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Posts posted by corcor

  1. Hey all! So, we're married :D

    I got my K-1 approval in the mail late on Monday May 17th, and first thing Tuesday morning flew out to Oregon via Vancouver. There was a huge backlog of people in secondary inspection at immig. in Vancouver, so they had to put me on a later flight... not impressed... but I made it! After 4 days of craziness, we got married on Sunday the 23rd, and it was PERFECT! It rained a bit during the ceremony, but at least it didn't pour like it had earlier that morning! We had so much fun and were just so happy to finally get married that little things like that didn't matter- it actually made it more enjoyable :) And the clouds made for some sweet pictures :yes:

    We honeymooned in Hawaii (which was a surprise to me since Aaron planned the whole thing)and had an amazing time! Relaxed, had adventures, worked on our tans... good memories for sure! Then we came home to our tiny little house which we have been working on for the past week, and I LOVE it!!! It is so stinkin cute! Nothing compares to being married, and I'm so excited for you guys who are about to tie the knot!! It is seriously the best thing ever :)

    If anyone wants to see our wedding pics here's a link to our photographers site... there's a lot on there just to warn you! http://roman.smugmug.com/Weddings/Corey-and-Aaron/12416362_EBfVh#888511926_gDrpc

    Bless you guys!!

  2. My fiance's xpresspost envelope containing his passport and "do not open" immigration envelope with immigration documents is in the mail as of 10:18 a.m. this morning! Yeah! I can't wait for him to get it! Sixty two days until I get married! We have decided he will move here on July 1, 2010 just before our July 11, 2010 wedding. I was so stressed last week about the envelope not being in the mail. Now it is on its way! Yeah!

    Woohoo! How exciting! How is the wedding planning coming along?

  3. I am so glad to be past the waiting for Montreal part, well, except now my fiance' is waiting for his xpresspost envelope to arrive!

    The interview is by far the easiest part of it all!

    How exciting!!! I'm so happy for you guys :) Did they say how long they expect it will take to send your approval out?

  4. My fiance' received his long form birth certificate yesterday afternoon. I am so thankful serviceOntario.ca did the trick to get it quickly (since he had thought his short form, wallet size birth certificate was enough but when I was looking over his documents to prepare for his interview, I noticed the instructions said "long form"). I didn't expect to get the certificate 2 days after requesting it and the request went in online on Sunday. Simply amazing. One less panic before the real deal on May 3. Now to get the I-134 filled out. Have almost all the documentation for it.

    Yeah, serviceOntario seems to be on top of things. I was going to pay for the express option, but just went for the regular one and ended up getting it about the same time I would have if I'd paid the extra $30 or whatever it was.

    Is everything coming along ok for you guys? You must be super excited!! It's just starting to sink in how close my interview is... and how much stuff I still have to do before I head out :wacko: ... can't wait though!

  5. Just wondering how long it took those of you who have had interviews recently to receive your approval in the mail... I'm trying to get my flight booked before prices jump again, but I want to make sure I can actually get on the plane, hah. I've heard that they're willing to speed things up if time is running short (ie: your wedding is 16 days after your interview :blink: ) ... can anyone confirm that?

    Thanks :)

  6. Hey all!

    I've already read the FAQ's and such, but I'm hoping to get some advice from people with personal experience... My fiance and I met and got engaged while working with a missionary organization in Australia. We left in December and he came to meet my family the week before Christmas (a great time by the way!). I'm going to try to visit him in Oregon so I can meet his friends and family and try to get some wedding stuff figured out. The only thing is that I still don't have a job, and I'm just living with my parents until the visa is approved. Sooo, I don't really have any 'good' evidence that I'll be coming back to Canada. I thought the fact that we're already doing it the legal way by applying for the visa would be good enough, but the fact that it's up to whatever border patrol officer I happen to get makes me a bit uneasy.

    Guess I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice on what other pieces of evidence I could provide... I appreciate anything you can offer!!!

  7. No need to apologize, this process can be daunting, especially if you are planning this from so far away.

    Yes, he can (and should) file the petition as soon as possible. He can list his parents address as his US residence. That is an excellent idea. By the time the embassy requires documentation to be sent back, you should be back in Canada by then so it sounds like it will work out. You should list an address in Canada (like your parents) so receive any mail that might come in.

    Yes, you'll need a co-sponsor. The parents are perfect for that too

    Ask lots of questions but read the guides too, they are very helpful

    Good luck.

    Ok, thanks for the confirmation! I feel good about this... I really appreciate your help!!! :D

  8. Quick overview-

    My boyfriend and I met while serving (and are still serving) with a missionary organization in Australia. He's from the States and will be returning there in late December. After I leave here (late December, possibly January) I'll be spending some time at home (Canada), then will hopefully be joining him some time in the spring to get married. And after reading up on the K1 all day, we obviously need to get started on this process asap if we want the timing to work out.

    From what I've gathered, he can start the application process while he's still here (in Aus) as long as he has a mailing address in the States- correct? There wouldn't be any need for him to physically be in the States in the next 3 months would there?

    The organization we're with is non-profit so he technically hasn't been paid for the last 2 1/2 years, and he's going back to school for a bit once he gets home to get caught up on training so he can get back into his field... not going to look too impressive on his affidavit of support. People have commented on here that you can't have a co-sponsor for the I-134, so if we know his income is less than $17 500 should we be looking at having someone like his parents filling out the I-134?

    I'm sorry if this is repetetive- I feel like I've been going in cirlces trying to figure this stuff out. I really appreciate anything anyone has to offer!!!

    Thanks heaps!

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