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Posts posted by nijusjaanu

  1. Hi Everyone,

    I was hoping that someone might know the answer to this... my husband (American) has been transferred to the UK with his company for 2-3 years. We will definitely return to the US after the assignment. Does anyone know if I need to notify the USCIS? I would like the process to continue and keep the Greencard for our return. Thanks in advance for your help!


    re-entry permits aren't too difficult. i'm an immigration paralegal, so i've filed a few of them.

    what you'll need:

    a copy of form I-131

    Current US address

    Color copy of biographic page of your passport

    Current re-entry permit, if applicable

    Color copy of green card

    and since you're accompanying your husband on a work assignment, it's helpful to get a letter from his employer stating his job duties and the fact that the assignment is temporary.

    you must file the re-entry permit while you are INSIDE THE US! but you don't have to stay here until it's approved - it can be mailed to you abroad.

    hope this helps!

  2. i've got some pretty strong views on the term, myself. personally, the word "illegal" when referring to a person is de-humanizing. there are more sides to it than just blanketly calling people illegal immigrants. i know, because i was called that (and detained for it) before and it was definately not all they said it was.

    Dehumanizing you say? Hmmm. Do you suppose it might hurt a law-breakers feelings to get tossed in jail? That is rather de-humanizing. Law-breakers in America, have committed illegal acts. That's why they are called law-breakers. Many today are referring to illegal aliens, just like that. ILLEGAL! Why? Well, you know it's pretty simple as to WHY. Because they broke the law. They violated the law when they crossed the border. They violated the law when they remained in this country. They violated the law when they obtained a job in this country. They continue to violate the law every day they are here. What is a criminal if not someone who violates the law? Deal with it ... they're criminals.

    jesus christ! i'm just saying that sometimes there's more to it than what's on the surface. i agree that the people who sneek over the border and intentionally stay here without any right to ARE criminals and should be punished for it. but sometimes there's more to it.

  3. i've got some pretty strong views on the term, myself. personally, the word "illegal" when referring to a person is de-humanizing. there are more sides to it than just blanketly calling people illegal immigrants. i know, because i was called that (and detained for it) before and it was definately not all they said it was.

    Were you in Canada in violation of the terms of your visa?

    no. i was in canada, yes, but as a visitor. i never overstayed (came close, but i didn't). they accused me of marriage fraud. the said detaining me was "for my own good" because nizzar was "just looking for a visa" and that i was "stupid" for marrying him. insult to injury, if you ask me.

  4. i've got some pretty strong views on the term, myself. personally, the word "illegal" when referring to a person is de-humanizing. there are more sides to it than just blanketly calling people illegal immigrants. i know, because i was called that (and detained for it) before and it was definately not all they said it was.

  5. mine's from a movie called Kaal ... the opening number is very sexy, and stars my favorite actor, shah rukh khan :P

  6. At first it was a huge problem and I would go sleep on the couch. Now we basically sleep on top of each other all entwined. I never though an insomniac like me could fall asleep with someone's head on top of my own and snoring! But I can and i love the closeness.

    sounds kinda like it is for us .... i used to sleep all spread out (and diagonally, if i had a big enough bed). now we could fit in a twin size with as much as we cuddle :luv:

  7. i've kinda come to terms with it. because nizzar got the job with me, i had him for almost a month longer than we were planning (and it paid for almost all his rent until i get there). and it'll be really nice for him to be established there ... kinda preparing a place for me :thumbs:

    so thanks for the well-wishes! (F) i'll keep everyone updated (though not too much is really happening :P) ... but more importantly, i'll keep coming around here for company :D

  8. Like all the undocumented are just going to nod, pack up, head back to Mexico and get in line?

    Har har har.

    exactly. are they going to send border patrol out to arrest the people who don't leave? how can they keep track of them? :huh:

  9. Then we know other people where every time we see them, the wives of the marriages are out doing one thing while the husbands are together doing something else. It's interesting to see the differences. All of us are friends with each other, women and men both, so we never think of segregating the genders when making plans. So Sujeet and I are together during every possible activity outside of work. :D

    I think it's rather good to have outside interests, activities, plans, goals, hobbies...whatever you want to call them. We aren't cut from the same cloth, so I wouldn't expect him to be interested or even want to do everything with me, and vice versa. And I enjoy his nights out with the boys as much as he does...hahahahaa! I mean why would I want to go to some stinky punk gig and moan about being there, making him have less of a good time, when he can do that with someone who is just as enthusiastic about the gig as him? Also, there is nothing wrong with just being in the same room, if not occupied with the same activity. We don't need to have all of our attention focused on each other all the time we are together. :no:

    BUT that said...he DOES watch Gilmore Girls with me... :thumbs::yes::lol:

    Once in awhile Sujeet will end up watching Gilmore girls with me, after he says how stupid it is. :D

    We do have a lot of different interests(I like music, certain Tv shows, decorating/he likes figuring out technical things, likes watching the news, programming things, etc hehe), and we do sometimes sit in the same room doing different things and it just feels nice being around eachother even if we are not doing the same thing. We just get irritated if the other stays on the computer for hours straight while we're both home, because it's in it's own room away from everything else. Sujeet is gone about 12hours per day so we try to spend time together a lot when he's not at work. And on the weekends, we both like doing the same stuff so we don't make separate plans. We really enjoy doing things together all the time, and doing things together with all our friends. Maybe it's cuz he works long days(salary jobs, I'm sure you know how it is!). I know it's different from couple to couple and I'm sure in the future we would do separate things from time to time after being married longer.

    nizzar and i are the same way. when we're home together, we like to do stuff with one another (although, in this city, we're quickly running out of things to do). but being in the same room is nice. he spends more time on the computer than i do (although, not on vj), and sometimes that bothers me (not recently, though ... when we first got married it was more of a problem. we talked about it, and he doesn't spend as much time on it now -- though i'm not going to be so unfair that i never let him do his own thing. i think we have a nice balance.)

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