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Posts posted by andywolfe

  1. I am wondering if someone can help me in answering these questions. My background is that I became a U.S citizen in 2008. My wife received her green card in 2010. She has gone back to her native country temporarily and she is pregnant. She plans to have the baby in her native country. She is planning to comeback after a few months passed the delivery date of the child. We are still in a committed relationship. My question are

    1). Since I have been a U.S citizen for less then 5 year, would that fact have any affect in bringing my infant back to U.S?

    2). What kind of form, proof of relationship etc do I need to file with Immigration so that they can give the visa to my newborn also in my native country?

    3). Since I am a U.S citizen, would my child be a U.S citizen automatically or would I have fill out some forms for him once he gets to U.S?

    4). Is there a limit to how many months can a green card holder stay out of the U.S?

    Thanks for answering these questions.

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