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Posts posted by runlolarun

  1. hi there!

    This is my first post and I am so happy to find this community! I am currently under H1B visa and recently got married to a US citizen. I am working on the paper work to start my green card process and aim to send my paper work out end of this week.

    My very pressing question is: Am I eligible to receive unemployment before or during my green card process? My company is doign massive laid offs and there is one coming in 2 days, which would be before I send the paper work out. It is my understanding from a phone call with an atterney that as long as I am married to a US citizen ( which gives me a right to remain in the country) I am fine and should receive unemployment.

    I just want to make sure. please advise!

    Also, since my husband ( US citizen ) will be "supporting" me in the affidavit of support, if I do get laid off, does it affect my green card case at all?

    Your advice is greatly appreciate it!



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