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Status Updates posted by Chavonia

  1. Hello there! Actually, I think it was just a week or so. Not long at all. Did you get approved?

  2. Good luck on your application! Hope that helps. Preparation, organization, and a little obsessiveness on the paperwork is the key. Also, getting things printed at like a kinkos or copy place really helps because they have nice paper. Makes sure everything is properly labeled and always include a signed official statement when more info is needed.

  3. Hey there,

    Well, first of all we made our own check list to see if we had everything. Part of our success has to do with the organization of the application. Everything was separated by paper clips. The I-485, the affidavit of support, the G-35A, etc. Each section was then placed in its own clear plastic paper cover and every clear plastic paper cover was labeled of it contents.

  4. Hi Randall747s

    Every plastic cover was labeled with a post it. They on't ever want you to staple anything. Keeping your packet organized and easy for them to access not only makes it easier for them to find what they are looking for but most importantly, it makes you look responsible and truthful. We checked each application several times before placing it in to be sure it wa...

  5. AOS approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Email notification of decision letter sent...

    1. Carol & Lenin

      Carol & Lenin

      hope its a good one!

  7. We filed our AOS today...

  8. I finally wrote my review in the consulate review section on the site. I hope it is helpful but it was very unique to our situation. Best wishes to everyone!

  9. I am flying right now with not much time to write my review. I promise it will be soon!

    1. Sylvia y Radhames

      Sylvia y Radhames

      Y donde tu estas???? Is your hunny with you now? Check in woman - LOL...wondering where you guys are.

  10. APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00t w00t! World of Warcraft ftw!! =D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sylvia y Radhames

      Sylvia y Radhames

      Don't forget to put in your review of the interview on the timeline page. Let me know what to expect please! Congrats again!

    3. loveway75
    4. Mag&Kelvin
  11. SEcond status update today, lol. I can't stay off this site with the interview tomorrow. Waiting on my babe to get home for work so we can get everything together. Yikes!!!!!

    1. dierathy


      OMG today is your big day!!!!! let me know everything! Im so exited for you! Good Luck! :)

  12. This time tomorrow my fiance and I will be at our interview...!!!!!!

  13. Hey! Sorry about the confusion with my interview date. It was always July 9, 2010. Thanks for asking me about that because I would have never known it was incorrect. Good luck with your case. I will be sure to post a review of my experience.=)

  14. : Fiancé just picked up packet 4 from the consulate! w00t!!

    1. robert477


      On your timeline it says you had your interview already. Did you have the interview? Or did you have to reschedule because he did not receive packet 4?

  15. My fiance has to go in to get packet 4. #######..

  16. wants packet 3!!!!

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