relationship. Like my not fulling having my final will, and life insurance fully put into her name yet. So its a little scary working some days, because if I go down I am unsure if th the money will get to her and our unborn child if I die. So thus this started the whole argument of, "Dear I need you to listen to me when I list my concerns and I need you to make sure you take appropriate steps to ensure you safety in case some happens to me."

    Of course I know that this was due to me being emotional, and her being pregnant, but this left us both in a huff. So she's not talking to me today. Which makes me a little worried, because I know that she still has those bills to pay, and I generally worry about her. Its not that I think that she irresponsible, but I just need her to understand that there is a lot that could happen to me, and that if the worst ever happened it might leave her in a bad situation if she doesn't plan accordingly.


  6. Well to start it all off simply, my name is Will and the lady in question's name is Lana. I'm a Sailor, so as you can imagine I move around a lot. Well in the midst of my journey, I met Lana. I guess you could say that it was a good time in both of our lives, because meeting we knew that we really needed each other at that point. We spoke daily, wrote each other letters, and when I finally had the time, I went back to Russia on my own and spent some time with her.

    it was amazing, and without a doubt she was amazing as well. So on a faithful night I proposed to her. She said yes, and I was happy. I really didn't understand how much it would hurt now leaving her there as I came back to America.

    On my arrival home I started working on her paperwork, and thanks to the influx of surge deployments, I was sent out yet again. All I could do was mail all of our work out, sit back, and wait until the final results. As it stands all I have is my NOA-1 which is a good sign, but the new thing is that Lana is pregnant. Now a simply waiting game has turned into a great bit of anxiety for me, as I am wondering how I can handle all of this.

    First off the prospect of being a father is very scary, but the big thing on my mind in not being able to be there with her as this is all happening. Its been several months and she is expecting in June. By the proccesing time charts, I shouldn't hear back about the visa until October or November. Reading alot of these post, I know that I have no chance of really meeting this deadline before the child is born. In the meantime, I am just going to have to pack my bags and hope that I can take enough vacation in Russia to be there about the time the baby is born.

    Funny, I seem a lot more mild-headed then I t hought that i would be. I guess I have really accepted the situation. Though it would be nice to talk to some people in these groups and see how the whole journey has gone with my peers.


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