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Posts posted by wifebeater

  1. She is hot! I wonder what the other one looks like?

    I bet the other one can't sleep at night and she is afraid to answer the phone, afraid to read the newspaper, afraid to check her email.

    She has to know that someone is hunting for her identity.

    There actually might be more than 2 of them.... oh my, this could get big!

  2. I was surprised illegal immigrants are going to be covered.

    I'm surprised you haven't gotten the memo yet: They are not.

    Really so they'll still have to go to the emergency room. That is just going to continue to overwhelm the emergency room in some states.

    That is an immigration enforcement issue that will also need to be tackled.

    I hope they are too busy to tackled immigration. There are a lot of hopeless people in the world and as a wealthy nation, we should do more to help them, not punish them just because they were born on the wrong patch of earth.

  3. I was surprised illegal immigrants are going to be covered.

    I'm surprised you haven't gotten the memo yet: They are not.

    Really so they'll still have to go to the emergency room. That is just going to continue to overwhelm the emergency room in some states.

  4. Obama is the man!!!

    I hope health care passes. I want the public option, however so that my wife and kids are covered. It is extremely inconvenient to visit the emergency room every time we have a problem. I'm so glad immigration officials do not check credit because I owe the county hospital a lot of money. They wreck your credit when you don't have health insurance. Lucky for me, my landlord noticed that I owe only the hospital and a health group.

    I was surprised illegal immigrants are going to be covered.

    Anyone know if food stamps are a strike against legal immigrants? We spend a lot on food because the local non-profit food pantry is so empty due to the economy.

  5. There are no financial requirements for removal of conditions, and getting your 10 year green card. It doesn't matter if you file jointly, or self-petition.

    The I-751 does require that you file jointly to remove conditions. You can get a waiver of this requirement and self-petition if you meet the necessary requirements. There are two possible grounds for a waiver that might apply to you. First, you could get a waiver based on the abuse. Second, you could get a waiver based on the termination of the marriage (i.e., divorce). The termination of marriage waiver is often called a "good faith" waiver, but the truth is that both waivers require you to show proof that you entered the marriage in good faith, and not for the purpose of immigration. This proof can be difficult to get if you entered the marriage in good faith, but your husband isn't treating the marriage like a partnership.

    The kind of proof they like to see is joint finances (joint bank accounts, joint credit accounts, both names on bills, etc.), cohabitation (both names on title, deed, or lease), and testimony (notarized statements from people who know both you, attesting that you live as a married couple).

    The comments by "wifebeater" (who would choose a nick like that? :blink: ) were rude and unhelpful, but the first sentence was essentially correct. If you intend to file based on abuse then you will need evidence to prove the abuse. One police report (if that's all you have) is not likely to be enough, since the only thing needed to generate a report is to make a call to the police. On the other hand, if your husband was arrested as a result of the report then that would be substantial evidence. In most jurisdictions, police are required to make an arrest if they see physical evidence of abuse - bruises or marks on your body, etc. Hospital or doctor reports regarding your injuries are also good evidence. An evaluation from a psychologist or psychiatrist is good, if mental or emotional abuse is involved.

    If you plan to file based on termination of the marriage, then you must obtain a divorce first. The waiver will not be granted if you are still married, or if the divorce is pending. You need the final divorce decree to obtain the waiver.

    Forget about the finances - they won't matter. Focus on the things you'll need to get the waiver, such as proof of marriage in good faith, and either evidence of abuse or a divorce decree.

    Like you said, except for the first sentence, my post was unhelpful although it was not rude. When someone is telling a one-sided story, there is nothing wrong with wondering aloud as to the truth and logic of the story especially since the story is from a newbie that has no track record on this website.

    Her latest is that he has been unemployed for 6 months and leaves her for his friends with no food in the house. How likely is that after just a short marriage I wonder out loud. Why would he not take her with him I wonder out loud. Why would he have money to be out with his friends yet no money for food I wonder out loud.

    Her husband, if the story is true, is one mean guy, that is for sure.

    To the OP, if your story is true, he is not being fair to you and so I wonder what, if anything, you did to cause your husband to treat you this way. Maybe you didn't do a thing, maybe he is a complete a$$ that simply likes to treat his friends good, but treat his wife like she is a dog in the street. That is an extremely sad state of one's marriage. It seems weird that anyone, after less than 2 years of marriage, would do this to his wife. If things are as bad as you have described, you should quickly look for shelter outside of where you are living now.

    Good luck!!!!!

  6. Hi! I've been married for 1 year and 5 months now.Since i got here,nothing good happened. Everyday we always fight because he is very controlling and always right in everything.I had no job, no car, no friends, no money, can't go anywhere.Stayed at home all day long and all night long all on my own for 1 year and 5 months. My husband goes to work all day til 8pm and comes home take a shower and leave again to hang out with his friends almost every night. He doesn't have time for me and care about me and he controls everything I do and if i ask him to take me somewhere he gets upset.He is very moody and irritable all the time too.I know i am a very good wife to him and never cheated on him.I don't know what i did wrong that makes him treats me like ######. Now i wanna divorce him because he doesn't respect me, beat me (I have police record), insulting me all the time and calling me a ###### and all the nasty words you can think of.I can't explain into words how miserable my life is with him. I felt like i am a slaved here because I'm just at home with no one to talk to and can't do anything at all.Anyway, I just found a job and he said it's ok for me to work. Now my question is how much do i need to earn to be able to support my own self when i remove my conditional green card? I wanna file a self petition when i renew my green card. Please please help.Thank you.


    How much do i need to earn to be able to support my own self when i remove my conditional green card?

    What is the qualifying gross income for self petitioning?

    What is the qualifying gross income if we file jointly?

    There arn't ANY financial requirements to remove conditions. WALA.

    If you have police records he beat you you won't have any problems removing conditions and getting your 10 year GC. Hang onto the police records.

    She better have plenty of records. One case of he-said/she-said isn't going to do it.

    The part about him working all day then coming home to shower and go out with friends sounds unbelievable to me. She makes it sound as if he does this every day of the week. I can't see why anyone would bring a anyone 10,000 miles from home, pay for all the immigration fees simply to work and leave her at home all the time - what would be the purpose in that? I'd believe it if they had more time together, but he is more interested in friends in less than 2 years? That doesn't sound right (it would if she was American, but she isn't). If it is as bad as she says, it seems he would buy her a one-way ticket back to the RP and be done with it. She likely wouldn't have the money to return, get a place to live, get a job, .... etc. etc. in time to file alone.

  7. A-shirt

    A man wearing an A-shirt

    Short for "athletic shirt"[citation needed] because it is often worn in sports, such as basketball and track-and-field events. Also known as a wife beater, Guinea tee or Dago tee (from guinea and dago, ethnic slurs against Italians), or (in British English usage) a vest,[1] (cf. American usage of vest) or in Scots as a semmit,[2] as a singlet in Australia, an A-shirt is usually worn as an undershirt, although it is also commonly worn as a single outer layer especially during warm weather. It gained popularity as worn by men, but is now often worn by women, as well.


  8. Of course he is a racist. Everyone except children is a racist to a degree. "Racist" has a very very broad definition so first order is to decide which definition to use.

    The same goes for ALCOHOLIC - many definitions so depending on which is picked, depends on some being or not being an alcoholic.

    Even pedophile has different definitions so where one person is a pedophile, change the location/definition and said person isn't a pedophile.

  9. They certainly try and do that. But you'd do better, imo to address the poverty divide that leads to deprived areas and which fuels gang recruitment.

    Come on six. Look at the money that the UK and Australia pumps into people, into welfare. This argument might hold water in the US but I do not buy it for a second in the UK and certainly not in Australia; a country where a kid will be paid hold hard cash to go to school. What you refuse to acknowledge is that ghetto and thuggery has become cool. Furthermore, kids in various countries and various ethnicities and demographics think it's cool to gang bang. Which is why gun restriction works there, because at least these kids do not have the opportunity to go out and by a semi-automatic.

    In comparison just think how easy it is for a thug to purchase a gun here. People realize that if you buy a gun from a private seller, there is no background check period. Just look at the video I posted earlier.

    Offhand I can think of several really bad areas in the UK that were/are notorious for gang and other crime (a lot of gun related stuff too). Welfare alone isn't the answer - but things could well be worse without ti.

    UK has its problems, just as the US does. The US just has it on a larger scale.

    Yeap!!!! :thumbs:

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