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Posts posted by Matt39

  1. Well I called today and were still stuck in AP :angry: Whats really interesting is that I got a call at 7:30AM that hung up after a few rings, I am positive it was a number from NVC. Maybe there seeing if my cell number is real. You would think if they wanted to get a hold of me they would wait until I answer or leave a message.

  2. Thanks for all the responses. My fiance and I can worry a little less now.

    There should definitely be no issues. They require two years between K1s if the first one did not end in marriage, but even then you can petition for an exemption. In your case after a 10 year marriage and subsequent divorce, there shouldn't be any flags. And if the second marriage lasts "only" 10 years, you would be doing better than 50% of American-American 2nd marriages (but let's hope that it's much longer than that!). Good luck!
  3. Hi there, this is my first post and I am so thankful for all the great info this site provides. I have a few questions that I hope someone here can give me some advice for. In 1998 I brought a Filipina to the US on a K-1 visa. We were married for 10 years and have a 5 year old son. She filed for divorce last year and had another man etc. Our divorce was final this past June 4th. I met someone new online and started talking to her everyday and then I went to the Philippines this past July-August for 18 days to be with her. She is 100% the right person for me and the most amazing girl I have ever met so I filed the I-129F on August 21st.

    My question is… has anyone else gotten a 2nd K-1 for another fiancé from the same embassy? Since there is only a 3 month difference between when I was officially divorced and when I applied for the I-129F, is that going to be a problem at the interview? We are already gathering lots of evidence to show our relationship is real. I think that technically we should be fine, since I am divorced and I meet her in the Philippines after I was divorced, but I am wondering if they take into account how soon after it was?

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