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Posts posted by Lisamarie

  1. Yes it's really hard to make a decision when there doesn't seem to be a standard. Some people get approved with very little while others front-load and get approved. And the same goes for RFE's and denials. Just go with your gut instinct; that always seems to be the right choice:) If you have any letters from family or friends it would be great to include those, though. I think we had about seven letters, a combination of family (on both sides) and friends wrote them.

    Thanks again. What I have decided to do is go back through the chats (most of which are Yahoo) and pick a couple from each month that show us in normal conversation. If they ask for more I can certainly give it. As for the letter I think I will do as suggested for the petition and just give a brief introductory letter and that is it. If a more detailed letter is neeed later I can always do that. But I am making myself crazy trying to decide is this way best or that way best.....so I made a decision and am sticking to it (I think).

    So the petition will have attached to it the following:

    sample chats from 1 1/2 years

    approximately 30 pictures of my husband and me and some with us and his family

    some emails and ecards we have sent to each other

    stamped passport from 2 visits

    boarding passes and travel itinerary from each trip

    phone records from the past 1 1/2 years

    So I am almost done. Which brings me to my next question: how did you guys mail this? Regular mail?

    Certified mail? Did you send it FedEx?

    Thanks again

  2. For our original packet I printed out actual chats, almost 300 pages of them. They came from Hotmail though, which saves in your documents, so they could be easily edited. Our attorney said they were pretty much useless (don't remember her exact words) because of that. For the RFE I printed out Google chat logs, which gave the date, and a couple sentences of each chat. That seemed to work much better. Good luck with everything:))

    Hey guys,

    I was up most of the night working on my petition - I have bronchitis and couldn't breathe lying down so might as well be working on this. And I have a couple of questions and I have been searching the archives and I see several different points of view on these so I am wondering if I might ask you:

    1. Did most of you print out the actual chats between you and your husband? I know I can't print them all - it would be WAY too much. And quite honestly there is personal stuff I don't want them to read. So I thought about printing samples during our relationship and I see some have done that. I also see some have printed out something showing just the dates and times they were on Yahoo Chat but not the actual conversations - though for the life of me I can't figure out how to do that yet. So I just wanted to ask your opinions on that.

    2. Pictures: How did you send them? Did you have them in a sort of album? We don't have tons to send probably between 30 and 40. I assume I need to write notations on them showing what they were. I was thinking of attaching them to paper with the explanation and date written above.

    I know some people have done this different ways and am just asking how you did yours.

    Thanks for the help.

  3. We didn't write letters for our original packet (although we did have some letters from family members). For the RFE response we did write them, they were personal and straight from our hearts, and our attorney put them first in the packet, before anything else, which made me feel like they carried a lot of weight. We were approved lightning fast after that. Just our experience and I know there are many differences in opinion about this.

    Well I see some differing opinions about whether to write the letter or not. I had thought of just telling how we met and how our relationship developed, our first meeting, our decision to get married, his family being happy about our marriage, our age difference, my conversion to Islam, our second meeting, our decision not to have a wedding ceremony, our life together while living in Morocco. Maybe that is just too much. Maybe it helps. I see some difference of opinions. Same with chat logs. I see a difference of opinions.

    I feel a little lost. I don't want to give them anything to use against us. But it is Casa so I have heard to cover everything. I never thought that the part of putting together the petition would be so confusing. I have the pictures figured out. I have everything else attached. Just have to decide whether or not to include this letter and what to do about the chat logs.

  4. Be relaxed and be yourself, for starters smile.gif

    Have a nice appearance and be respectful with your answers (or questions). If you don't understand a question, TELL THEM you don't understand. Don't try to answer a question you don't understand or you might give the wrong answer. Best of luck to you!

    YESSSSS!!!! Tomorrow will be finally the day that will put an end (hopefully) to our immigration process!

    Please pray for us, so everything goes smooth! I got a huge pile of papers to bring to the Consulate, and I'm confident that we have covered all the requirements.... but still I am very nervous!

    Unfortunately my fiance was not able to travel to be with me during the interview, so I have attend the interview alone, but I'm staying positive that it all work out great.

    I'll keep you posted

  5. Well I'm going to be in the minority here....I believe that everyone has their own way of dealing with relationship breakups, abuse, etc. Some people can shrug them off and move on, others need to talk about it as in therapy to understand and get past it and forget about it, some never really forget about it.....but that doesn't mean they can't move on and into friendships or a healthy relationship at some point. Everyone is different and for some, "taking time" means more sitting around dwelling on it, trying to make sense out of it, and more feeling sorry for yourself. Meeting people and getting out socially can make that person feel good about themselves again. Having someone to talk to, laugh with, share thoughts with.... Life is too short for so much sadness. I say enjoy your new friend and find some happiness again smile.gif

  6. Congratulations!!! :dance::dance:

    Helloooo everyone and hope to find u all well :D Imad's interview in Casa was this morning. He called me at 8:05am to tell me he got approved!!! He couldn't give me details yet but he will this evening when he comes on skype. He goes Wednesday to pick up his visa. SOOOOOOOOO happy right now. I cried and laughed at the same time I was excited.. Good luck to everyone else with upcoming interviews and just be yourself and relax while your there. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

  7. Congratulations!!! I wish you the best on the rest of your journey/

    woke up early this morning to a text saying case updated. thought it would say approved or RFE or sumthing so rushed over to my computer and check the status and there it was. :dance::dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

    couple weeks past my 5month mark I was starting to get abit worried....

    I sent in a service request last week and also contact tier 2 associate per darnell advise. not sure how much those things helped my case but needless to say I am so very happy right now!

    thanks everyone who assisted me thus far especially Darnell. hope the rest of the process goes smoothly.

    and everyone waiting am sure you will get your approval soon. I know these past few weeks I was going abit crazy but turns out everything ok so be patient and wait for the good news.

  8. That was the last thing they asked him. He told them he would hope I would go live with him there. They told him "Congratulations we are giving you a visa".......His interview was very smooth, although they did ask him lots of questions and he had to write information down about me and my family. I think it lasted about 45 minutes. The key is to be relaxed (as much as possible) and be yourself :)

    Never heard of the third question.. like you said they had already made their minds up.

    I don't know how will mine go when there's gap age.. it'll not go smoothly for sure.

  9. He was also asked many questions about my kids and family members, but we had spent so many countless hours talking online that he knew everything about them. He had also spoken to my kids and other family members on the phone. Have you spoken to her mom or anyone else in her family? Do they accept your relationship? You should've been talking on the mic all this time to improve your English. You can still start now...better late than never;)

  10. My husband was asked "What do you love about your wife", and "What do you dislike about your wife"...... and what would he do if they didn't give him the visa? Among lots of other questions....From the way the interview went though, I think they had already made their minds up for the most part before he ever arrived but meeting him was the clincher for him to get the visa.

  11. I wish you the best. Prepare, prepare, prepare.....and most of all, go in there relaxed and just be yourself. :)

    quote name='zagray' timestamp='1345650978' post='5631430']

    Hi guys! just wanna let you know that The date of my interview is scheduled on 25 September, I guess there are some VJ members who have the same date that They may meet Zyzz at Casablanca hahaha.

    Oh by the way, my fiancee's birthday is 21 September.. time to kneel and pray and do the best i could to not disappoint my fiancee after her birthday, hoping to get not denied otherwise i'll end up getting hard attack or something hahaha.

    I miss you VJ members.

  12. What a sad situation.............I hope she can get out of the situation quickly and safely, and I hope the other poster is doing ok and is in a safe place. I can't imagine going through the whole immigration process just to bring someone over here that's going to abuse you. It's beyond awful.....:(

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