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Posts posted by garnet80

  1. Hello,

    My husband came to the US from Canada on a K-1, adjusted status, had his 2 year green card. His wallet has been missing for a few months. We don't believe it was stolen. Accounts haven't been touched, etc. Honestly, he didn't even notice it was gone for a couple of weeks. We had been in the NICU with our newborn son when he lost it, and during his (our son) 3 month stay, an emergency hospital transfer, and the uncertainty of if he would even make it, the wallet was the last thing on our minds.

    My husband did not normally carry the green card on him, but he had it with him for reasons even he doesn't recall. >.<

    Our son is home right now, (can change at any time - the PICU is where he would go next) so I realized we better get going on fixing this, since he now can't drive, and more or less has no id. We have a copy of the front of the green card, but not the back.

    Anyway, his 2 year card expires next November I think? So we have a bit under a year to get this replaced. We really can't afford the hefty fee of a replacement card, but I looked at the fee waiver, and since we make less than 150% of the national poverty line, I think we could get a waiver. I ordered a tax transcript for 2010 which shows our income.

    In 2010 we both worked, but I think we still would have been within the poverty lines. Now, I am unable to work, because I stay home to care for our son, so even less money is coming in.

    My questions are:

    *Myself and my mother had to be his financial sponsors with the K1 and AOS. My husband is not on ANY public assistance, although my son and I (both USC) are on Medicaid (No WIC, Welfare, Food stamps, etc). Since my mother and I are his sponsors, does that mean that she and I are responsible for the replacement fee? Either before the waiver, or could the government come after my mother and I after the waiver was granted? I was trying to read about it, but got confused...

    Could they deny his request for the waiver because he has sponsors? Could having to have used a waiver screw him up next fall when he applies to remove conditions?

    *I think I understand this part. My husband, son, and I all share a house with my mother. We do not claim her on our taxes and she does not claim us. From what I could tell, we do not need to list her or her income, for the poverty line determination?

    *Does he just apply for the waiver first? Wait for a response, if it's approved, he begins the card replacement process?

    Should he be denied, I'm not sure what we would do. I hope there isn't some sort of rule where you have to file for whatever it was you wanted the waiver for within so many days of the decision on the waiver.

    Our son is still very very ill, this could not be happening at a worse time. Having to go do biometrics again and such, it's like a 3 hour car drive away.

    When we apply to remove conditions, I just pray there is no interview. I don't know how we would both get out there, if our son is still in the condition he's currently in. He could not come with us, and he has intense medical care routines. He can't be left with anyone because of that, as well as the possibility of him picking up an illness from new person. Even my mother is unable to do his medical care.

    Anyway I'm sorry this is so long. I really did try to figure this all out myself, but my brain is fried, and I want to make sure I am not making stupid assumptions.

    Thanks to anyone with advice/answers.

    I WILL be ripping this house apart one more time before we start this process. I don't have much hope, but it's worth one more shot...

  2. We are too broke to do Christmas this year. I feel really badly that we can't send gifts to the inlaws. :(

    I did manage to get a surprise for my husband. We had our green card interview on the 14th and were approved, so now that I know he's staying for real, I added him to my cell plan, and got him a new phone. He's been without one for over six months, just started a new job, so I hope he'll be excited about it.

    Next year maybe we'll be in a better position, and be able to spoil the baby and each other. :)

  3. I've kind of asked this before, but where we are in the process has changed, so I'll ask again.

    Yesterday was our AOS interview, and we were told by the officer that he was recommending approval. So assuming that goes well, the next immigration step will be 90 days before his two year gc expires.

    Anyway, I am pregnant. I have amazing health insurance, but there is a very, very strong chance I will lose it before the birth of the baby. My work offers a plan that is more or less worthless and there is a good chance dh wont have access to good coverage by then either.

    I am fairly sure that the baby and I would qualify for medicaid. I would rather not go on assistance, and would get off of it as soon as I could, but the health of the baby is top priority of course. My long winded post just comes down to, will it have any possible way to hurt my dh and his removal of conditions if I end up using public assistance for health care, for a brief period(he will not be on it at any time)?

    Thanks for any thoughts.

  4. We had our interview in Kansas City, Missouri on Dec 14th. Long drive! Once we got there, the security officer was super nice. He chatted with us, told us not to be nervous, and he gave me no trouble with my medication pump setting the alarms off (I told him it was all metal inside and would do so).

    We didn't wait long once inside, before a youngish officer called us back. He too was extremely friendly, he wasn't intimidating, he just seemed genuinely interested in our story, and was easy to talk to.

    I (I am the USC) was asked my husbands name, his birth date, his parents names, if I worked, what our address is, how we met, if I had met his parents.

    He asked dh our dogs name, if he had met my parents, some details on the dates of our meeting/visits, and questions such as if he had ever killed anyone, if he had been through a situation where we wanted him out of the country, etc.

    He asked us together about how our relationship progressed, if the baby was ours together, the size of our wedding.

    He looked through our picture book, seemed to like the pics of our dog all dressed up at the wedding, scanned two of the photos from the 4th of July, and he took the letter our reverend wrote on our behalf (he seemed happy it was sealed, and surprised) to add to our file. He glanced at the stack of greeting cards I brought, which were from the wedding and baby congrats.

    We were in there a very short time. The officer was great, and at the end, he said he would suggest approval. The computer systems were down, so pending one background check/higher up check (?) they will be putting the green card in the mail in a couple weeks. He would have stamped his passport right then if the computer was up, but instead he let him keep his work permit, and gave him a sheet of paper congratulating him.

    I will post a review in the proper section once he finally has his green card. The uscis site still has us on "Request for Evidence Response Review" ... which is way outdated. I guess it wont do much good to watch for updates there?

    Anyway, I am so thankful to be done with this for a couple of years, and a big :thumbs: to the KC office!

    Thank you to everyone for all of the help getting us from our first posts about if a K1 was right for us, all the way to now, green card likely on the way. :)

  5. Thanks Vanessa! :) I was one of MANY Sarah's in school, year, after year. I had to be Sarah H. or worse, just a number, because there was more than one Sarah H! I was the opposite way, lol, I hear my name and don't respond since it didn't seem like anyone ever meant *me.*

    We aren't spilling the name beans until the baby comes to friends or family, but I'm hopeful it will be well received.

    I'm feeling better about things today. We have given them no valid reason to deny us... so if they come up with something, we will be putting up the best fight we have in us. :D

  6. Vanessa&Tony, those names are great! Well, except for the last ones. :) My middle name is Elizabeth, and I always wished it was my first. I'm with you on the trendy names, and the "new" spellings. Just aren't for us. Our girl name is pretty much set in stone, Kaylie. :) We don't want her to be one of like, five in her class, but we also don't want to give her anything too out there. Plus it has the Kay nickname built in, which she might prefer as an adult. We came up with this shortly after our Ava phase hehe.

    jkelly07, the baby wont be born until June, dh hasn't been here during a tax season yet, and we don't have joint checks (we do have joint statements though). Thank you for your suggestions, believe me, I wish I could use them!!

  7. According to the baby growth, my OB says I'm 12 weeks, 4 days. According to my own charting, I am 13 weeks 6 days. Don't know the gender yet, but we can't wait to find out. :D Names are coming along! We've bounced several around, keep using them to see if they sound as good out loud as in our heads. :) It's the first baby for either of us, and the first grandchild on either side, so lots of excitement!

  8. Thank you! Great advice. And I will add our ultrasound pics to the folder!

    I haven't changed my name yet (I have left the house for doctor visits, a hospital stay, and not much else in the past few months, due to being so sick). No joint health (I am on an old policy until he gets one at a new job I can join), we don't have the money to add him to auto insurance until he's working, and unfortunately nothing at work either. Things would have been so much easier if they had given him his work permit a little sooner, rather than within weeks of the interview.

    Thank you again. We appreciate your help, and will do our best to follow the suggestions. :)

  9. If someone would, please look over what we've put together? Our interview is Tuesday morning, and I'm of course quite nervous.

    *small photo album with wedding pics, as well as pics of us living our life together

    *a sheet with 3 drivers licenses on it, proving that dh and I are sharing a home with my mother

    *wedding greeting cards addressed to both of us

    *pregnancy congratulation cards addressed to both of us

    *bank statement with both of our names (although there hasn't been much activity, I'm on medical leave from my job, and dh just got his work permit a couple weeks ago... my mother and our wedding gifts have kept us afloat)

    *mail coming to my dh

    *a sealed letter from the reverend who married us, confirming our marriage is genuine and she stands behind it

    *a sheet with credit cards in my/his name, but same account (bills only come to me) number

    *our birth certificates

    *marriage certificate

    *dh's passport as well as all of the letters he's gotten about our case, his work permit, all of that

    *a copy of his vaccination proof

    I think that is about it. I'm pregnant and have been very sick (on an anti vomiting pump for 24/7 medication), and of course with his not being legally able to even start to look for work until just recently, I'm scared we don't have very good evidence. :help:

    If you have any suggestions at all, please share. We are open to doing anything we can.

    Thanks very much!

  10. The same thing happened to us, an RFE (which was just for a copy of something that they lost...), then interview was scheduled. My husband didn't get his work permit until a couple weeks ago, and our interview is Dec 14th. It's hard to have the evidence they want when you aren't allowed to work. :wacko:

    Do you have your social security card? I would recommend getting on the bank account, income or not. I think they want to see the trust is there that the finances are combined. So if you can be added to some bills, that would be good too? Do you have a drivers license or permit? They could both show the same address. Pics of the wedding, pics of your life together, cards from friends/family addressed to the two of you at the home you share...

    I'm on the same road as you, so this is just what I'm doing. I'm sure others will have better advice.

    Good luck with your interview, and I hope your work permit comes soon!

  11. We had an RFE for one missing piece of paper (it was there when I sent it but...), which I quickly sent back in. We didn't apply for AP, just EAD with AOS. We never heard anything concerning the returned RFE, just got an interview date. Does this mean our RFE was accepted as okay? Or is the fact that we got an interview bad news? Should we even hope for his EAD still? Interview is in about 5 weeks from now, but any work would be a good thing.


    Oh... I'm also curious, will my pregnancy likely be a good thing, or will it not matter? I would think it would help prove we are a genuine couple but? By the interview I'll be in my second trimester (my ticker is off, I'm about half way through my 8th week), and due to how short I am, I expect it will be fairly obvious that we're expecting.

  12. Thank you for your reply. DH isn't working yet, and my job offers miserable health insurance I don't have, we have no life insurance, investments (can't afford anything!), but maybe we can get a membership somewhere together. Thank you for the idea. The rest sounds easy enough, I appreciate your help!

    We really couldn't care less when the GC is issued we just want the work permit. Wish we could trade spots lol.

  13. I was sure hoping to be among the lucky that are sent to CSC...

    But December 14 is our date. Is it a bad sign to get an interview? I just ask because it seems like more people don't, than do?

    It says to bring the medical stuff, and affidavit of support papers unless already submitted, which they were with the application... is it safe to assume those are covered?

    I'm not quite sure what they mean, documentation establishing your eligibility for lawful permanent residence status?

    Then the supporting evidence of our relationship. We don't have much. There are pictures, we share a banking account, and a gas credit card. We are sharing a house with my mother, but it's all in her name. ALl of the utility bills are in her name too. :/

    Original and copy of each supporting document that we submitted with our application. Erm... not sure what they're referring to exactly. >.<

    The interview is in Kansas City, MO. Has anyone had an interview there? I would like to prepare for what they are are going to hit us with. Is it generally the same everywhere?

    I'm suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum this pregnancy and REALLY dread this. :l Sure would have been nice if he'd gotten his work permit, I wonder if they'll even send one now.

    Thank you for any help.

  14. Cover 4? Nah, your unborn babe doesn't count just yet and you're not due for some time I'm sure, so don't worry. Even then, $27,562 is the 125% of the poverty line for 4, $22,887 is for 3. If it makes you feel any better my husband was at school full-time and working part-time when he did my I-864 so we scraped by by around $1000... and we were approved no issue. Over the line is over the line, doesn't matter if it's just $10 :)

    RFE doesn't promise interview. You could still be fine. Even if you do have an interview I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep all your co-mingling evidence in a little box and when the time comes you'll be fine. It's definitely not an issue to have an interview if you're a loving legit couple.

    Crossing our fingers for no interview then! And if we have one, that it happens sooner than later. We put the RFE back in the mail this morning. It's only going a state over, so I hope the wheels get moving again quickly.

    Thanks for your help and insight through this!

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